Dan Shane



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
U.S. EPA Emergency Response
Dept. Web Site:
http://www.epaosc.org/region 9
About Me:
If you like, I can send you the FOSC Report on the Westley Tire Fire - how we put it out in 29 days.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I am a Federal On-Scene Coordinator for U.S. EPA Region 9, San Francisco, CA. I have been doing hazardous materials response work for 23 years. I was the Federal Incident
Commander for the Panoche Tire Fire (Fresno County), Westley Tire Fire (Stanislaus County and the Guam Tire Fire (Ordot Landfill).
Top Issues Facing Responders:
We are preparing an exercise for our Federal On-Scene
Coordinators. The scenario is a forklift driver
accidentally punctures an anhydrous ammonia tank at a fish processing facility (aka Morro Bay Ammonia Release).
Responders in level B (annual level B exercise) will be tasked to set-up a treatment system to treat the
vapors by assembling a diffusion tank.

Do you have any guidance on how to set up an
emergency water diffusion system for an anhydrous ammonia tank and cylinder leak? If not, do you have a suggestion on where I could find that sort of

Comment Wall:

  • Christian Cossey

    How's it going?
  • Christian Cossey

    I don't think we know each other. You just seemed interesting so I added you as a friend. Is that okay?