Alex, Ossendorf


Cologne / Köln


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
Sergeant, Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS), EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS), Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Berufsfeuerwehr Troisdorf
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I was 8 years in the Army with International Military Police at the NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen/Germany, NATO Airborn early warning and control Force.
About Me:
I started my active duty in 1997 with the Volunteer Fire Dept of Troisdorf.
I left the Army in April 2008 and joined the Berufsfeuerwehr of Aachen (Paid), graduated on 30.09.09(Brandmeister). Started on 01.12.09 new position with the Troisdorf Fire Dept (Paid)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It is the best job on this planet

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  • Mike Lintz

    Dass ich nicht weib. Vielen Dank
  • Ina Dummann

    hallo alex..jemand aus deutschland hier ..das ist toll...liebe grüße ina
  • Ina Dummann

    ja darauf komm ich gerne zurück ...bin quasi anfänger was englisch betrifft...aber gebe mein bestes
  • Chris C.

    How r you doing Bro
  • Mike Lintz

    Dinge gehen hier groß. Eine kleine Kälte aber ander weise gut. Wie passen Dinge zu Ihnen? Haben Sie einen Großen Tag und Aufenthaltsafe.
  • Southern Chick

    hey there! yeh the sand box is hot as heck! lol! its been a low of 100* and high of i think 120* so far but its only going to get hotter! lol! but yeh i hope all is well! oh and i added a few new pics be sure to check out a few of the things here in Iraq! lol! take care and talk to you later!

    Much Love,
  • Chris C.

    Hey Bro I got the T-shirts, Gloves and the patches u sent Thanks. Im still looking for a bunker coat and pants 4 u. I would like to see the pic I will try to get some pics of me in your helmet at a fire Im going to this sunday. Should I leave the wind shield on or should I take it off?
  • Chris C.

    It was great Bro
  • dan172

    Ossi Thanks for the add, I figured since you have been talking with my son Chris for so long and all I hear about is Ossi said this and Ossi said that I would talk to once and a while myself. Take care and be Safe
  • Chris C.

    Those gloves worked great in the fire unforntly they would not let me wear the helmet inside the fire but I did get to wear it out side and some people got pics of me in the helmet as soon as I get them I will send them to you... Stay low stay safe Bro
  • John Waltenbaugh

    Hey Alex , just checkin in , Did you get in on that "Big" one that we got video of over in the states
    Stay safe my friend
  • Juan Esteban Kunstmann

    Hallo Alex. Some fire departments in Chile were established by german settlers, like my department, which is more than 150 years old. If you want to learn more about my "german" station and chilean feuerwehr, visit
    be safe
  • Chris C.

    hey just to let you know the package you sent me back in may must have got lost in the mail agin sine I havent seen it yet. Hopefully in the next week or so Ill get some gloves to send you.

    Stay low stay safe Bro
  • Chris C.

    Yes i got the one with the T-shirts, Gloves and the patches. But I thought you said that sent a bunker coat for me. I could be wrong.
  • Chris C.

    Oh ok thats cool. Im still looking for a set for you I did find some Gloves for you Ill try to send them soon.
  • Chris C.

    Good news I found you a set of used gear. I dont know how good of a set it is but the guy Im get off of says that there is no rips but right knee pad is torn and there are some stains on it but other then that its ok. Ill let you know more when I get it.

    Stay low stay safe Bro
  • Chris C.

    Sounds great. Wish you a great weekend too Bro
  • Ina Dummann

    hey die mail ging an alle...deswegen warscheinlich englisch....aber ich schreibe dir auch gerne in deutsch...grins....liebe grüße ina
  • Chris C.

    Thats great Bro. As soon as i can find a box Ill send yours to you.
  • Southern Chick

    Hey there! sorry its been so long since I have been able to write, stuff is starting to pick up around here since wee will be heading home here soon! I just wanted to stop while I had a second and tell you all thank you for your love and suppport! I hope all is well at home and see yall soon!
    Take care and Be Safe!

    Much Love,
  • Ashley

    Hey Alex,

    What's up? I see that you will be graduating from the Brandmeister.....That's great!!! The department I got on with is having an academy too....and we're graduating in September also!!

    Otherwise, how are things?
  • Ashley

    Hey Alex,

    I'm doing good, busy, and can't wait till the academy is over also. I'm not sure what u mean by "pro"...Probationary/Rookie/Newbie? I am and I'm not. I will be considered Rookie/Pro, with the new department because I havent been there a year. However, I have my IFSAC firefighter certifications if that is what you are asking, and going on 5 years of service. So in a grand sense compared to everyone else in the world, yes, I'm still a We were talking about the academy today with my group and we were laughing that it's going to be a switch from 8-5 to a 24hr. shift, especially when we've been doing this for 4.5months.

    Take care and keep in touch
  • Chris C.

    Yes I just got it yesterday. Thanks for all the stuff it all fits great. Ill try to get your gear off to you in a week.
  • Chris C.

    Not much and Its been good over here. I have not had a chanse to send your grear to you yet Ive been busy the last week... What up? How is life over there?

    Stay low stay safe Bro
  • Chris C.

    Thats good and yes I still have your address.
  • Chris C.

    I sent your grear to you today...

    Stay low stay safe Bro
  • Kris Sihachack

    Hi, just stopping by to show some love! ;-D Have a great week.
  • Chris C.

    Not much I've been helping my dad teach a fire class he does every year at the high school we got your helmet from. We heard that your hydrants are located below ground and we were wondering if you can take some pics of them. Like were you keep the hydrants on your apparatus, what kind of markers do you use to tell you were to connect the hydrant, what does the connection look like. If there is any thing you want pics of ill try my best to get them for you.

    Stay safe Bro
  • Ashley

    Did you have graduation yet ? We graduated on 9/11....and start shift next week!! How's things? I'm excited I'm going to London to visit some relatives in November. i'm going to try and get to Germany also. Any suggestions as to where to go in Germany for a day or 2? What large city are you located near....maybe we could meet up?
  • Chris C.

    Not much its been raining over here... Whats up with you?
  • Ashley

    ok, cool... I'm working on my itinerary so let me look at prices etc from london/paris and I'll see what I can do. I'd hate to be in the area and not stop by to see a friend, ya know, especially a world apart.

    Good luck in the up coming days!!! I'm sure you'll do fine!!
  • Chris C.

    Hey Bro whats up
  • Chris C.

    Hey not much... Congratulations on the sergant position! Ill be looking forward to the pics and thanks agin.
  • Ashley

    Hey Alex, not in London yet. I'll be there Nov. 15th. Then fly over to Berlin on the Nov. 19th to the 21st.
  • Ashley

    hey alex, been touring london and having a blast...can't wait to explore germany and paris
  • John Dennis

    Wielen Danke for the welcome Alex! Wie gehts es ihnen?
  • Chris C.

    hey thanks man i sent you my Email
  • Chris C.

    Lol thanks for the pics

    Be safe Bro
  • Ashley

    Hey Alex,

    How's things going ?
  • Chris C.

    Hey what up Bro????

    Be safe Bro
  • Chris C.

    All is good in the usa too. Loveing the snow.. been going to alot of good fires.

    Be safe Bro
  • Ashley

    Hey Alex,

    Happy Valentine's day! Things have been crazy for me too....I'm in the process of buying a house. FD related, that's been crazy too, we have gotten snow for the past 2 weekends, which where I am at is a huge deal because they do not get snow every winter. So they are not prepared to deal with it nor take care of the roadways. So a big mess. Other than that, things are good.

    Take care and be safe Bro
  • Brotherhood Instructors, LLC

  • Michael Ge

    A little bit ...Juter!!! =)
  • Chris C.

    Not much just helping my dad out with he's class, going to fires, training, and trying to find a job..... what have you been up to???
  • Chris C.

    What would u trade for a 2 msa GALLET helmet with a lights? My dad & Ive have been looking for a new rescue helmet but we just cant find any thing i like here in the US..

    Be safe Bro
  • Chris C.

    Me & my dad both would like to have the F1 gallet with the golden protection glass with XP LED lights if possible and as far as neck protection goes we were looking at doing vehicle rescue & firefighting with it so what would you recommend & we would like them to glow in the dark like the first one does and is that all u want is 1 pair of bunker pants for 2 helmets with lights? Oh & my mom wants some German coffee!!

    I’m going to get u a hat made up and a Job shirt (a sweat shirt we wear in the station, has a denim collar, and elbow patches, 1/4 zipper at neck, pocket on chest will fit a portable radio.) great for cold weather calls very comfortable get even more so the more you wash it. I will send you a pic of want it looks like I’m going to make it custom for you so you can wear it when you work or at least I’m going to try you have sent me a lot of cool stuff so I’m going to try to send you something cool

    Be safe Bro
  • Chris C.

    I’m not sure if I can get u black gear because not to many Departments use that color any more do to road safety at night but I will try my best to get u black gear but I know I could get u tan or yellow gear If I can’t get u black what would u want tan or yellow? I’m going to need your measurements so I can get you gear that fits you...Do u need me & my dad to measure are heads so u can get helmets to fit us I know that there are different sizes of helmets?
  • Chris C.

    ok ill see what i can do.....And yes i can measure in cm
  • Chris C.

    I need your measurements

    Be safe Bro