Liz O'Neill


Blue Mountains, NSW


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Mt Tomah
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Bush Fire Fighter
First Aid
Traffic Controller
Village Firefighter
About Me:
I love the Rural Fire Service in NSW. My life has been so fulfilled since I joined. I feel complete. I would love to make friends and network with other people from within Australia and around the world. Contact me, would love to hear from you.
Day Job:
Self Employed
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
As a volunteer, I just wanted to give something back to my community. As a result of joining and participating in various activities, I have found it so rewarding in a multitude of ways.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The people I work with are just amazing, I love the training, and I love helping others.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
We attend lots of Motor Vehicle Accidents as we have no emergency services within our area, we also attend to medical emergencies if required until someone else can arrive. We live in a fairly isolated enclave surrounded by national parks in one themost fire prone areas on earth.

Comment Wall:

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Liz, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Brookings, Oregon
  • FETC

    Welcome Liz, feel free to drop in on many great forums here at FFN. Would love to chat in the future... Bill
  • Robert William Gleeson

    Gday Liz, great to see and meet you here, look forward to reading some of experiences and perhaps some pics Rob.
  • Arron

    Hey Liz,
    Thanks for the add, look forward to chatting, take care
  • Robert William Gleeson

    Well thankyou Liz, for the great comments, I find sites like this very good to share ideas, experiences and feelings with others around the world, hopefully by others experience & knownledge we can all obtain some new ideas to try and correct errors done in the past and make us all safer. I get alot of comments on free handling, especially dangerous or extremely deadly reptiles, seems to freak everyone out. I cant explain why I havent been ever bitten or gored but I do have a theory, only a theory, if I can remain calm and keep them calm they disregard me as a danger maybe ....but when I teach anyone I teach the correct method, the old saying dont do as I do , do as I say, Rob
  • Vic Silverfish

    Liz, Welcome to FFN. I hope you guys are having a good winter. I'll look for you if my brigade (Kellyville) is sent out your way.
  • Firewriter

    Hi Liz, welcome to FFN!
  • Brett Smith

    Hey Liz, thanks for the add. Stay safe and keep in touch.
  • Arron

    Hey Liz, good to see another bunnies supporter, dont know what we are doing this year though, we certainly know how to lose when we are in front...haha, oh well
    Take care
  • Luis Angel Negron

    hey liz thanks for accepting my request stay safe ok.
  • Wayne

    Hi Liz how is life going........hope every thing is going well for is peaceful down in Jervis the moment of course...maybe a different story come summer..
  • Jon Strong

    Welcome Liz to FFN!!!
  • DUST

    Thanks for the add & keep in touch!
  • Capt.Jocelyn Chiasson

    welcome to you stay safe and talk to you later : )
  • Firewriter

    Hi Liz, thanks for the add!
  • Roy Luther

    Thanks for adding me Liz!!!!!!!
  • Capt.Jocelyn Chiasson

    Hi Liz thank for the add!!!
  • A.J. Timmer

    Hey Liz,
    Thanks for accepting me. Sounds like you stay busy down there. What makes yall so fire prone? It can get pretty hot and dry here when we dont get rain in a while. Been a pretty slow summer this year though. Take care. AJ
  • matt graves

    dropin by to say hey, stay safe out there have a great day :)