paula beckham


New Zealand

Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Company Officer (Captain/Lt/Supervisor)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
mangakino vollys lakes district
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
qualified firefighter pump operator driver
About Me:
im 40 a pretty much hands on type of person hobbys are pulling my house apart and rebuilding it bit by bit when money is adviable
Day Job:
contract labour
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to give back to the community and to be honest there is nothing like the buzz of being part of a team of folks out there to save life
Why I Love Fire/EMS
we are like family
Top Issues Facing Responders:
we are all sorted here

Comment Wall:

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Paul, welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Southern Oregon Coast
  • sarah arledge

    hi paul raynel welcome to ffn hope you like here its a great place to be. have a great night stay safe take care
  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn from canada
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Paul, you are more then welcome here Bro. All of us have something to add an contribute. Glad your here.
  • Tony P

    Good to have another Kiwi on board!
  • Tony P

    Hi Paul. Thanks for wanting to help - it was a shit time. I was out a few times, but luckily didn't see any of hta bad stuff. Smoke form a lot of the fires was visible from my suberb.
  • Tony P

    Thanks for the warning! I gave up watching tear-jerking movies years ago - I can't afford the boxes of tissues!

    thanks Bro !! take care
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    omg you guys should see the hail dwn our st n round our house

    anyone feel like a snowcone
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    sweet this site isnt blocked at school hehe. ive emailed soph n mike an invatation

    ohhhh agm kinda looking 4wd to it

    cya later
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    216 points for me so far
    which is bugger all
    there was a forum i wanted to write to but it closed
    it was bout juniors (my age) going to mvas
    i so wanted to comment
    i think this site will so become addictive lol
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    oh u got more points than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ill bet it by tomoroo
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    oh youve got johnny cash
    supose ur pager went off too today
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    ohk ha lucky i herard it beep i was like ae
    ov course everyone looks at me and goes "is there a fire" im like nah
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    quiet a few r replying to my discussion
    i shoud get points for there replys lol
    i find i actually find it real good talking to you n soph n mike n gav bwt stuff that happens ae,i thin its real good easpecially if we all were there cos we kan al sorta relate,
    oh training tomorro
    im so unfit its not funni
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie


    i dont know cos soph jus went on her course
    on saturdae n sundae

    i wanna do some ladders or something or b.a for my book
    yea it does seem real diff with the training
    g2g bell went cya

    Hi Bro !!! sorry but i don't understandt your question..can you explain please..
    thanks ALDO

    hey bro how is it going what happening there well i have been busy alot here and have had alot of calls its good being the fire chief he are you able to send me some patches stay safe

    rob elliott
    8 scobie crescent
    bellambi nsw 2518
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    hey rolley hows ur day going
    i got to drive all way hunterville yesterdae
    had bit of wind,rain and snow
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    oh jus read ur comment

    yea soph was sayin
    i was on desert rd n hadnt put pager on silent n i was like yeap dad this could beep for awhile .lol
    soph said she was rather rude.she was shitty the otherday so in a way im glad i wasnt there cos i wud prob get her goin on bwt it on mondae lol

    hows heather??

  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    yea i will be

    i wanst too bad,ill hopefully be at training, itll give me something to do instead of sitting round at home
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    yea ton tons be here tomoroo
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    hey rolley

    hows it going??
    say hi to heather from me
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    had a feeling it was i sat at station to listen to radio 4 wee bit n they were quiet. n then the herald rang lol i was like i dnt know nothng, they asked if we went i said yes n then they like oh do u have a number so we can ring the truck i was like umm no cos they will be working they wont have time for fone calls. n they were like oh ok thanks anyway . lol gosh they nosey n rude lol. u alryt ,kitty rang earlia n told me bit bwt it.
    its training on mundae ae???
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    yea i know, i told them i dont know whats happening n they thats when they tryed to get the appliance phone number nosey pricks lol
    but i jus told them i dont know n they eventually took the hint i wasnt gunna say nything lol, yea goes on station stays on station. but its like yea well drop what we doing to answer the phone n tell them bwt it. TUI yeah right....i know it there job to inform people but i think it rude to snoop for info they cant respect peoples privacy i mean if it were me i wudnt really want it plastered all ovwer the media.
    ill go to training. prob catch a ride in with soph. are you gunna come to st johns on tuesdae
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    my god winter is freezing on that bike, ive still got cold hands n been home for almost an hour. lol

    have u got ny ideas for my 18th theme????
  • chris walshe

    thanks man
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    theas only two pumps like ours n nz
    found out its hunterville who has the other one
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    hey rolley

    how r ya,
    i got bad flu it totally sucks lol
    been in bed almost all day
    i never ever go to town in my pj's but i made exception for going to doctor lol

    kitty joined ffn too

    anyway im going back to bed
    ill make those muffins when i get better lol

  • michael shane burgess

    cheers rolly.
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    yea heaps better than yesterday
    everytime i stood up i got dizzy
    might go to school tomoro

    how u all
  • michael shane burgess

    no i dont think so mate but if we do ill let you know. cheers
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    wazzzzzzzzzzzz uppppppppppppp

    hello.. i cleaned the appliance today... its almost sparkling...
    wel im off to sophs soon so ill catch ya later her n i gunna make that soup tonight
  • michael shane burgess

    Hows it rolly some of us did hybrid training a couple years back.. what did you want to know just ask supperman you know where i am lol
  • michael shane burgess

    never cut the power you will turn into a crispy critter... take the card out at least 5 meters away so it doesnt start up again, isolate baterys then preety much the same as normal but stay away from the middle of the car where the power gos thrugh.
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    hey rolley

    how are you
    im not too bad tired as... lol
    i gotta drive mum to tok tomara
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    yea the party was good, mum really enjoyed it i think
    sophies mum got to hear how wonderful her daughter is,
    mum did magic colour book with the kids and mike (kitty) was tryna figure it out lol, i think my party gunna be bbig lol made a list of people to invite there 90 atm but not all confirmed cos some wont be able to make it, once i know how many there are will give a ruff idea on how much booze we need to stock up on.

    im off to bed now nyways

    ill drive safe

    see yo
  • Brian Denton

    Hi Paul good to meet you. I am ex secretary from the Ahipara Vol Fire brigade. I moved to Okaihau about 20 yeras ago and have slowly built up the Firehouse Museum as my hobby.I published a book "Chariots for Fire"in 1995. The book covers the pictorial history of the fire appliances in New Zealand. The proceeds from the book got us started with the museum. Now that I am retired we open the museum 7 days & have recently added a Fire Safety classroom for all the visiting children. The museum has 10 full size appliances plus a large collection of uniforms, helmets & other fire memorabillia from NZ & world wide. Maybe you might like to visit us sometime.
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    hey rolley

    how is u
    ill be at station tonight i prob bring mum n get take out, u guys havin da kfc again
    i told mum i dnt want to do caregiverthing, well wrote a letter
    she thought she doin me faver earn money i was like i dnt care bout money caregiving be too much
    so she understands

    holla holla :)
  • Sarah Tinsley MacKenzie

    hey rolley

    how are ya???
    mum going to have dinner at station on friday. i will too

    hey paul how are things there in nz hope all is well hey just wondering if you could send me 2 nz fire rescue patches and i will send some back toi you stay safe brother

    rob elliott
    10 vereker street
    fairy meadow nsw 2519