Firefighter Walther

32, Male

Houston, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
6 months
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Community Volunteer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
6 months
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
has finished my Firefighter Certification Course at HCC, almost done with EMT-B school, just have to hand in the paperwork and take the NR
Day Job:
Macys-Loss Prevention
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:!/DanielleLover

Comment Wall:

  • Rachel Pinkerton

    Good luck on your training!
  • Loyd Dittfurth

    fine i guess so you got a job on houston fd or a surrounding city
  • Loyd Dittfurth

    ive been one all my life im working on geting on a med service and get my medic along with some street credit then i think i might get back into the fire service
  • Fire Chick

    thanks for the add
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    ST, doing good. Winding down after a long day........
    Whats up with you?
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Absolutely its alright! You dont have to be totally experienced to be here. The point of this site is to learn, communicate and to contribute. Thats what makes this place interesting. Go after your dreams. You will achieve much if you at least try.
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    YUP! ST you have every right to be here. Give em heck Bud!
  • sarah arledge

    hi StreetKing welcome to ffn hope you like it here its a great place to be. have a great night stay safe take care
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    Thanks for the add.
    There are some real sharp people that you can learn from.
    Plus, next week, there is some exciting stuff coming that will create a "super-store" of the nation's top voices in the fire service.
    Be watching for it.
    If I can ever be of assistance, don't hesitate.
    You can also reach me at
  • axeman

    Either your pic is backwards or you have the American Flag hangin the wrong way. The blue field with stars should be hanging on the LEFT side. It's only on the RIGHT side on a coffin.
  • axeman

    No problem...appriciate it.
  • Jack/dt

    I am very particular about who I accept as a "friend" but you come across as a level headed guy. I think you have a great future in the fire service, study hard, work hard and listen harder.
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    Here is a free version:
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    I will have to purchase the 2007 edition to know what the differences are.
    No sweat; I have a fire district credit card.
    The 2002 version was a freebie by NFPA.
    Therefore; I cannot provide you with a copy of the newer version, but I can tell you the differences without any copyright violation.
    Stay tuned.
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    Reading the old version would not be a waste of time.
    I am sure that there are very few differences.
    If you read the older version, it would be a great start.
  • Doug

    No problem.
  • Marc

    no problem! hope all is well with you! stay safe brother
  • Jack/dt

    How's it going there, lil brother?
  • Jessica Travis

    haha thanks!
    and i have been a junior firefighter since i was 14 and i love every minute of it!
  • Jessica Travis

    your just 18!!!! its definitely not too late for you to be a firefighter! now if you were 60 and decided this i would say otherwise but your the perfect age! and yea i love all those songs lol
  • Jessica Travis

    aww really? see im totally different when i was 8 i wanted to be an actress in hollywood but reality set in and im so happy right now
  • Jessica Travis

    yup :) lol i couldn't be either of those, id rather help people who are in need than arrest or kill them.... not for me lol
  • Jessica Travis

    completely different academies for that one lol
  • Jessica Travis

    good luck !
  • Rusty Mancini

    Your welcome, I wish I had ten guy's with the attitude you have!

    also, Good luck with your FF training, and Thank You!
  • ungureanu marius

    hi a am fireman from romania. my id; altaaf13. speak from messenger
  • Shelby Hardy

    hi, thanks for the add. how are you?
  • Jack/dt

    Like I'm one of god's chew you been?
  • Loyd Dittfurth

    couldnt read your comment i cant get onto my profile
  • Loyd Dittfurth

    hey hows the academy goin there lil buddy
  • Loyd Dittfurth

    2 minutes lol beat my time of wait I cant remember was that with gear and scba or just gear well im at 35sec for gear and 1min 5 sec for both prolly cant do it that fast right now but thats my record. now practice hookin up to a stand pipe blindfolded with a y then an 1 1/4 hook a nozzel to it its great practice for when you really cant seeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Jack/dt

    Hey, so how goes the academy?
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    SK, doing ok. Been busy? Havnt seen you for a bit?
  • Chris

    Tired of the competition. Wanna be friends now? Sure thing. Thanks for the invite.
  • Chris

    Very well said. See alot asking about your schooling, how is that going? If ya dont mind me asking.