Marcia Rose


Pattersonville, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Certified EMT since 2008, grew up in fire department
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Rotterdam Emergency Medical Services
Years With Department/Agency
since 2008
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Grew up in Plotterkill Vol. Fire Company
My Training:
I have grown up in the fire departments, learning a lot from their members.
I Graduated from Mildred Elley Business School with a degree in Medical Assistant.
Completed the EMT -Basic program
About Me:
I love the outdoors and staying busy.
But its nice to just chill out sometimes.
I own 2 horses and a 3 cats.
Enjoy meeting new people and the opportunity to learn new things.
Day Job:
I work at Rotterdam Emergency Medical Services as an EMT and a Supervisor.
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It gives me the opportunity to help my community. There are definately good and bad days, but the good definately outways the bad. It is a challenge at times and you never know what you are really going to be responding to and always have to be ready for whatever comes in your path.

Comment Wall:

  • Loyd Dittfurth

    welcome to the ffn hows new york treatin you
  • Laurie Chakonas

    Holy Cow!! I do remember you!! what are you doing now? that seems so long ago doesnt it? i am still at the post office..19yrs there now but no part time jobs. sometimes i still think of going back to the vets but i never do it. how long have you been in FD?
  • Tom Wheland

    You also my friend.
  • Laurie Chakonas

    sorry i am slow in responding...i am still in rotterdam and belong with Carman FD on hamburg st.. i dont work at the track any more..they changed the machines and they also became "big brother" on us. we couldnt bet anymore and its wasnt fun..people were getting fired left and right. you must know christie stoffels..her mom is active in my dept. i did like working at the vets too and you are right ..its the people there that drove me away. we should get together too!
  • Laurie Chakonas

    i am usually available days, and evenings if i plan ahead..i work nites and i like to take a nap before going in but i can rearrange that. here is my phone number since i dont get on here too much..209-2583..

    hey i am a patch collector and was wondering if you would be able to send me 2 of your dept patches as i only have 3 to my name here is my postal address

    r elliott
    658 princes highway
    russell vale nsw 2517