Laurie Chakonas


Schenectady, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
4yrs Explorer post, 6 yrs active, 14yrs social/exempt
Years With Department/Agency
24 yrs
Dept. Web Site:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Excitement, helping community, and FIREMEN!! WHOOHOO!!

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  • Michael Smith

    Laurie, sorry it's taken me this long to get back. Very busy at work and at the firehouse.
    Sturgis is one of those places that while I would like to get out to that area of the country, Iam more interested in riding the roads out there for the experience and the sights of the area. Yeah I would go into Sturgis during the day, but I think the places I would hit would be the museum and a few of the other local historical places. My grandfather went out there during the 40's as a bike mechanic for the hill climbs, but I think the atomosphere of the event has changed a bit since then...;0) ....I would think it might be better to go out either the week before and hit the first few days or hit the last few days and the following week. Don't get me wrong, I love people and socializing, but riding with people who may have had a few beers is not my ideea of "safe" riding and kind of steals the joy when you really need to be watching for people doing crazy things.
    Keep in touch, Sturgis is on my short list and doing a Route 66 ride is the other rdie I've been thinking about. Tail of the dragon in Tennesee might be fun also. I think we have all of about two weeks of decent riding left before it gets cold and the bike goes in the Utility shed for the winter. Recover well over the winter and maybe see you out on the road next year on the way to Sturgis...;0)
  • Marcia Rose

    Ya I know Christie, not her mom though. Ya definately we should get together, what times are you usually available day, evenings or weekends?
  • Marcia Rose

    I will definately give you a call in the next week or two.