Tiffanie Pettis

32, Female

Candor, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
a little over a year officially
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Candor Volunteer Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
officially over a year
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
scene support. i just finnished fire fighter 1 in july... waiting for survival in RIT to start. currently in accident victim extrication rescue training, next up is rescue tech basic, more interior training and then the pheonix womans conference!
About Me:
i am deeply involved in the fire service. it has been my whole life since i was born. my dad has held every office in our whole department for atleast one term except for secretary, so i have always been kind of involved in things. All the guys there now have known me forever and i have grown up close to all of them so my firefigting family is more close and almost like an actual family than what some people could experiance. I am a drummer and i love art and designing. I plan to go to Corning Community Collage for fire science and then transfer to a university to get a primary degree in interior design with a focus on green studies. After and throughout collage i still plan to keep involved with the fire service.
Day Job:
Candor high school
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i grew up as a fire house kid, it was just in my blood to join as soon as i could. i love helping and being a volunteer! firefighting isnt a hobby for me it is a life style and all the guys are my family.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
it is a great experiance! a great family and alot of fun! i love the thrill of going on those calls at 2 in the morning and the feeling you get when you know you helped someone, and maybe even save a life

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  • Justin Scott

    hey tiff how are things down your way?
  • Justin Scott

    sounds like fun. i remember reading about one of them in the ithaca journal. been slow here althought weds we had to respond to the airport in ithaca with about 4 other depts because they had a 60 passanger jet with smoke filling the cockpit and landinggear problems. we all got there staged and watched the gear come out last min and everything was ok. so we drank all the airport fire depts water and went home.
  • adel

  • Justin Scott

    we had interesting sat night. started off with getting paged to a pump station that we own (has 2 tanks that hold 9000 gals of water that we have hooked up like a dry hydrent) for a structer fire. get there and someone had broken in and set a bunch of pallets and papers and wood on fire. didnt do no damage to the building since its all brick, but we had to replace the door that night. just got the hose back on the truck and got a call down the street for a drug overdose. what a fun night we had
  • Justin Scott

    CFR shouldent be that hard, EMT class so fars pertty easy, but then again i used to be an EMT in Virginia. but if u ever need someone to study with or help with class just hit me up
  • Justin Scott

    ahhh that sucks. see every dept i have been on dose ems first response. CFR is basicly advanced first aid in my book. not alot you can really do just pertty much focus on airway bleeding and curculation. but it would suck if they dont pay for it, i know my emt class im in now is $700 thats not counting books and other supplys. the states covering the $700 since my dept runs ems and the dept is picking up the rest.
  • Justin Scott

    nope,i had to work today 1pm-10pm which sucks so i didnt hear that call. missed a mva today car vs motorcycle today too. damn work
  • Justin Scott

    what they have anyways? and i think they got yellow rigs. and red trucks may put fire out better but you look cooler drivin a black one haha
  • Justin Scott

    lol just work this weekend. cant wait to go back to my ol,d schedual so i can actually have a life, 1pm-10pm sucks. what bout you?
  • Justin Scott

    hey tiff how are things goin down ur way?
  • Justin Scott

    we havent had shit our way. its been quiet. dept next door had a barn fire but canclled everyone enroute, later found out why, they put there engine in the ditch for the second time and tryed to keep it hush hush, LMFAO they tried to pull it out with there mini pumper and ripped the bumper off. if u wana know what dept ill let u know in a message,
  • Justin Scott

    lol not to much. sorry i missed ya on, was tired as hell. so far todays been a busy day. started off with a poss structure fire with an auto alarm for freeville to respond. got there and we contained it to just the laundry room, actually contained it to just the dryer.. for such a small fire she sure was smokey. just got done with that (only took about 30 mins) and we were back at our station along with freeville (we have a good working relationship with them,they are all mutiual aid members to us and vise versa) and tones dropped for 2 car mva (automatic mutual aid from freeville) went to that no injuries no entrapment. see due to man power issues we have all of our area is auto mutual aid. if we got the ppl we just place em in service. but ya lets see what eles today throws at us. lol been in my bunkers twice today within an hour.
  • Justin Scott

    hey tiff, saw on ur page where it said u were waiting on a FF survival class to start. we got one up this way in nov. check out http://tompkinsfireems.com/main for more info
  • Justin Scott

    hey hows it goin in ur neck of the woods tiff. was down that way for a pee wee football game last weekend but it sucked cuzz it rained the whole time :(
  • Justin Scott

    sucks it rained while u were campin especially since the tent caved in. lol its too damn cold around here, lol i wana go back to va. haha hopfully sunday morning its nice. we got live fire training at 5:30 am with freeville. we got a house donated as well as a barn. the barns just gana be burned down. then after that i need to meet a guy out in burdett (between waltkins and ithaca) about maybe buying 3-4 acers of land out there pertty cheap so ima walk around it and all. might make for a good hunting camp or something.
  • Justin Scott

    yeah this winters gana suck. our calls have slowed way down since its gotten cold. lol even the lady that calls everytime someone has a camp fire going hasent called and theres been a lot of woodstoves buring latley
  • Ryan Cullen

    ok well u have fun doin that :P
  • Ryan Cullen

    btw in ur first few pics i c u finally found a REAL engine
  • Ryan Cullen

    yea u jus hop ur ass on that tractor of urs n drive down here n well see who kicks whos ass!!!!!
  • Ryan Cullen

    Lmao im so glad to see that u know ur own name
  • Ryan Cullen

    lol but me n u know the name i call u :)
  • Ryan Cullen

    Lol go ahead but if u do jus get ready for the third degree from people and a shit load of gettin picked on
  • Ryan Cullen

    wow u look like a real FF n u know what ur doin in the pics lol JK
  • Ryan Cullen

    Hey pain in the ass :P i kinda miss u a lil bit so u better call me tonight or ur gonna get ur ass kicked :) ok good im glad we understand each other n were on the same page n we both know i would win so yea ok ttyl lol
  • Ryan Cullen

    Damn i cant even argue with that cause its true.... the cute part at least the me kickin ur ass part wasnt
  • Ryan Cullen

    wuv u more lol
  • Ryan Cullen

    Hey :) jus wanted to tell u that i miss u n wuv u lol
  • Justin Scott

    u guys have ne thing down your way? if it wasent for our weekly call to this 1 apt i would swear my pagers broken. aint had nothin good, hell id settle for a crappy mva where we just directed traffic :( lol probly this way since i just got cleared to drive the engine this past weekend.
  • Justin Scott

    lol even today with this wind storm coming throught. pagers busy as hell on open channel, everyone but us has gotten calls
  • Ryan Cullen

    lol im not doin anything im talkin to u on MSN... i wuv u!
  • Ryan Cullen

    Hey, jus wanted to say good luck on ur test.. i kno ur nervous but ur gonna be fine, U know this stuff jus take a deep breath n relax n remember everything u learned n u will be fine. WUV U!
  • Marc Quattrocchi

    Hey things are going well can't complain , busy busy.. How about by u ?
  • Justin Scott

    hey tiff how are things down your way. i was dow that way today, took the kids to the pumpkin farm. i saw you guys had a wood workin show or somethin goin on, was gana stop by but the kids were tired.
  • Justin Scott

    ohhh i dont miss them long days of good ol community service. ya i actually pulled in yalls parking lot but my step daughter was like"can we just go home plzzzzzzzzzzzzz" may have to stop down sometime thought
  • Brendan Woods

    smooth bore are the best for structure fires and pretty much every thing all that fog as done for me in a fire is just faned it and it got worse haha sooth bore all the way !!!!
  • Justin Scott

    getting ne snow down ur way?
  • Justin Scott

    hey tiff whats new with ya?
  • Justin Scott

    same ol same ol. been quiet untill about an hour ago. had an ems call and then an mva. mva wasent ne thing too good no injuries no entrapment. but holy crap this southern boy dont like the cold. froze my but off and it didnt help my gear was like ice cuzz i left it in my trunk (down south didnt have to worrie about this cuzz it wasent that cold so my gear was fine) lets just say its sitting in my living room incase we get another call
  • adel

    My name is Adel and I am trying to figure out what products are best for female firefighters. I have worked as a firefighter for only three years so I am just getting started. Currently I am a student at Eastern algerinne University in in the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Program. Although I have only been a firefighter for three years I have had my fair share of small gloves that were still too big and pants that went up to my belly button! I was wondering if you could take the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your favorite/best fitting/most functional products for female firefighters. Weather it’s an awesome fitting pair of pants, A polo shirt that has sleeves that do not go down to your elbows, a pair of great gloves, or boots that have an awesome fit. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share your opinions with me. Thank you very much. Please feel free to e-mail me back at adel_pomper@hotmail.com or leave me a comment
  • Justin Scott

    lol that sucks, well since our gear racks full with gear no one wears the asst chief gave me 3 options.
    1) keep gear with me and lug it in the house (thats what he dose)
    2) keep it in the station on the floor next to the rigs. (is nice but i have seen how some of our drivers are and dont want to have my gear ran over, they still look at me like holy crap when i can pull right up to the bays with a parkinglot full of care and back the rig in straight without having to pull forwards)
    or 3) keep it in the officers office. so my gears sitting next to the 2nd asst chiefs gear nice and warm near the heater in the assitant chiefs spot lol
  • Firefighter Walther

    hey there, just dropping by to say hello, hope all is well with you!
    Be Safe
  • Justin Scott

    sounds fun, i got asked to do a prevention week thing at boces next year, think im gana do it as long as its ok with thew chief (for the mentaly handicaped students) had a big exam for my emt class today, lol went to class took it and was out of there within 30 mins, im sure i did pertty good cuzz it seemed pertty easy
  • Justin Scott

    lol im mad just found out that a dept next to us was given a house to train on, and well sunday there doing the live fire part and invited us, well i have to work when they plan on lighting it off. lol might have to call into work
  • Justin Scott

    hey tiff hows it goin?>
  • Justin Scott

    nice so i take it u made it in?
  • Justin Scott

    lol id take it down your way, but i have no damn time as it is. between working 1:30pm -10pm and on my split days off i have to get crap done around the house all before 5:30 when i have emt class from 6pm-10pm. lol althought during chirstmas break i will be off from class and work for a few weeks so im thinking about maybe takin a class or something who knows, lol maybe a vacation. what part of va he movin to? and let him know if his ny state fire training isent nation pro board then it probly wount transferr so, i know ny state ff1 will not unless they took the national cert test
  • Justin Scott

    i hear ya. been slow as shit around here.
  • Justin Scott

    tiff its f-in cold out :(
  • Justin Scott

    tiff u still alive?
  • Justin Scott

    iv been up to the same ol same ol. been running calls and workin n still goin to emt class. lol hope u have a happy turkey day too. lol this sites been kinda quiet while u were gone