Bill Claus


Keokuk, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Jackson Twsp Fire Association
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
EMT-Basic--Quincy, IL
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

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  • Paul

    I passed this site to most of the department 3 or 4 weeks ago. Stacey Johnston Steve Land Damon Cackley all heve been here
  • shannon wiseley

    no hassel i just do it at night unless there was or is nothing goin on at work they allow me to go. im a SSG 63m bradley mech. right now im in mosul fob marez. take care brother.
  • matthew Baker

    yeah thamks im so stoked to go in becausse i know it will help me becaome a paid firefighter when i get out
  • axeman

    Thanks. Where are you right now?
  • Eric

    Bill, thanks for adding me. Hey, best of luck to you over there. If you need anything, let me know. Take Care and Stay Safe.
  • russ allen

  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Doing well! how about you?
  • sandra heydrick

    Thank you for the welcoming you gave me!
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Wow! That took a while huh?
  • Bob Allard

    Air Force Reserves, stay safe over there,
  • Francisca Wallace

  • Todd Warrick

    105.5 WJVO. We sign on at 0530 until 0900. When I'm on duty, I'm there 0530 - 0645, work shift, get off at 0700 the next day, then scoot out to the radio station. The 3rd day I'm there the whole show. It's kinda funny how our listeners have got used to our schedule!
  • Jordan Taylor

    Thanks man, appreciate it
  • Keesha

    thank you very much for your comment it means alot
  • Eric

    How's everything? Good ole spring time in the Middle East, can't say I miss it. The nice cool mornings, maybe making you want to throw some polypro on, but dealing with it because you know in 3 hours you'll be sweating your butt off. I just figured I'd check in. Again, let me know if you need anything. TCSS.
  • Eric

    Good to hear. I'll bet you can't wait. 15 month tour right?
  • Eric

    Bill, thanks for the comment on the blog. How was the mission? Everyone alright? Good to hear that your's is 12. I did 12 before they went to the 15 month tours, so I throw myself in with the "lucky" group. One of my buddies did 12 with my unit, we came back, he got reassigned to the 101st and went back 6 months later for 15 more. I was not jealous.
  • Dan Kirkpatrick

    Hey Bill,
    Good to hear from you. Have seen you for some time. How the firefighting and EMT going. I joined the fire department June 2007 and completed my FFI last November 2008. I'll be taking my FFII this fall.
  • Eric

    I have to say Bill, I don't miss these!
  • Bob Allard

    TKS, what do I owe you,
    Stay safe and train often
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Class 9 stuff, which is miscellaneous are things that don't have a hazard rating significant enough to justify placarding. The only way there would be a problem is if there were really HUGE amounts otherwise, these things like WD-40 for example, just don't pose the same hazard as the others. Do you have the 9 hazard classes memorized?

    I had a hard time at first and then wrote this to help myself and folks that I have been teaching nationally remember them as well. It's a pneumonic...

    Every - Explosives
    Great - Gases
    Firefighter Loves - Flammable Liquids
    Frequent Sex - Flammable Solids
    Or - Oxidizers
    Pretty - Poisons
    Redheaded - Radioactives
    Chicks - Corrosives
    Mmmmmmm - Miscellaneous

    Now, isn't it easy to remember the nine hazards classes?

    Where in Iraq are you? And you drive a truck? I do this too for a local college one-month out of the year going on Geology field study trips.

    Later buddy,

  • Tony


    Thanks for the warm welcome. Many of people have been baffled as to the wereabouts of Whitehall. It is on 67 just north of Jerseyville and south of Jacksonville. Little cow tippin town.
  • Brett Hill

    thanks for the add over here Bill. It seems things are more active for the 9/11 Patch Project over on FB--that is why I spend so much time there!
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    In light of the world we live in Bill, all transportation accidents should be treated as not just a hazmat incident but a potential WMD incident. If I have a semi on fire, using a radiation detector is the norm, or at least for me. But then again, I'm a hazmat WMD Captain who knows better. Failure to prepare is preparing for failure... Hope you can celebrate Easter over there.

    God Bless & Stay Safe
  • Eric

    How are you Bill? I'm just checking in with you. Figured I'd post this, maybe get a little chuckle.
  • Paul

    Can't wait to get you home! We missed a going away party but we sure can have a got you butt home party!

    We ordered the new patches I think last week
  • jonathan mcnemar

    May GOd bless you and bring you home safely to your family. We are blessed to have people that do what you do. Thanks again
  • Hall6235

    You to. be safe
  • Robert Mulrooney

    Hey Bill, I'm currently in Iraq as well serving as a medic with the 1-161 IN BN in Balad. We are a National Guard unit from WA state and are due to rotate home in August 2009. Can't wait to get back to my other job. I work as a FF with a small combination department just NE of Bellingham, WA (WCFD 4). I have been a paid FF for almost 2 years and a volunteer there before getting hired for 6. Stay safe and thanks for doing what you do.
  • Eric

    Bill, that's great to hear. I bet you can't wait to sleep in your own bed. Coming back took some getting used to. Trying to sleep without the calming effects of generators running and helicopters flying was weird. I never thought peace and quiet would be strange. I'm glad your replacements are on the ground. Short time left, they start fielding missions/doing right seat rides, settling in. Feels good doesn't it? That's great news Bill, I'm happy for you.
    Take care and stay safe (don't count the days, it'll make the time last longer)
  • Ann Blake-Tracy

    Thank you for the welcome. Wish I would have thought of stopping by years ago. Firefighters have bought my books by the case because they are so tired of picking up the pieces after antidepressants have taken their toll in yet another tragedy. You guys are the ones who have to live with it day in and day out. I only have to read about it and talk about it where you are forced to see it first hand. I noticed that Utah has had THREE suicides by fire in just three weeks - if it is not some kind of hit on these three, it would have to be antidepressant-induced suicide. They are the only drugs I know of that can cause that other than maybe PCP, but then antidepressants are like a slow fuse LSD or PCP. They love fire!!! But when they cause so much mania and one of the manias is PYROmania why should anyone be surprised
  • Ann Blake-Tracy

    Keep my posted on anything you see like this in Keokuk. Senator Grassley is keeping track of the cases as holds the drug makers and doctors taking kickbacks feet to the fire (maybe not the best choice of words there, huh :-).
  • Joey Williams

    Thank you for the welcome.
  • S.Ruble

    Yes Joe Stills runs the post i am a fire explorer in quincy too.
  • Station10Capt106

    Thanks Bill! My wife is sure glad the course is over . . . she'll get to see me a little more now.
  • Norman E. Flanders

    Hi Bill, Thanks for the comment and back at you in regards to your service. Stay safe, train often and share knowledge. Norm
  • Station10Capt106

    Hi Bill,
    The FFI is pretty straightforward. You will want to know the basics of ICS, fire behavior, building construction and a little bit of everything else. Make sure you read the book and listen to the instructor and you should do fine.
  • Me'Licia

    Thank you! It went pretty good. Had problems with the combitube station that caused me to fail, did a complaint and got to retest it with out any problems. Other than that it went smoothly. Now I am just waiting for my stuff to come in so I can apply for the job I wanted with an ambulance company.
  • Me'Licia

    Thank ya hun!! Take care n chat soon!!
  • Mick Shelley

    Hey Bill, Thank you for the comment, I had this done in memory of 9-11
    It is a Tribute to all who died on that day.
    Be Safe, Brother, and Again THANK YOU for your service

    The Army turns it in to D.R.M.O. Then they sell it or throw it away if it can not be used.

    Yep!!! I am a full time active duty firefighter for the Army. 21M is the MOS. The Army will always have firefighters. They did cut back the MOS late 80's until 2001 when they realized that they needed more firefighters on the active duty side. So since then there has been 10 more firefighting detachments formed up.
  • Eric

    You home yet? I certainly hope so.
  • S.Ruble

    Central and Training facility but right now doing SCUBA diving and PS. Joe Henning is FIRE CHEIF
  • Me'Licia

    Thank u hun! Good to see ur home too! Take care! Hugz..
  • Eric Hamlett

    Thank you Bill. And hi to you from Alpena Ar.
  • Eric

    It's been awhile and I wanted to say a belated welcome home. How's home treating you so far?
  • Will B

    Thanks for the welcome Bill. Stay safe.
  • Rick K.

  • S.Ruble
