

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Job Function
Auxiliary/On Scene Support
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FireGround Rehab Team Member
American Heart Associtation Healthcare Provider (CPR & AED)
Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (BLS)
Patient Assessment, Vital Signs, Oxygen Administration
Ladders, Knots, Repelling
Hoserolls, Hydrants
PPE, SCBA, SCBA Buddy Breathing
Firefighter down (Drags, Carries)
Car Extracation, Spinal Immobilization
Search and Rescue, Ventilation
Some Arson Investigation
CERT Trained
First Aid
Forcible Entry
About Me:
I love to help people no matter what it is.
Day Job:
Morning Stocker at Menards
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help people!

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  • Mark Fuqua

    Hey S.Ruble, Thanks for having me as a friend. Hope you have a good weekend. "STAY SAFE AND KEEP IN TOUCH

  • Heather

    Hi just wondering if you were still going to school or have you graduated high school. If you have graduated high school, don't stop with your education. Get a fire science degree. If you need to talk about the MVC that you went on a few years ago, you can email me at traumaqueen833@msn.com. Stay safe and have a Happy New Year.
  • Heather

    Wondering how school is going. You should be done soon, if my memory serves me correctly. Stay safe