Cameron Monroe, Captain, Argyle

49, Male

New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Argyle Fire Co
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Argyle EMS-Fort Edward EMS-Empire Ambulance Service-Salem Fire
My Training:
Too meny to list-Chief gives me crap about doing all classes I can even if I don't need them- I like Training-I'm not the smartest firefighter so every time I can take a class I get something new out of it-And the state changes things every day-And I have no life LOL-I just love what we all do---Went up to EMT-CC with EMS-and always been Class A Firefighter
About Me:
I am real simple-I go to work every day and do as much with the Fire Dep. as I can- I did just start a business
Installing of Emergency Equipment - Lights,2way Radios,Sirens Ect.... Check it out and I am on myspace-
Day Job:
Heavy Equipment operator-Truck Driver
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I first joined because I had a family member in and I wanted to check it out- I found the more I did the more I wanted to do.
I did Fire,Fire and EMS,then just EMS Now I am Back in fire and I love it-Don't know why I ever left.
I love my Department and it's members They are a major part of my life and are a big part of my family.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Family-If you are in the right Dep. Everyone feels like family and they make you feel like family also !
Top Issues Facing Responders:
People who don't understand what it takes to be Volunteer - the training and the fact it takes time for us to get to the firehouse and respond- And the time we take away from our family to do training and calls to help others in their time of need-NO ONE thinks about what we do untill THEY need us !

Comment Wall:

  • Jenn

    Hey glad to see you got on
  • Jenn

    You guys are idiots : ) I can't believe you added that pic. That's funny.
  • Jenn

    It was fun (for the city) We had no problem until we came to the end of the train ride to go home and we ran into a psyco middle aged man taking pictures of us on his phone while we were leaving and Alex got a little protective of us all and wanted to kick his butt. Brit brought her paiger and when we had it on we could here the cuty dept going out
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Naw, he's across the street! Thanks for the congrats. yeah it should be a good year.
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Yeah,we'll be there. Pete Kitchner,Scott Prudy,Brian King Jr.,Rob Bowen.
  • mark

    hey bro, sorry it took so long to get back to ya, i think ive seen you before, maybe at chief's funeral.

    stay safe and see ya at the big one.
  • Ashley

    hey! thanks
  • Amanda Rea


  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Just doing my job, but Jim B.'s a good friend, so I try to help him out when I can with training. It's getting tougher to offer good programs with the budget cuts.
    Thanks for the thanks though--after a rough day that made me feel better.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hey Cameron--one comment--you mentioned that you signed up for the Propane class. I presume you meant that you signed up on a sheet in your firehouse---do me a favor--let whoever is responsible for turning the sign up sheet in know that they can't dawdle on that. Seating is VERY limited, and half of it is already taken by the Kingsbury guys (and girl) --I don't want to see you get shut out. It's going to book up fast.
  • Benjamin Downs

    Heyy cameron whats up? How have you been? well comment me back or send me a message.
  • Jenn

    Nice pics you left on mine and Brits pages. How was your ride? If you get a free moment (if you have those pics from training on your computer) can you e-mail me them? Thanks
  • Greg Bristol

    Hey, You used some of the pics I was going to use!
  • Steven Saunders

    When are you gonna get married?
  • Evelynn De La Vega

    Very Thank You!!!!! Stay safe ;) Hello from Guatemala City!!
  • Steven Saunders

    Sorry no pic.
    Watch out you never know who will show up...
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Hey Cam,
    Got some pics and vid for you from the propane class. I'll call you on Friday.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    GREAT meeting you in person...sorry I was so distracted.....I had a lot going on that day....can't wait for Tiger's gig.
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Yes I did get yours, they looked great, call ya tomorrow.
  • Adam Gillis

    when did u become captain?
  • Bryan King Jr

    Hay capt hows it going.
  • Mark Akins

    Nice it is close!!!!!!
  • Bryan King Jr

    Hay capt how did you make out on the light
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Great training today, whats next?
  • Bryan King Jr

    Nice pic of todays traning cam
  • Angie

    ok r u happy i changed it wise ass!!! btw nice pics
  • kevin leroy goodell jr

    hey cam thanks for the add