

Salem, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 1/2
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
salem volunteer fire departmen
Years With Department/Agency
1 1/2
My Training:
structure, motor vehicle extrication, grass and brush, ice water rescue.
About Me:
i am 19 years old, i serve with the salem volunteer fire department and i absolutely love it, i love being outdoors, i hunt, fish, camp, i ride dirtbikes. i have a beautiful girlfriend named amy who i love more than anything. someday i hope to join a paid fire department and have that as my career for the rest of my time with the fire service.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
love to serve my community to the fullest of my capability
Why I Love Fire/EMS
its a load of fun, and i love helping people.

Comment Wall:

  • Cameron Monroe, Captain, Argyle

    Hi Mark-I was with salem a few years back-I c u had no comments didn't want u 2 feel bad-LOL

    Stay Safe tell everyone I hay Hi
  • Bill Brown

    Tell your short stubby Asst. Chief Sully I said hello