Tiffanie Pettis

32, Female

Candor, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
a little over a year officially
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Candor Volunteer Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
officially over a year
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
scene support. i just finnished fire fighter 1 in july... waiting for survival in RIT to start. currently in accident victim extrication rescue training, next up is rescue tech basic, more interior training and then the pheonix womans conference!
About Me:
i am deeply involved in the fire service. it has been my whole life since i was born. my dad has held every office in our whole department for atleast one term except for secretary, so i have always been kind of involved in things. All the guys there now have known me forever and i have grown up close to all of them so my firefigting family is more close and almost like an actual family than what some people could experiance. I am a drummer and i love art and designing. I plan to go to Corning Community Collage for fire science and then transfer to a university to get a primary degree in interior design with a focus on green studies. After and throughout collage i still plan to keep involved with the fire service.
Day Job:
Candor high school
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i grew up as a fire house kid, it was just in my blood to join as soon as i could. i love helping and being a volunteer! firefighting isnt a hobby for me it is a life style and all the guys are my family.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
it is a great experiance! a great family and alot of fun! i love the thrill of going on those calls at 2 in the morning and the feeling you get when you know you helped someone, and maybe even save a life

Comment Wall:

  • Timothy Overly

    Not much new, had a boat fire though!! Boat fully involved, in a parking lot. Good thing they got it out of the garage before we got there. Not too exciting, but my photo still made the paper. Are you taking the Rescue Tech?
  • Justin Scott

    lol we all can be ditsy from time to time. i went to tc3 and got signed up for the emt class that starts soon, cant wait for that to be done and over with
  • Justin Scott

    god i hate ppl who are slow getting dressed. we had a structure fire and i was 2nd to the station. my driver took so long getting dressed that when an asstiant chief showed up i hopped out to see wtf was going on, wouldent u know as soon as i hopped out the engine he hopped in and took off without me. i had to ride the tanker to the scene but because he took forever we ended up being 2nd in company to a fire about a mile and half from the station. lets just say he got a but chewing for waiting and taking so long.
  • FETC

    Welcome to FFN, good looking page you got here Tiffanie.

    Stay safe,
  • Jake Burns

    hey i see your going to ccc ever think about the bunker program in montour
  • Jake Burns

    hey firefighting is a normal perfession haha jk nut yea pretty much the program allows firefighter to go to ccc and the fire accademy while doind 15 hrs of service around the fire house amd run calls its not bad i did it myself before i got hired in corning then moved up here but if you would like to learn more let me know your not to far away to come take a tour and what not
  • Jake Burns

    yea i understand that im 4th generation but yea if your interested let me know and we can set something up
  • Jake Burns

    well probally the weekends would be best not this weekend thou cause we have to cover the track for nascar but any other would be good illhave the chief come down and we can show you around not a big deal bring your gear to we seem to be on a busy spell rite now so you can hop in and do some work but you pick a couple of dates and let me know and we can set something up
  • Ryan Cullen

    its good nothing good lately same old BS calls. where in NY are you exactly?
  • Justin Scott

    iv been pertty good, not any good calls latley, all just ems. glad they decided to get ya some new gear.... now if only they can get ya some gloves that fit to go along with it. so how u been? ne good ones down your way?
  • Ryan Cullen

    oh ok your about 2-3 hrs from me im from Westchester county 20 mins outside of the bronx line
  • Ryan Cullen

    yea if ur ever in the NYC area u can text me or something im in syracuse like once a year for the NYSHS football chanpionships and my friend plays for Ithaca so i go up for his games alot
  • Ryan Cullen

    oh ok cool... my #'s 914-906-0766... text me sometime if ya want
  • Paul Dudan

    yea it looks even better now jacked up and covered in mud
  • Paul Dudan

    WOW.a girls thats beautiful and knows her pick ups lol
  • Justin Scott

    so how did u get this new nickname?
  • Jamie Buice

    thank you :)
  • Rick K.

    Thank You !!!
  • Theresa Johnson

    preety good. u?
  • Rick K.

    well doing pretty good down here i'm in southern missouri !! Been very hot here so that means we are about due for a nasty storm! We have pretty bad one's here! It comes out of oaklahoma and hits southern missouri bad !!
  • Rick K.

    well thats the way things work out you get something when u have something planned !! oh-well no biggie it happens or it doesnt !
  • Justin Scott

    so were yall busy down your way with the wounderful weather we had today?
  • Jake Burns

    either or sunday during the day would probally be best thou your talking next weekend thou
  • Rick K.

    well thats the way it usually goes !! get storms and the runs begin ! we use to sit back and listen to all the city runs during storms and say glad thats not us! being county f.d. it came in streaks if we had a lot of calls but there were times when we had several and been there also back in and start taking off gear and there goes the tone! dang i love it!!!!!
  • Rick K.

    well it's fun to listen and laugh because there runnin there butt off but then we get bit and go on some of the dummest calls and sit there and wait all night for the power company or who ever but oh its part of the job !!
  • Justin Scott

    lol with all that bad weather we didnt get a single call. lol lansing (which is next to us, they cover the area by the mall in ithaca) had a ton of calls including like 4 structure fires within 48 hours but my pager didnt go off once. we did have a call last night after the rain stopped for a mva, but it wasent good it was just the guy that lives next door to me in the ditch. tow truck was called before ne 1. we only responded our rescue truck to get a patient sign off for the ambulance.
  • Rick K.

    Been there done that lol !! we were a small dept. and were a combination dept. so if we were off duty and the guy's got a call we would either go to scene or station.we all had 2 sets of gear so thats what we did !
  • Justin Scott

    lol maybe ill get to break in my new gear then, but my luck it will stay just south of us over your neck of the woods
  • Justin Scott

    wish it would storm already its hotter than hell and i got stuck moving stuff all day, it sucks working at a college because they have me doing everything but my regular job.
  • wayne rudolph

    hi tiffaine i will send it out some time next week be safe wayne
  • Justin Scott

    hey how are things down ur way? i was down that way today for a little bit.
  • Justin Scott

    sounds like fun. of course it had to happen today when it was so damn hot out. weve been busy up here with non stop ems calls, except yesterday it was non stop fire alarms or the "i smell smoke" calls.
  • Justin Scott

    cool, u know what channel? dont know if u guys ever run mutual aid to danby or west danby but i know they had a structer today, heard em page for more manpower
  • Jennifer Nance

    Hey. Things is nc are kinda slow.
    haha i say that but here lately my station has ran some calls. haha. too many structures fires. =( how are things up there?
  • Justin Scott

    so last night i suprised my chief as well as other town of dryden chiefs. we had out town training (there are 5 depts in the town of dryden)(dryden,etna,freeville, McClane, and varna) well they put me as ic for a mock structer fire and i suprised them big time. did better than most of the capts and a few asst chiefs on being ic. so after training chief comes up to me and is like "its not offical, but next year ill probly be nominating you for an officer slot, eather capt or 4th asst chief, since u seem to know more than most of the officers in the town and i always see u helping other ppl when they have questions" so guess ill see what happens in nov.
  • Justin Scott

    oh and i was the only ic during our scenarios that actually let the truck company do what there sapost to. all the other ic's just had them gain entry to the building and vent. i was the only one to assign them to search and rescue as well as the above. as well as i was the only one to have the 2nd due engine company just stand by as fast team awell.
  • Justin Scott

    ohh yeah since u were on the news your buying the drinks right?>haha
  • Justin Scott

    lol. i got stuck with a dumb ass too. last night we had a ems call. so i hop in the rescue truck and since im the first certified driver there i hop in and pull out and hit the status botton saying im waiting for a crew (here in tompkins county we dont mark up on the radio responding and on scene we just push a botton that sends it to dispatch) so a crew shows and we respond. i dont know where this street is but the guy in the passanger seat says " i do" well we go down this road and the road we need is now were near. they he dosent want to talk to dispatch for a cross street. we finaly get there and no answer at the door. so i call dispatch and advise no answer at the residence. our wounderfull dispatcher goes "ohh the ambulance has been there and gone" turns out dispatch never told us and the guy in the officers seat was reading the map book wrong. matter of fact he was on the wrong page. talk about a fucked up call.