Ken Wagner



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Wright City Fire Protection District
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I started with the Wentzville Fire Dist. I was there for 2 yrs and then I moved to the O'fallon Fire Dist. I spent most of my time there until I moved back to Wentzville and then I was recruited by as Asst. Chief for the Dist. I am with Currently
My Training:
Currently waiting to go to school for EMT, have both Firefighter I and II, as well as all sorts of other training.
About Me:
I love doing the job that I do for my District. One day I would love to draw a paycheck for doing the job that I love.
Day Job:
Hazardous Materials Transprotation
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I got my first taste while in the Navy on a ship, and it also is in the blood, My grandfather and great uncle were both Captains.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The joy of helping others
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety and Firefighter deaths

Comment Wall:

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  • Amy

    Hi Ken,
    Thank you for the add. Be safe and have fun!!!!!
  • Grant Kennedy

    Hey Ken whats going on in your neck of the woods? Havent talked to you in a while. Just thought I would say hello. Not much happing up here in little LA. Be safe and have fun TTYL.
  • Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

    How's it going? Just stopped by to say hi to a local.My name is Raymond Oliver from Hawk Point Fire.I know Chris Cutahee I think that's how you spell it.Anyways I am good friends with Chris the Fire Inspector,If you might know him.Well have a great day and stop by anytime to hi.

    Raymond Oliver
    HPFPD 6540
  • FireCat

    Wanted to stop by and say Hi! Please be SAFE! Cat :-)
  • FireCat

    How are you? You have a SAFE and great weekend to! Cat :-)
  • Kerri

    Thanks for the add. Be safe
  • FireCat

    Hi Ken,
    Hopefully it won’t be too boring. You have a great and SAFE weekend as well!

    Cat :-)
  • Ken Wagner

    Hey Cat how is it going? All is good here, although still very boring. Sorry if I do not get back to you really soon but I have computer problems at home, and the only time I can access a realy computer is at the station. Anyway have a great and safe weekend. Ken
  • FireCat

    Hi Ken,

    I'm doing well. May is around the corner and that is when I get to turn in my application to become a volunteer. I can’t wait!! Is seems like May is never going to get here. I've done the same thing!! You have a SAFE weekend also

    Cat :-)!
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Hi Ken, My husband and 2 sons are also a volunteer firefighters here in SA. . Volunteers are in the minority group. We love to see what you guys get up to and we couldnt believe it we saw how many volunteers there are. Sjoe. God Bless and be safe.
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Ps. That jnr firefighter in pink is so sweet.
  • Michael

    Hey Brother whats up ? Do u trade patches? if so I already have Lake ST. Louis u have others to trade? I have lots of company patches from ST. Louis Fire Dept.
  • Michael

    Hey Brother Ken
    I wear a size large if you have a Lake ST. Louis shirt. email me with your address and I will trade you this shirt for one of yours. If you want a squad 1 shirt I will get that instead. let me know which one you want and what size.
  • Michael

  • Michael

    No problem bro
  • Michael

    Hey Bro
    R u coming to the ST. Louis Fire Dept Engine Rally? U should its alot of fun. Check out the web page
  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey's it kickin? Doing well here. Hey I'm going to be at the LSL base on monday, u workin? I'll be there on saturday as well. Maybe we'll catch up. Stay safe out there toots!!
  • Michael

    Thanks Brother I hope I will see u their. U better bring three other guys and get in the games. It will be very much like the combat challenge.
  • Chel

    Just stopped by to say hi and cool pics.......stay safe!

  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey darlin.....I was going to come down and watch the controlled burn but I was with a LAMO that day and didn't want to have to deal with him I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE down there or I totally would have come over from the station.....sorry toots.... :-( I'm at the LSL ambulance base tomorrow so maybe we'll catch up. Talk at ya soon.
  • Michael

    Michael Wojick
    5316 Blow St.
    ST. Louis , MO 63109
    send me your return address with your size again please
  • Michael

    That sounds great brother. If u get a letter from your chief saying that u r on the fire dept. can can ride along here for a 24 hr shift as many times u like on what ever truck u like as long as u r on a fire dept. Let me know I will get u the information.
  • FireCat

    MySpace Comments - 4th of July, Independence Day
    MySpace Layouts - 4th of July, Independence Day
    Free Comments & Graphics
    Have a SAFE 4th! :o)
  • Michael

    Hey Bro I got the shirt today . Thanks again. I am mailing yours out this week. Let me know when u get it bro.
  • Michael

    That sounds good I mailed your shirt out today. I will be off July 21st and 22nd. And the 26th. Let me know Brother . Be safe
  • Michael

    Hey Ken it was the 22 nd that u were coming right.
  • Michael

    The Haz Mat ops book I have is from when I took it in 99. Its out dated.
  • Michael

    It is ok. I just forgot and a girl asked me to trade a day for that day. I will just tell her I cant. I didnt want to work for her anyways so this is a good excuse.
  • FireCat

  • Michael

    I am off all day Monday so when ever. I have a appointment tues at 9 so. whatever.
  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey Ken.....what ya up to? Just workin at base 8 and have been runnin our asses off....of course on stupid stuff too. Seriously.....we just had a 911 call because a 6yo was throwing a temper tantrum because his parents wouldn't let him go outside and play!!! IDIOTTTTTTS!!
  • FireCat

  • Michael

    Whats up Brother I hope u had fun I did. Hope to come see your home away from home real soon.
  • Michael

    I will brother . I am on vac for a few weeks. And then I will get a hold of u.
  • Robbie Snow

    I bet that one mistake helped his memory out for the future to come.
  • Michael

    Hey Bro I just got back from Chi Town. I am now engaged. I went to 8 fire houses. I had a blast. Hope your doing well.
  • Michael

    Things are cool in chi town . I will let u know about sat. I think we r going to her neices bd party.
  • Michael

    Hey Ken can I get your address so I can send u an invatation to the Louisiana Mo engine rally?
  • michael frump

    hi ken my names michael and im 18 years old and just wanted to say hi
  • michael frump

    me nothing much just waiting to go back to my ems class thats all
  • Michael

    Hey Bro I like you 2 new pics.
    Not alot going on here . Been training 5 days a week for my guns and hoses fight. I also have been getting ready for my engine rally in louisiana MO I hope u guys can make it. I got a trophy all lined out just for u guys. Today I went to the Jeff Co engine rally . My buddy and I won a 1st place trophy in the water fight 8 teams. we were undefeated.
  • Michael

    yeah Let me check with my guy. Engine 26 has a new shirt out . Ill see if I can get u one
  • Michael

    Hey Bro
    I hope fire 1 and 2 is going well. I hope to see u this sat at Louisanna at 10 am
  • Michael

    Sounds good. We have three venders selling fire shirts this sat
  • Michael

    Hey Ken
    Nice new pics . I like the one with the wife showing u how it is done. Did she join the dept? Hope all is well seen some of your guys here at the funeral. Do u know Sascha she is a vol out your way a Paramedic? She is a friend of mine she use to work here.
  • FrenchWomanFirefighter

    What nice photos of family and of pretty pictures of our beautiful job
  • Michael

    Not alot. Did u get the Firefighter spot at Lake STL? Once u get your letter u need to call HQ and tell them what station u want to ride at and what day. Then u bring that letter the day of your ride at 8 am at hq then the Batt Chief will tell u to go to that house. I have been buisy to I wanted to come ride but I am blanning a wedding with the BOSS
  • Michael

    Been buisy we got a new haz mat 3 semi we just got 6 new buggies and we have 6 hook and ladders and 13 medic units coming. we changed our colors to red black and gold. Ive been buisy with planning for my wedding and starting a ff bar in st louis. also getting ready for my engine rally in louisiana this oct. be safe chat soon.
  • Michael

    I take it u didnt get the full time slot at lstl . Oh well can u get me a couple patches from wright city. R u full time their. The stl rally is sept. 12 mine is oct 17 be safe
  • Michael

    Thats cool its all about being happy bro.