Allen Howard


Palm Bay, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Over 15
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Palm Bay Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
Over 9
My Training:
FF/PM, Driver/engineer, USAR/TRT w/rope, confined space, trench, VMR, and collapse, too many 16hr or 40hr courses to list.
About Me:
I've got the greatest daughter in the world (my opinion may be biased).
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I played cop in the Air Force but got into firefighting with some friends and their Department. I realized quickly that as a fireman, people were happy to open their doors. Not so much as a cop.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
If you are doing know.

Comment Wall:

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  • Filiberto Rodriguez

    Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the
    border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
    Greetings from Mexico.
    youre new frend Filiberto.

  • Genja

    Greetings from the fireman from the fireman! How it is worked?
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    Hi Allen, I saw your comment about Genja's pictures the rig with the outrigger in the trunk is from FDNY, I am guessing when life safety is at risk, FDNY does what they have to do...This is only one of several Historically like this In NY..
  • Genja

    And it is possible to learn precisely where you work? In what staff?
  • Genja

    Clearly =) I here wish to enter the university the Ministry of Emergency Measures to go to management of fire protection then
  • Christian Cossey

    I am in the process of talking to someone and I have taken some time off. Honestly, the person I'm talking to isn't a part of the service, he's a private "doctor", and sometimes it seems like he just doesn't understand. Should I be talking to someone within the service because they have a better understanding of the situation and lifestyle?
  • Heather B

    Well thats what Im here for my friend. To brighten your day . Smile your way through even if no one knows your doing it.
  • Holger Kunzemann

    hey brother,

    nice to meed you. take care
  • Kevin Clark

    Take care and be safe yourself Pal.
  • Rob F

    Thanks brother. Good to be on board.
  • Evgenie Frolov from Russia

    Greetings. Thanks for the comment.take care..
  • keith carney

    thanks its cool to talk to brotherin from my home state of fla
  • Kristin

    Thanks! Im soooo jealous! Although we are taking a family vacay to Disney next month! =)
  • bololo

    thanks, I love the page ... greetings
  • bololo

    thanks this is my mail,
  • bouchie88

    thanks for accepting the add and sam back to you, keep er safe
  • Phillip Leeder

    Hello Allen, thanks for the welcome, I visited Florida way back in the early 70's when I was in th navy. We had a great time. I went on a coach trip in the USA last summer with my family and again a good time was had by all. I am getting a little long in the tooth now but I still love getting onto the pump and going on a shout. We only get about 100 calls ayear but its enough to keep the heart ticking and the mind thinking. I have a good crew and I could not think of a better job. I am ofcourse only part time now but we still get paid for doing what we would do for free.


  • Peter S. Berger

    Hello Allen,

    Thank for the well wishes. Stay safe to you to brother.

  • David Brooks

    yeah its pretty good thanks for the welcome i hope yall stay safe as well

    Great photos! Have a great weekend.
  • jorge

    thanks,im basically trying to make sure ill be eligable to start the road to being a firefighter,so im hear for some answers
  • Me'Licia

    Thank you so much! I am really excited about my new career choice. My boyfriend and his friend are my inspirations...
  • Me'Licia

    Thank you my friend!!! :-)
  • Jim

    Thanks as for staying safe out there that is the only way to roll..
  • Athelta

    Thanks for the welcome Allen.....
    You stay safe as well.
  • donald noss

    Yes Sir. Thank You. Was thinking about posting some of the pics on this site.
  • Amanda

    Thank you sir.
    Will do and stay safe yourself.
  • Jennifer Stewart

    Thanks! You do the same!
  • La'Toria Jones

    Thanks Allen. You are right, it is pretty cool.
  • Jeremy Hoffman

    I dont have any choice but to be safe so that I can return to my family at the end of the day thanks for the comment
  • Jeremy Hoffman

    Hey buddy how are you today any unnatural calls over night
  • Ela

  • Cody Bishop

    Thanks alot
  • Naty

    Hi All!! your picĀ“s are very nice too! I hope we can be in touch for share experiences! Stay Safe!!!
  • Alex

    IS it against regulation for fire officers to smoke in your brigade

  • WRFD 784

    I was wondering if you are interested in trading patchs. If so then send me your address and I will get one in the mail today along with 5 others. Be Safe. WRFD 784
  • Julia Heltemes

    Thank you. I will certainly look over the website and I appreciate your comment. I look forward to talking to you again in the future... until then be safe and take care of you.

    Julie Heltemes
  • Rick Woodworth

    Thanks for the welcome! Palm Beach, man that looks nice there. I live in a rain forest my self. Hope you are well and staying safe. Bye for now.
  • Martin D. Rivera

    Gracias Senor! We'll be looking forward to contacting a lot of Bomberos from all over thru this website.
    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Francisca Wallace

    thanks be safe
  • Eirik Ellingsen

    Thank you for your concern.
    This seem to be a nice web page
  • Jayson Lee

    hi, thanks for the welcome from across the ocean. keep well and keep safe
  • Mark Weiss

    Hey Allen, How is everything going? Doing well here. This web site is pretty cool. Talk to ya soon Mark
  • Raymund Niere

    thank's sir Allen for 'ur welcome, hope to learn more from you guy's. likewise, stay safe...IN and OUT.
  • Carrie Hawkins

    thank you.
  • Mark Garrow

    I added new pics of one of my new fire stations you should check them out
  • Alicia

    Thank you for the welcome and I look forward to participating in FFN.
  • WRFD 784

    I was wondering if you would want to trade patches. Let me know. If so then my address is
    Jeremy Black
    345 W Galloway
    Weiser, ID 83672

    Send me yours and I will get one in the amil if you want.
    Take Care and Be Safe.
    Jeremy WRFD 784

    Also thanks for signing my guest book.
  • Katie Jones

    thanks! yea im trying to figure it out. My dad used to be a firefighter and my brother is one, im trying to get through the national registry for my emt so i can take the paramedic course.