


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Military/Federal Response Agency, Emergency Management, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Safety Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
USCG National Strike Force, Pacific Strike Team
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the military and became a medic, I like to help people. I later stayed in the medical field and joined a HazMat team. My last 10 years in the military I was a Hazmat responder and SOHC, Safety and Occupational Health Coordinator. My last tour of duty was at the WTC.

Comment Wall:

  • Paul

    RetCC Welcome to FFN. Stay Safe- n- take Care!
  • Tim Meckler # 575

    welcome to the family retcggirl
  • michael m madsen

    Hi ! Welcome to FFN! ,,,,hilsen Firefighter from Denmark ! michael madsen.....:-)....just check on my friends....:-)
  • Jason

    No they don't get away with anything god bless stay safe.
  • Chan Rivera

    hello and welcome to ffn from NY
  • Jason

    Well thats really cool it's all about family careing.I am having a great weekend be safe and god bless u all.Jason
  • catfish

    welcome to your new family
  • Ed

    Hi RetCGirl welcome to FFN
  • Robin Inman

    Hi Ret and welcome to's a great place for info and chat. Take care and stay safe.
  • Haz Mat

    Hey welcome aboard! Nice shot of "The Blues". Good choice. Stay low, stay safe!
  • Ron Maddox

    Welcome to FFN.
    Be safe and have fun.
  • Big Jim

    Welcome to the FFN family and thanks for the add. Glad to have you in my circle of friends. Great bunch of pics and beautiful family. Stay safe.
  • Don Sims

    Welcome to the nation RetCGGirl, from the mountains of E. TN.. Stay safe, take care and I hope you have a great weekend.
  • 144Truck

    The only folks my our part of CT that went were several K9 Handleers from CT State Police. The rest of our area, especially the fire service stayed in CT on hot standby. We stood down around 09/30
  • Christopher J. Naum, SFPE

    Sorry for the delay, just returned from teaching in South Korea, didnt have email/internet capabilities while I was gone.Thanks for joining.
  • peter laurimore

    Yes thank you i was at support center kodiak as a cfr firefighter and before that getting my A.S. degree in fire sceince i was in both of the wind class ice breakers( WAGB 281,282) nice pics on your site . Keep them safe costee
  • peter laurimore

    USAF plant 42 fire sta.#2 in southern California one of 2 new stations.
    if the aircraft is painted black i fight fire in it (military that is)
  • Shawn

    Thank you for continuing to serve.

  • rick kassahn

    yes please do look for me there fire1222 im ther now
  • AFD

    Hi Lisa :)
    Thanks for your greetings yes ! i took some $$ Overtime and worked my turkey day. my kids are ok they spent it with there moms and grandma's
    i thank you for your shring your pictures :)
    i like the back picture L O l ;)
    you take care ...anthony Be safe
  • Allen

    Just wanted to say hi, you have some very interesting photos, Be safe out there and don't do anything i would'nt, not that it is saying a lot. ill try anything once:)
  • Allen

    I liked them all but esp the 9-11 ones. I was in La for Katrina and the resuce efforts for over a week. We had some pretty nasty things we came across and worked with a lot of good people. Esp the ones from the Air Force. I thought about posting some of the ones on here and may still do so. If i get some down time i will and let you know if your interested.

    Take care,
  • Todd M. Beery

    We should chat, I also was in search efforts in NYC on 9-11. I responded with Ohio Task Force one, at the time I was assigned to Heavy resQ. We arrived 0630 on 9-12. I have only been back one time since my 12 day deployment there. It was refreshing to see things in the recovery process with all the rebuild going on. A nightmere I never care to relive.
  • Dale Dittrick

    I am pleased to meet you. My holidays went too fast. But now all we have to do is pay for all the fun. Well, take care.
  • wilbur calder

    thank you for the comment. you have a very nice pic to very beautiful if i may say...