Juan Loya, Jr.


Brownsville, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Fire / Arson Investigator
Years in Fire/EMS:
10 yrs. Fire 8 yrs, EMS
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
McAllen FIre Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
City of San Benito Fire Dept. 8yrs.
City of San Benito Police Dept. 5 Yrs.
My Training:
Intermediate firefighter, Arson Investigator, EMT-B, Peace officer, Intermediate Crime scene investigator and Fire dept. Characterization course. (Clown College) used in fire prevention.
About Me:
I'm a 27 year old male that started working for the San Benito fire Dept. at the age of 19. I am currently a Public Safety officer for that city who has crosstraine several firefighters as police officers. I also work EMS full time for the private EMS company that covers San Benito. I've been married for 6yrs. and have two 4 yr. old daughters.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the fire service because I wanted to continue my family tradition. I'm a 3rd generation firefighter and one of 6 firefighters in my imdiate family.
I joined EMS to further my knowledge in the medical field and I just fell in love with it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I like helping people.

Comment Wall:

  • Norm Carl Jr

    Welcome to the "Nation"
  • michael m madsen

    Welcome to the "Nation"
  • FireCat

    Thank you for the friend request!

  • Kayli Borell

    soooo my leg.......my older brother n my bf at the time thought it would b smart 2 put A LOT of gasloine on a fire n then start it. i was wearing bug spray n the flames found there way to my legs. yes, it is healed....it happend this past summer. they thought they were goin to have to graph it
  • Kayli Borell

    thnks. whats with the sweetheart....LOL so ne ways i am TERRIFIED for this saturday.....we are burnin in the byron's burn tower n i havent been around flames/fire since the accident. i do no that when my leg is to close to a heater or the sun hits on the spot that got burned it hurts really bad. so im not sure what will happen on saturday. i havent really been around fire b4 other than camping n when those 2 DUMBASSES did that! kinda ruins my hobbie of goin camping!
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hello Juan!
    Thank you for the add. Any chance of swapping a patch with me? Stay safe brother!!

  • james johnson

    hey thanks be sare
  • tito

    Welcome to the Nation (being part of this brotherhood of all nations of Fire), a big hug from Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina (in South America). I would send you an invitation to you to be part of the Group of Volunteer Firefighters Argentina http://www.firefighternation.com/group/tito2008
    Click on the top right of the screen in this direction and ready resources of professionals in the fight against fire in this beautiful country at the end of the world .-
    Chau!! Camarada
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Juan! Thanks for responding to my e-mail brother. I am grateful to you for accepting to trade as well. I will send you patches back from here in return. My address is:
    Daniel Garvin
    4399 Viau Street
    Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
    H9H 3B1

    Thanks again and please remember to stay safe out there!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Juan,
    Me again. I noticed you are a police officer as well and if you would like to swap a police patch I have some from here to trade as well. Thanks again bro!

  • Frank J. Lara

    Hey man, nice to meet cha,.. a fellow Fire/Cop , huh ? Stay safe out there. FjL out
  • Naty

    Hi Juan what´s up? it`s very nica to meet you. I hope that this space on the web help us to be good friends and sharing experiences. and welcome to the Fire Nation. I saw that my friend Tito invited you to a group of volunteer firefighters from Argentina, I hope to see you there. A big hug from Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina.
  • Heather Gilbey

    helllo juan, nice to meet you thanks for inviting me to be your friend love to share experiences and stories with you.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Juan!
    Yes thank you, I collect Police, Fire, EMS, Immigration, Border Patrol and a few others. I will send you patches from the same agencies if you like. I am grateful to you for helping me with my collection. Have a great day and please stay safe!

  • Kenny Chioa

    nice fire truck, we use vector warning lights too. By the way, thanks for adding me up..
  • tito

    Juan you send an email with the information you asked me. Chau! a big hug and stay safe!