Heather Gilbey

48, Female

Canfield, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
17 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Green Twp Fire/ EMS
Years With Department/Agency
4 yrs
My Training:
Im a paramedic, level II firefighter and Fire Inspector
About Me:
Im married have a 4 yo son work full time ems and run vol fire ems
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love being a paramedic helping people and love being a firefighter not many woman can do the job and i love doing fire attack and rescue operations
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the excitement of helping people

Comment Wall:

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Heather, welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Southern Oregon Coast
  • Tim Wood

    Welcome to this great nation love to see the ohio ff signin on
  • Sarah Kennedy

    hello, i agree it is so nice to see moe women in the fire service.
    i love it, it is awsome being able to do it with my hubby to!! we are getting ready to move back to texas in a couple of weeks so we wil be back on our old dept, they are so ready for us to come back lol.
    be safe out there and hope to hear form you soon!
  • Tim Wood

    I should be at your station tonight for the county meeting.
  • Sarah Kennedy

    Hi Heather,
    My hubby acctually was in the fire service first, and then i really wanted to be apart of it and help out others and the comunity. I started school to be a EMT, then just decided to join thre fire service, i really love it. My hubby has a full time job so i have made alot of calls while he is at work. Me and my hubby have decided to get out ECA and then atleast for now go up to and get our EMT-B. I am really happy to see more women in the fire service it makes me feel good. Have a good day Talk to you later
  • Tim Wood

    Sorry i missed you and yes i`ve been chief at hanoverton sinse Tom passed in November.And as far as ems we get who county calls us
  • Sarah Kennedy

    hello heather,
    so far the only thing is i need to loose some of my weight, and i will i know i will with all of the running i do lol. Other wise i seem to like everything. People at the dept are very good about helping me out if i have any questions etc... so i feel very fortinate there, i attend all trainng and have been to fire school, last time i went i got my 911 dispatcher certification.
  • Max L

    Thanks for accepting the friends add. Be safe out there..
  • Max L

    Well I'll tell you i am more Glenmoor fire than anywhere lol.. other than that its just a label that pays me.. My partner is Michelle Ensele. She is on Negley Fire as well. I meant to get back to say hi to you but didnt get a chance to.
  • Max L

    I would of gladly watched him put on a show. it was luck of the draw.. still had to leave early to pick up a call. I guess im just privy that way lol..
  • Max L

    no i missed him crying but i was talking to derek im sure his tears where louder lol
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Heather!
    Just stopping by to say hello and inquire if you would be interested in swapping a patch with me? Have a great day and please stay safe!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Thank you for your kind comments about the great white north. I am glad that you had a nice time here. If ever you find yourself in Montreal, look me up. Wanna trade a patch? Stay safe!!!

  • Max L

    Nice working with you today be safe
  • Max L

    Yes Yes we where. And sorry to pawn if off on you.. but head injury needed more than we could if it went bad.... as for stalking i think your seeing what i am doing for the day and showing up there before i do.. lol..
  • Max L

    I knew she had some sort of issue going on... i caught hell for it but still right thing to do is the right thing to do.. polictics are never good thing in pt care just my thoughts... would you be more like big sister lol...
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Heather,
    I appreciate the effort and will make it worth your while. Your hubby likes Canada? Any particular part? Have you ever visited here? I am in Quebec, Montreal to be exact. Thanks again and please remember to stay safe out there!

  • Max L

    Is he really worth the waste of time lol. besides we had a medic in salem. (i asked for from the word go lol). I think we worked well together hahahaha who needs management to make things work...
  • Max L

    we did thats all that matters. i think i still throw people off because of karls rep when i do stuff like that. oh well whats he going to do fire me lol.. someone will pick me up im cute and great comic relief ok ok one of those is true lol.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I greatly appreciate all you are doing to get a patch. I am also glad that your experience here in Canada was a positive one! Stay safe out there.

  • David Panezott

    Thanks...Maybe one of our dept. will get a big call some time and it will be like the 36 hr class again.
  • David Panezott

    Good Good! Yeah I thought your ex was a trud in class but it is good that you are doing well now.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Heather!
    I prefer used ones...they have seen action! Thanks!!!! My address is:

    Daniel Garvin
    4399 Viau Street
    Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
    H9H 3B1

    Thanks again and please send me your address so I can send you mine. Stay safe!!

  • David Panezott

    I think that I wanted to type turd not trud (oops). It is nice to hear that your new man treats you all well. I can remember when my mom was dating the guy that is now my step-dad. He would come over to our house and my mom would get ready to leave with him and he would ask her where she was going. She always thought he was coming over to pick her up but instead he came over to take me fishing. There will always be a BIG difference between the two words Dad and father. I just call my "real" father the "sperm donor."
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Yes, you are correct, a passport is required for Americans coming here and Canadians going to the States. It is a shame that it has come to this all because of foreigners who want to harm us and impose their way of life on us. In any case, you would need a passport for every member of the family as I understand it. Your best bet would be to contact immigration and ask them. I'm sorry that I could not be of more help. Stay safe!!!

  • David Panezott

    First Responders....yes and no. Alot of us younger guys want to but we are having a hard time with getting the trustees to go with it.