Lars Andersen

60, Male



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fighter Wing Skrydstrup BOR
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Ambulance and first responder for 16 years
War veteran from Bosnia, Kosovo and Kyrgystan (Afghanistan)
My Training:
Danish basic firefighter education
Military NCO-course
Danish leading firefighter education
Danish leading ARFF education
Battalion commander
Military ARFF
Civil ARFF
ARFF onscene Commander
Military Senior NCO-course
About Me:
46 years old, wife and two kids, long distance runner, scuba diver.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Just to try somthing new..

Comment Wall:

  • Lisa

    Thank you for that sweet comment, Lars. I hope thats' true. Take care, hope to hear from you soon.
  • michael m madsen

    hejsa de er da ret at se en Dansk Brandmand. jeg heder michael og er Brandmand i Grenaa
  • Lars Andersen

    Hei Roy

    Ja, det er nok greit at skrive på dansk. Jeg er uddannelsesleder/næstkommanderende på en militær flyvestation her i Danmark. Jeg er altid på jagt efter nye træningsmetoder inden for flybrand og rutinering af røgdykkere.
    Vi træner med en fly-mockup og ellers træner vi mest i, at slukke væskebrande i benzin og jetfuel JP-8.
    Hvordan er jeres beredskab i Trondheim? Hvilke crask-tendere benytter I?

    Med venlig hilsen

    Lars Andersen
  • Lisa

    Hello Lars, how are you doing? How are things in Denmark?
  • Lars Andersen

    Hallo Lisa

    Things are allright here in Denmark. I am preparing for the summer holiday. There are a lot of things here on the fire department that I will have to take care of before I am ready to go on holiday. The last two weeks befor the holiday will be spend on our national fire-academy.
    Then I will be off for a 38 day. The holiday will be spend in Egypt and in Greenland.
    Hope that things are OK in Canada as well.
  • Lars Andersen

    Hallo Michael
    Thank you for your greatings. Maybe I will go close to Köln in a year or two. I do somtimes participate in the Neimegen march i Nederland. It is quit close to Köln.

    Kindly regards

  • Lisa

  • Thomas Bishop

    Hi Lars - Nice Photos - You may want to see - The International Organization of Fire Photography (IOFP) is the largest group of fire photographers worldwide.
  • NMB Truckie

    Got your message that you might be coming to Horry County, Feel free to look us up at North Myrtle Beach anytime. I have been studing european firefighting tactics and would love to share some training and other information with my brothers from abroad!!
  • NMB Truckie

    Hey Lars,

    Great to hear from you. I just wanted to give you my e-mail address so I might talk with you more in depth. I find it so interesting how differently our countries solve the same problem of fire. If you send me your e-mail I can send some pictures of my department and crew and send you some of our training materials to possibly see some different tactics than your used to. I hope all goes well for you over there. Stay safe,

    Lt James Vreeland