Damon Dyer

60, Male

Rockport Arkansas

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Hot Spring county sheriff patrol 1 year , Rockport reserve police officer , Perla fire dept.
My Training:
I have all 17 modules just need to test for ff I & and II , hazmat opps , wild land fire suppression , instructor 1 , advanced extrication , bus extrication , chief officer , ic command , first responder , rough terrain rescue 1 , 2 and 3 , confined space rescue , rope rescue , tactical rope rescue , school inspection , part time II officer , courtroom prep & testimony for first responders , ics 100 , 200 , 700 , 800 , Arson investigator emergency vehicle driving , basic pump operations , driver operations modules 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , fire boat operations and advanced forcible entry
About Me:
I am a husband to a beautiful wife, a father and grandfather . I volunteer with three fire departments , sheriff's patrol and i am a reserve officer with Rockport police .
Day Job:
City of Rockport street department .
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to be helpful to the areas i work in and for the excitement
Why I Love Fire/EMS
crawling into a burning house putting out the fire and then having people look at you and thank you for helping them
Top Issues Facing Responders:
training, funding and getting along with each other

Comment Wall:

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  • angie the fire/resqmom

    you tell her i said she a very wise and wonderful woman...lmao. ss always, angie
  • Ray Edwards

    Ya baby Are ya jealos???????
  • Jimmy Evans

    do u want to work the ark.-monroe game in little rock on 9-6-08
    if so be at the stadium by 5pm on south end first aid station and look for my dad. also any other medical trianed people are needed we need 60-70 people to help. also you can call my dad AL Evans at 501-847-0462 or 501-744-7983 for more info
  • Justin Buck

    do u know how to start a website for a fire dept. i like to start one for Ouachita
  • Susan Heikkila

    Hi! are you going to make it to the boots and badges ball? Ken & I, probably Johnny will be working the memorial booth there. good to hear from you!
  • Susan Heikkila

    see you there. busy day planned in my workshop, rennovating a dollhouse built in 1914
  • Justin Buck

    have yall had any calls lately
  • lloyd

    I thought we were already friends on here. What happened? Hit me up
  • Justin Buck

    sounds like yall been busy
  • Keith Reed

    listened to u tell that lady about it...so i figured id join also...since u sent me an invite and all...
  • Ray Edwards

    Not much.Did you have fun last night on the boat?Looked good.Thing handles great.How about the trip back.A lot of boats to weave through.Be good.
  • kenny goines

    Hey what was going on yesterday at the 99?
  • FF Schoen

    I am sorry, that comment was not meant towards you Damon. I apologize if it was offensive what I said. I do understand that we each have our own beliefs.

    FF Schoen
    God Bless and Never Forget
  • Ray Edwards

    Hey dude,did you see the points dropped in half???Thats why i said the points do not matter and should be dropped.Do you change the rules in the middle of a football game??What about a nascar race.Could you imagine taking points away from Nascar drivers during the race. What a joke.Have fun and be safe.Oh ya,I am deducting money from payroll just because.
  • FireCat

  • Randy

    Happy B-day hope all is well!!
  • anne potter

    Happy birthday
  • Justin Buck

    Happy Birthday
  • Joe Stoltz

    Joe those two came to us we did not know they were interested until then . FFN can be a tool adapt and overcome ain't that what we are supposed to do ?

    Damon, FFN can be a tool, but you know that a tool can be harmful if not used appropriately.

    FFN is a tool for learning, teaching, socializing, and even venting if need be. I believe that the in-fighting and people-bashing sometimes seen on FFN is common in pretty much all organizations comprised of people - work, church, PTA, and so on.

    I'm a member of several non-firefighting internet forums and believe me, I see the same thing on those.

    If prospective new members aren't wise enough to recognize this fundamental trait of human nature, they could very well be scared off or disillusioned by what they see on FFN. IMHO.

    Happy belated birthday! Take care, stay safe.
  • Justin Buck

    i like that forum you started lol
  • Dominic 'Nic' Alexander

    Hey, how you doing? Just fine here. How are the dept. doing back home. Can't wait to get back and help out.
  • Dominic 'Nic' Alexander

    Hey, that is a M RAP. It is a up armored International. It is the new vehical for the army. It's not bad. It rides rough.
  • Justin Buck

    lol yeap i know i cant catch up to u
  • Clay Nutt

    Thanks man!
  • Justin Buck

    when u get time will u give me a call Brain Rickman Wanted me to talk to u about some classes
  • kenny goines

    Hey are yall ready for tonight?
  • kenny goines

    no we were good just checking to see if everyone else was.
  • Jenelle

    Hey add me.....
  • Jenelle

    Hey add me.....
  • phoenixfbird

    Thankyou sweetheart..I try to add more but I have not had too much time.stay safe!! Phoenix
  • Greenman

    The trikes carry about 50 Ft. of hose and are perfect for the alleyways in Chinese cities which are often less than 2 meters wide and ar ethe only "roads" into many residential areas.

    Here in Korea where we live right now, the Korean Fire Depratments have mini-pumpers which are built on a "Towner" Chasis. A Towner is a gas-powered vhicle slightly larger than a golf Cart and capable of going 60 mph. I drive one as my personal vehicle and I can do a full 360deg in a narrow road without having to back up at all. Again they fit into some places even a Ford Escort wouldn't fit into!
  • Brian Dumser

    I hear ya Brother. Sometimes I think that's her job here on FFN! Stay safe & thanks for the add.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hey Damon, Thanks for the nice words of encouragement. I've gotten a lot of positive response from folks asking me to put out more stuff... I'm thinking about is as we speak.
  • Kenneth

    Good to hear from you Damon. Kind of funny that I'm hearing from you, as Tracy and I were just talking about you a few days ago. I'll send you a message soon.
  • Deb Jeffery

    Thx Damon, keep in touch and stay
  • John

    Thanks for the request Stay Safe Brother
  • FireCat

    Hi Damon -

    How are you this morning? Florida Defeats Arkansas, 38-7... We kicked your butts.. Lol

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    Excuses, excuses!

    Compliments MySpace Comments and Graphics
    MySpace Layouts - Compliments Photobucket Login, Upload Pics and Videos
    Free Comments and Graphics
  • FireCat

    I saw the "Girl on the bike" video which scared me half to death... Lol I also saw the one with the guy who couldn't' stop laughing... that was hysterical! did you post more?
  • FireCat

    What did I miss with the think before you post forum?
  • FireCat

    BTW - Didn't you love the "Jammies" discussion? LOL
  • FireCat

    OMG - Why am I surprised with all the weirdos on the internet!!!
  • Jenny Holderby

    HI Damon, I wanted to look @ your profile when you replied to one of my blogs or discussions. COOL!! I like itl You have some really neat stuff here. The song playing is HEAVEN and that is one of my most favorite songs. So I'm hangin until the tune is done. :)
  • michael

    capt nemo!! its mike 226 like your profile this is my time doing all this
  • Justin Buck

    what you been up too lately
  • firechief911

    hey dude whats up
  • meLiissa.! =)

    eii qe Onda
    pos aqii andO
    dejandO La
    saLe ps me bOii
  • Fyrftr602

    Been a long time since I had time to get here, just wanted to say hello....
  • Justin Buck

    what u been up too
  • patirica

    hey stranger in college today just anothe day of school see ya