Filiberto Rodriguez




Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMS Chief / Division Head
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
30 +
About Me:
I like helping people since I was 14 years, I participated in various difficult situations that have happened to my country, such as earthquakes, fires historic flood, and so on.
I trained in emergency medical technician, firefighter, rescue vehicle, aquatic rescue, rescue rope, PHTLS, BTLS, I have taken many courses in different places, because my training is very important for us in this medium.
Something that I like most is to help people in distress, and greater satisfaction that I have is that I became a trainer in my town, that speaks well of me.
I enjoy a lot with my family because it is what motivates forward.
I enjoy a lot of diving and every chance that I practice it.
I would like here to exchange information on everything related to medical emergencies, because that is what I love most.
I would like in a not too distant time nanny in the Palm Springs to my country to bring in emergency professionals from other countries to give us lectures and sharing information continue to face this beautiful work of saving life.
now I have a shop to sell items for professionals in the emergency and I like that because I have the opportunity to greet the people with whom I share experiences.

if you are interested in exchange shirt will be a pleasure for me to do so say me nanny in the Palm Springs.

You're Friend of Mexico Filiberto
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined that I've always liked to help my peers in disgrace, I have more than 27 years and helping to train and learn a lot more I want to continue helping people in distress when I need.

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  • Nico Chiarini

    gracias por pasar por mi pagina amigo mexicano!!! ahora me pongo a chusmear tus fotos y videos!
  • Bill Johnson

    Hey Filiberto and thanks for the comment.It's Right on target. This is a great site, Hope to make alot of contacts
  • Mario

    Gracias Beto,
    Iits nice to be here, I am a Texican. I can speak spanish but its hard for me to write it. I went to the Fire Academy in Laredo, TX when I was 18. Thanks for the warm welcome. Hope to talk shop with you and others.
  • sweetfiresweet

    thank u for the welcome

    hola amigo como anda todo por alla. te dejo mi correo para que podamos estar en contacto LUIS_REYNOSOBV@HOTMAIL.COM me encantaria cambiar info o indumentaria. saludos
  • Bill Hoke

    Thank you. You are right about what you have said. Be safe.
  • Nick Rockey

    greetings to you too my friend
  • Jim

    Thank you, I agree!
  • carlos

    hola como vfa todo por alla. han tenido muchas salidas en estos dias? Esdpero que no perdmos contacto. te dejo mi mail asi podemos chatear y cambiar informacion,
  • Jim Ryder

    thank you brother
  • Carina Vera

    gracias por la bienvenida, estoy ansiosa de contactarme con colegas del mundo. Bss
  • C. R. Vaughan

    Stay safe out there brother...
  • Mike Van Tassel

    thanks i hope i like this site! i like it so far!! later stay safe
  • cesar omar

    hola como estas
    gracias por el comentario igual un saludo para todos ustedes alla........
    espero estemos en contacto......
    cesar o.
  • Mark Zanghetti

    HOLA! Thank you for the welcome. Where are you a firefighter?
  • Kacey

    Thank you for that message! I loved it!
  • Joseph "Fireman Joe" Stambush

    Hello My Brother,

    Greetings from Northern Kentucky where we have 10 inches of snow and the temperature is 15 Degrees hope your day is well.

    Fireman Joe
  • Alex, Ossendorf

    Hey Fili, thanks for the comment. stay low bro
  • Danilo Godoy

    Hola muchas gracias por la bienvenida! La verdad que da gusto tener una posibilidad como esta para poder intercambiar info con colegas de todas partes. te dejo mi mail, es un poco informal, pero es el que mas uso Saludos
  • sean rainey

    Thank you for welcoming me to this great nation. I agree with you. All of us have something in common and that is the preservation of life and property. Color, nationality, and religion should have nothing to do with this job. We are all here to help others in their time of need. Regardless. Be safe
  • Arianna

    thanks. ( :
  • Vic Oleson

    thank you for the welcome
  • Charles

    Thanks for the welcome glad to join and more so glad to be a part of something that is still standing strong. BROTHERHOOD!
  • carlos

    hola como anda todo por alla. espero algun dia pode tener contacto
  • Dan Edwards

    Hey man thanks for the welcome.
  • facundo alvarez

    Hola colega!!! gracias por la bienvenida, espero que nos podamos contactar e intercambiar conocimientos....un abrazo grande
  • Dean Manchester

    Well from the Great White North, thanks. And though it's true that we have a dangerous job to do we need to remember that only by keeping ourselves safe can we do what we have to do to help others.
  • Joe Green

    Hey, thanks for the welcome. It's good to know that race, religion, or borders won't put a holt on the Brotherhood. Take care. Joe Green
  • Beth

    Thank You all for the Warm Welcome! I can't wait to catch up on al lthe latest and oppotunity to make some really great friends!
  • Tim

    Thank you very much!
  • Sterling

    Thanks for the welcome Filiberto!
  • guy williams

    Cheers Filiberto.
    I hope to share some good ideas on here in the future.
  • Cathy Radziemski

    Thanks, Filiberto. BTW, the music playing with your photos is absolutely the best --- Billy Joel's "Piano Man" is one of my all-time favorites. I totally agree with your words in your welcome note. Everyone out there in the world needs to have the attitude of the EMS provider: Take care of anyone no matter who they are or what they look like.
  • joaquin

    muchas gracias fileberto, estoy muy contento de formar parte de esto.

  • Danny

    Thanks FIliberto..actually I'm from mexico too. Well my parents are and I've lived most of my time Tj and Rosarito..It's good to see mexicans firefighters to, mi brother in law is a Paramedic and Firefighter in Tijuana..I;m kind of following his steps jaja..See you later Filiberto thank you for the welcomeing..Saludos de mi parte tambien, cuidate paisano..
  • Amber

    Thanks for the warm welcome. Hope you have a great day. Be safe.

    Filiberto, disculpame no haber agradecido tu bienvenida antes, es que no entiendo casi nada de ingles, pero si hablas castellano me interesarĂ­a cambiar informacion contigo, mi E-mail: Saludos
  • Mick Shelley

    Filiberto I just wanted to tell you that I like your choice of music, I grew up
    not to far from Billy. I met him for the first time about 4 years ago at an
    event I was covering, he is a great guy. I wish you the very best, stay safe.
  • Bob Mowery

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Miguel Angel

    Un honor conocer a otro Mexicano con afines mutuos, reciba un mas grande y cordial saludo desde Los Angeles, CA. Gracias!

    Miguel Angel
  • Guerrerita

    Gracias, hermano. No habrĂ­a podido decirlo mejor mismo. Toda la sangre es roja!
  • bunk

    Thanks for the welcome. Stay safe down there!
  • Pete Methner

    hello Filiberto
    It is nice to hear from you and i hope that everything is well there...
    Stay Safe Brother
    your frost bitten Canadian friend..
  • LT. EMS

    hey the , i have to ask you some thing i just became a lt for my ems squad how do you get the younger member get and do thing with out kill them or yelling at that ??? oo do you want to trade patches ???
  • Michael Richardson

    Thank you for the welcome!

    hola amigo como estas queria saber como esta todo por alla
    y en lo posible que nos pongamos en contacto... saludos nos vemos
  • Keggster

    Thanks, all ready finding this site very useful and informative.
  • fireguy

    Hey there Filiberto,
    Thankls for the hello! Glad to be here and look forward to exploring this site. Stay safe and sound guy!
  • Paul Dietrich


    If you got my back... I got yours
  • Tony Owens

    Thanks And Stay Safe Out There