
35, Female

Newport News

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 year
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Smithfield, Virginia
Years With Department/Agency
1 year
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
About Me:
I'm an 18 year old EMT from the great state of Virginia. I'm in my second year of college, and I hope to one day become a career FireFighter/Paramedic.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I just love helping people, and anyway, there's nothing like the rush you get from it.

Comment Wall:

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  • Ross

    stay safe have a good evening
  • mike

    hi from wisconsin
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    NO worries...Zorn is a pretty good Offensive guy. Was a great QB, so he will realte to the players...besides who wants to coach for Snyder!
  • mike

    hey how u doing, how has ur week gone
  • Firefighter_2

    thanx 4 the add meris,be safe out there......
  • Jim

    Hello Samantha, enjoyed reading your blog's. Keep them coming.
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    just droped in to say good morning and hope ya have a great day.
  • Jim

    Thanks for the add
  • tony

    wanted to say hi... be safe
  • mike

    no problem for the add, my week has been ok, im in paramedic class now and where doing pharm.
  • mike

    hey do u have yahoo im
  • Randy Macey

    Check out the some of the Groups, I have started up "Close Calls" an area to tell your story of what you did and should not of so others learn. "Roll Calls" this is another group that allows you to tell us about your station and district. "Trainers Corner" is another area that you can read about issues other trainers have or deal with. As well if your not a trainer you can ask questions or state concerns you have. If you have a hard time locating them just go to my site and look at the bottom left hand corner.

    Enjoy, be safe and remember we all come home.


    Thanks for the add b good or be good at it
  • Troy

    thanx for the add
  • Nathan Hibbert

    Thanks for the add, stay safe out there.
  • Bradley c1507

    hideo ho there how is everything in va take care be safe
    L8ER Bradley C 1527 West Virginia
  • matthew

  • Capkurt

    Don't blame you. He had a pretty good year. Made the Pro Bowl, right?

  • arezki


  • Aric Stewart

    howdy from texas thanks for the add hope to talk to you more
  • Frank

    Hi, just thought I would say hello. I like your style of writing. So keep up the good work and I will continue reading.
  • wmason

    hello wanted to come on f f nation to meet new friends
  • lang

    great post i enjoyed reading them and i went to your other site and i was wondering if i could "steal" your one quote "everything is alright in the end and if its not alright then its not the end" i like that and i re thought it even if you don't let me steal it i'm goin to steal it anyways :) stay safe out there and keep up the good work lang
  • lang

    it was on blogspot from way back when i got really bored last night couldn't sleep no offense
  • Jason

    Hey Meris, I have a blog I'd like you to look at and help get the word out to others on the site...let me know what you think! And we're psuedo-neighbors since I'm from VA...Jason
  • Josh

    beautiful pic.........hope you are having a good day
  • William Reinhard

    Hi Meris, I liked reading your post about your calls, just when your shift is over. Be great full you are all going home, then let it go!...I come from a department were there we had 42 stations and on the average each station ran 18 to 25 calls per shift. I volunteered also for 3 years before I a career, and was a rescue swimmer in the USCG. I now right training materials and design programs for the fire service. Stay safe and good luck with your classes, if I can be of any service, training wise let me know.....
  • tony

    hey meris. hope all is good..have a great day

  • Meghan

    I just wanted to say hi to a fellow Virginian!!!!
  • Dexter Hatcher

    Thanks for the add on friend.
  • Meghan

    Yeah I grew up in the Richmond area, and now live in the Harrisonburg area.

    Thanks for the add, be careful out there.
  • nick276ff43

    Stay safe out there...

  • JOE

  • Mason Muench

    Wat up wat up Maris.... How You Doin??
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    hey you lol keep them letters coming but im loving my three day pass off base lol ill talk to you on the phone later and i didnt get a lbtop yet but im working on it.
  • wmason

    hellomaris how are u ?
  • Cliff

    Hi. Just joined and saying hello to people in the area.
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    hey you.... wow thats all i have to say. one hole sleeples night for me. im glad all is well. miss you.
  • Chris

    Hi, thanks for the add.
  • lang

    hope you feel better soon and not trying to sound like a creeper but you do make a c-collar look good
  • michael

    hope ya have a great 4th.
  • Rick

  • Brandon

    Hey hows it going
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Meris! Just joined the group and am looking to swap patches. I am a paramedic from Montreal, Canada. Been working here for 23 years. Any chance of a swap? Stay safe!
  • charles howe

    happy thanksgiving
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    hey kido i hope your feeling better give me a text and let me know how you are . a little worried about you