

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Administrative Staff / Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Carolina Rescue and EMT
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Lake Junaluska FD
Beesons Crossroads FD
South Fork FD
Cooleemee FD (retired)
Smith Reynolds Airport FD
Forsyth Rescue Squad
Winston-Salem Rescue Squad
Cooleemee PD
Alleghany Co SO
Forsyth Co SO
Winston-Salem PD
My Training:
Instructor for 14 years: IFSAC Level II, NFPA 1001 Firefighter I & II, NFPA 1006-Technical Rescuer, Vehicle and Machinery Rescue Specialty, Ropes Specialty; Structural Collapse Specialty, Confined Space Rescue Specialty, Trench Collapse Rescue Specialty, Agricultural Specialty; Farmedic, Emergency Rescue Technician, Rescue Systems I and II (Light and Heavy Structural Collapse), Citizen’s Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Teen CERT, Campus CERT, CERT TTT Instructor and AgriSafe for the Agromidicine Institute at East Carolina University.

Certified: Firefighter II, Emergency Rescue Technician, SARTECH 3, Haz-Mat Ops, Office of Domestic Preparedness WMD NBC Ops/ Command, Structural Collapse Technician- FEMA USAR, Collapse Structural Specialist- NASA USAR; former Emergency Medical Technician for 30 years
About Me:
Experience: Charter Member of N C Task Force-1, Urban Search and Rescue Team (NC EM TF-4), former Logistics’ Manager for NC TF-1, and a line officer with Forsyth Rescue Squad; Deployed to Hurricane Floyd and the Tornado in Stoneville, NC; served on the NFPA 1006 Rescue Technician Validation Committee in NC, and a Firefighter with the Cooleemee FD. Also a Technical Rescue Advisor for the Carolina RS and fourteen years in law enforcement as a Deputy Sheriff and an Assistant Chief of Police.
Day Job:
Fire / Rescue Instructor
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
http://MySpace: rsqinstructor Yahoo: rescuehead99 or techrescue@ear...
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Got interested as a teenager, loved learning new things, and working with my hands. As I learned and understood how important serving others was, I really got excited. This is now the reason I still am involved and it has become a big part of my life.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Events are constantly changing, usually never the exact same twice. Training and learning new things from instructors and students alike. Enjoy teaching students,especially new brothers and sisters to the fire service.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
1. 400 years of heritage impeded by progress.
2. This is my sandbox, and you cann't play in it ?
3. New firefighters being told that "you know that department up the road... they don't have crap, know crap, or cann't do crap.. why would we want to train with them ?

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  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Just thought I'd say hi, have not heard from you in a while. I see you are still as busy as ever. Enjoy, stay safe
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Hi there, Chaplains are volunteers. We are on call 24/7. We get called out via our mobilephones. My day job: I am part of the Trauma Support Team at Glynnwood Hospital in Gauteng. We tend to the patients & their families who were involved in trauma incidents - basically the same as we do in the chaplaincy, only - in the chaplaincy our 1st line of priority is the EMS personel the the public.
  • Ian Kavanagh

    hi jim send me your email address my email is ikavanagh@iolfree.ie i can send the irish firefighters hand book on pdf and the officers hand book and some others stuff regards ian
  • Ian Kavanagh

    hi jim iam sorry i dont have any clips on thoes fires but if i come across same i will forward regards ian
  • Ian Kavanagh

    farming deaths would be high anought and i dont know if that type of fire is a big problem over here one our weather is very damp would fine dust be a problem ie explosive in theses fires ie with grain ect
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    does your course also include USAR / confined space rescues? we had an incident here involving a beach community getting covered by a landslide. killed some little girls and their mom in one of the homes...
  • Ian Kavanagh

    the subject is very interesting i will see can i get any info about how they deal with it over here regards ian
  • S.Ruble

    do you have an explorer post
  • S.Ruble

  • S.Ruble

    i am in a explorer post already and thank you for your comment
  • S.Ruble

    no not right now but mabe later on, why did you want to be in the emergency feild
  • S.Ruble

    Well i have been wanting to become a firefighter since i was young, i love the adrinialine and i am also ADHD so i am a fast thinker which would be perfect in the career for me, i love the big red engines and the thrill of it, i have had a firemen help me grow and learn, i Enjoy helping people, my dream is to become the fire cheif.
  • S.Ruble

    i will
  • S.Ruble

  • S.Ruble

    Jim it i sometimes fast and varies between 120 to as high as 150
    i have emts and firemen check it and they freak out is this normal for a 16 year old? I know it is called tachycardia.
  • S.Ruble

    Can you please answer my question should the firemen freak out when my pulse is that high and i am only 16 years of age, also if i almost pass out in a controlled fire should i be concerned, and should the firemen be concerned?
  • S.Ruble

    it had to deal with orbit white that had caffen in it and it is a reaction between the meds i take and my adhd gum should not have caffein in it should it or it should be on the label my pulse is some what back to normal but is still high at 120 somethimes do you think that is a concern for a kid like me
  • S.Ruble

    ya one firemen is taking good care of me and keeping an eye on me
  • Glenn Young

    How are things in Whinston Salem. Things good in the mountains. Stay safe.
  • Darian Stevens

    Hey bro! I dont mind if you use my pics for presentations...Anyone asks questions bout the pics sending to me and I can answer any questions they might have...Be safe....Darian
  • S.Ruble

    Thank for your advice
  • Robert Nichols

    Thank you I plan on being there unless my blood count drop again and put me back in the hospital again I spent m-th in there due to chemo dropping white cells and red cell.
  • Angela

    Hello Jim... no I don't think any of our guys are going to be in your class. I havent heard anyone speakof it... Hope it is a good one. thanks for the comments. Tink- thats my boyfriends nickname LOL I was wearing his helmet that day...Stay safe an I will check outr your discussion thanks
  • Robert Nichols

    Thank you Jim I tryed to add you to myspace but couldn't. I am squadjockey on myspace or you can use find by name Robert Nichols.Well have a great weekend.
  • S.Ruble

    Thanks 4 the advice and they know about my problem i get low sodium levels that is what caused it
  • Mike

    Hey Jim, the next time your in york pa for the M.D. trench rescue comp. look up Charlies Repair Service if you need large low pressure air bags. We also have 4 large wreckers and love working with the fire deparments.
  • Robert Nichols

    Hey Jim see you in class tonight I hope to b there if not to tired LOL.
  • Robert Nichols

    Well I hate that it didn't get worked out.I forgot Saturday the 4th we have the 100 annivesary at Thomasville Department.Plus we went today and they took six good eggs from the wife and we go back Sunday for implantion to get her pregnant.So I will have a couple of we one's running around LOL.If your fre should come to everybody's day in thomasville this saturday.Well have a good one great seeig youthe other night.
  • Robert Nichols

    She will have the implant done this sunday.I plan on being there saturday and will leave to go to the annivesary that afternoon I think it's that afternoon they have have a fire truck parade planned I think that morning. Delete Comment
  • Robert Nichols

    Hey Jim sory had to drop this class I had the worsew day today got home at 730pm after portacath didn't work had to go into the hospital have my arm cut open and have a pick line inserted.Then have a chest xray then go backand get my chemo. go back in the hospital at 7am and have test run on portacath and see if it has to be removed and another one put in.Well have a Blessed evenning and hope to see you on the next round.
  • Guti R758

    hi jim! how are you? I'm thinking to go to the US, do you know if there are some possibility that i bacame a fireman in any state?
    I want to learn more english and it was a beutiful way to do!
  • Guti R758

    thank you very much Jim! I'll try to contact with National Fire Academy and with the United States Forrestry Service, you will serve me very much sure!

    the pictures are in a factory, plastic cutlery, burned for more than 2 weeks!
    another time thanks!
    see you and how we say: Bona guardia!
  • Wayne

    Sorry for the delay...
    Where are you holding the Farmedic course(maybe it's done by now)
    You do trench rescue courses as well?
  • Aaron Robbins

    hey how are u look for the weekend school at the trainers conner group its in Asheboro ,NC Randolph County
  • Aaron Robbins

    sorry yea, i was wondering if u needed any training and wanted to come to the weekend school in Asheboro?
  • Aaron Robbins

    u would need to call RCC and tell them u are planning or want to teach at the weekend school in March and they should appoint u to someone to register
  • Aaron Robbins

    which ones do u want list them and ill email them to u
  • Aaron Robbins

    if u would please list which one's thanks
  • Aaron Robbins

    yea its ok but show me the pne that u end up useing and just dont use them aginst me or tell them what we did wrong. lol
  • Aaron Robbins

    hey go to the chat ill be there ok
  • Heather Green

  • Aaron Robbins

    Seeing if you were still coming?
  • Aaron Robbins

  • Aaron Robbins

    yea i hope i do to
  • Asst Chief Tim Cook

    The pic you posted on the car in the trench is cool.However,it's a ten minute job to get it out.Good training but a 24"long 6" strap and a one ton tow truck,and you wouldn't have had to drag out all those wonderful toys,hehe T.c.
  • ffemt19

    Come look @ my profile four some explication about your questions!
  • ffemt19

    All of us even if they have a wrap arround neck protection a nomex hood under it. Soo u are beter protected in that area.

    About the orange panels on some of our coats, they are a way of indicating and fast redognition of sergeants (same as your luitenant) and adjudant (same as your captain) they are in charge of the engine.
    Chiefs have complet orange coats. We have also rank indicators on ourhelmets. I'll try to put a list of the diferent ranks and indicators on my page in a few days.

    About the double axle lorry, it has a wide range of use. Mostly transporting equipment from and to incident scenes.

    About the cribbing, for the moment the cribbing is limited for only limited shoring but we are in proces of improving that. We use wood, and mechanical shores. We also have a basic set of Holmatro power shores in our light rescue unit.

    About our apparatus, basic color for fire apparatus is fire red end for EMS it is since a few years bright yellow, before it was white for EMS.
    Reflective markings are on few engines different because there was untill last year no rules about that but this changed last year and now there is a rule about how and where reflective markings have to be.

  • ffemt19

    First name is Roel.

    What type of helmets do u use? Modern style or traditional style?
    Overhere helmetranking signs and coat colors are regulated by national standards. So normaly everywhere in Belgium it should be so but isn't because some don't follow the rule. But most departments do.

  • ffemt19

    I had a MSA F1SF for structural firefighting but had to give it in for a Draeger 6200. Bouth come with build in face shield/eye protection.
    FOr rescue i have an MSA F2 X-treme. With googles on it.

    I have always a set of safety glasses in arms reach when we go to rescue.
  • Tim Delaney

    Hey Jim....sorry I didnt get back to you...I'm just getting back into the "Nation"!

    The "Hot" picture was taken in an old shipping container we use for fire attack and flashover training. If you can get a hold of one it is an excellent tool for teaching fire behavior and attack streams