brock griffin

32, Male

middleton, new hampshire

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Junior Firefighter/Explorer, Auxiliary/On Scene Support, Fire Buff / Fire Enthusiast
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 1/2
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Farmington Fire Rescue department
Years With Department/Agency
amost 2
Web Site:
About Me:
im 16 and im always doing something wether it be fishing hunting. chances are if im not at the staion or hanging with friends ill be at a car show. for sports i like airsoft, nascar, football. i own a 86 f250 but my pride and joy is my 1977 trans am and for a project i have a 1952 international l160 dump truck. im a junior at Farmington high school for music i mostly listen to country but i also listen to alot of classic rock and new rock.
Day Job:
selling firewood
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
this is gunna be long but when i was 10 my dad gave me a video for kids on the life of a firefighter and ive wanted to be one since then then when i was 12 my friends dad (a firefighter for many years) was on a call and was on search and rescue in a working structure fire and in one of the bedrooms he found a infant still in its crib and something told me then that i would love firefighting cuase ive always been into helping and not asking a single thing for it in return so when i was 14 i joined the farmington fire department as an explorer now im 16 and still doing it hoping to go to the acadamy next summer
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping others and not asking anything in return

Comment Wall:

  • Austin Glasser

    Thanks for adding me. Good luck to ya, and stay safe.
  • Austin Glasser

    I have been working a lot. I missed 3 calls over the weekend and 2 yesterday. I can feel one comming though. I also just got brand new gear, so I really want to get it dirty. How about u any good calls?
  • Austin Glasser

    I hate those calls, ur just sitting in the rain for hours waiting for the power company to come.

    I'm still wating for a call.
  • Austin Glasser

    My favorit call came over spring brake during brush fire season. There was someone burning a small pile of brush really close to there house and they went inside to get a drink and when they got back out side the side of there house was on fire along with the woods. It took a good 3 hours to get the fire under controle and another 2 hours to get it completly out. 8 fire departments were brought in to help. The house only sufferd miner damages.

    It just goes to show how fast things can get out of hand.
  • Austin Glasser

    Just Wondering on average, how many calls you get a day? My dept. averages 2 a day but the past 3 days we have not had one. I'm thinking its because I got my new gear 3 days ago. lol
  • Austin Glasser

    Most of my calls are EMS but we usally get 1 or 2 fire calls a week.
  • Austin Glasser

    Here in NY state we have to be 18 to take the ems coures. I am going to take the course next summer as a collage course. My dept. is down on EMT's, we only have one EMT during the day. So the sooner I take the coures the better.
  • Austin Glasser

    My favorit truck to ride on would probobly have to be our brush/EMS truck 43-3. Its a ford F-550 crew cab with EMS supplys and a 250 gallon water tank. It also carrys brooms, shovles, and other brush fire stuff. Its the truck right next to this comment.
  • Austin Glasser

    thats a sweet looking truck. u were talking about riding in the jump seat in one of your trucks. In NY they just pased a law prohibiting the use of jump seats, but we all know its the best place to ride. The state made an exeption for us and they allow us to use the jump seats on our oldest truck 43-7 its a 1986 hann pumper with a 3 man cab and 2 jump seats. THe made the exeption for us because we have been having so many problens with our other trucks. My first structer fire I got to ride in the jump seat because 43-7 was our only truck in sevice at the time.
  • chelsea

    no problem
  • Austin Glasser

    Thats a lot of calls we usally get around 30 calls a mont fire and ems combined.
  • Austin Glasser

    Summer dose seem to be the season with the most action. We usally get a lot of traffic acidents.
  • Austin Glasser

    Hope she was all right. The last acident I had was saturday, a guy crashed his motercycle and slid down the road 50 yards from where his bike was. he had so much road rash that it was even on this feet, but other than that he was fine.
  • Gina

    hey thanks for ur advice.
  • Gina

    i went through the trucks aready i kinda have rough idea where stuff is at 0n the trucks.
  • Gina

    yes but i use my dads hey sorry but i gtg i'll talk 2 u someother time
    Be Safe
  • Austin Glasser

    Had 4 calls yesterday. 3 ems and a wires down call.
  • Austin Glasser

    Haha I bet your girlfriend loved that.

    Last night around 6pm we had a reported structer fire. I just steped onto the truck and they called a signal 10. It turned out someone saw smoke and it was just someone having a BBQ.

    This mornig on my way 2 work I was going past the station and are tones went off so I went. Just an EMS call. It's not like they needed me at work anyways.
  • Ryan 701

    hey nice to meet you?
    So How does your explorer program function?
  • Austin Glasser

    Had a reported structer fire come in Friday morning. When we got there there was smoke comming out the front doors and windoes. Luckly someone ran in there with a bucket of water and put the fire out before it got out of control.
  • Ryan 701

    Awesome that is pretty much the same as we run we just cant respond to haz-mat or a domestic Dispute
  • Austin Glasser

    Whats up? Any good calls latley?
  • Austin Glasser

    yeah the calls have really slowed down in my department over the summer we got like 2-4 calls a day and now that school has started thers only 3-4 a week. We should start getting more calls soon cuz its getting colder and people are gona be starting fires.
  • Austin Glasser

    yeah iv seen the videos on youtube. Theres also a couple departments around me that run over 400 calls a year but there arent that many fires.
  • Austin Glasser

    Just wondering what your total calls for 2008 where? We had 457 calls in 2008. Its a new department record.
  • Austin Glasser

    Wow over 1,000 thats a lot.
  • Austin Glasser

    Yeah we only average around 300 calls a year but we had that big ice storm in Dec. and that rased are calls a little. I think we ran over 70 calls the day of the storm.