
37, Male

Carleton Place, Ontario


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Ocean Wave Fire Company- Fire Department of Carleton Place
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
I'm 23 years old from Carleton Place, ON Canada, I am a volunteer firefighter, I play hockey, golf and volleyball, I also enjoy working out and spending time on the lake in the summer.
Day Job:
Wilson's Carpentry- Vice President, Finance
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:

Comment Wall:


    hey brother hows things there just wonfdering how would i go about becoming a vertical rescue operator with the department because i am looking at moving to canada in january
  • sarah

    i haven't negotiated it in the contract to be mandatory, but i'm still working on it. there are some guys that say it will never happen, but who knows! gotta keep trying....stay safe!
  • Shelby

    Thanks for the Request..welcome from TEXAS!!!
  • Shelby

    your welcome...things are great here and wau???
  • Shelby

    Thats awesome i love hockey..we have a chl team here In Odessa Texas Its great!!! Its cold here but no snow yet.
  • Shelby

    Thats awesome man...Yea Texas gets snow very rarely lol...we are more of a windy and raining state lol. Yes i do i have season tickets..i love hockey.
  • Shelby

    Yes it is.. I like the Dallas Stars have to represent TEXAS...LOL..then the Detroit Redwings and then i would have to say the Colorado Avalanche....AND WAU??
  • Shelby

    Yea i know what you mean...I have a best friend that plays up in Canada or close by i believe for the Dundas Real Mccoys...but i havent talked to him in awhile.No i have never played but i used to skate with the youngsters just to help them out. I always played soccer.
  • Shelby

    I played softball but i wasnt really into that like i was soccer.
  • Shelby

    ahh not really ..just hangin with the family yah know..and then Traveling to Amarillo for a hockey Game and urself???
  • Shelby

    Yea i know what you mean!!!! I like working out every now and then but not all the time lol. Id rather spend time with my dog
  • Shelby

    yea i know what you mean...Y arent you still goin to be playing hockey?? I have an English Mastiff...hes huge. !! LOL
  • Jenelle

    Happpppppppppppppppppy Holidays
  • Jenelle

    Only Work when I am told and an occasionally ride ems duty...How about you? spending it with someone special?
  • Jenelle

    Well I hope you thoroughly enjoy your holiday break.....mine starts in 15 mins
  • Shelby

    yea..well thats good that ur thinkin about the future...but if you ever decide to play hockey u should come to Texas...LOL!!!
  • Shelby

    yupp im telling you...i think you would like it here too have you ever been to Texas??
  • Shelby

    yeah haha..well Texas has its cold days and exspecially where im at.but other than that its out on the lake and doin other stuff.
  • Jenelle

    When does yours start? Diddo I hope you have Happy Holidays...
  • Jenelle

    Sorry to hear that...If it makes you feel better....I have to wrk for some of mine...Like In about two hours I have to be at work.....same thing tomorrow.....But sunday I should get to ride on the ambulance....which I miss doing...
  • Jenelle

    No work and volunteering are the biggest things that I know of....Hope you have a very Merry x-mas....I am sorry I would love to stay and chat but I have to go get ready for work now..........Jen...You have email?
  • Jenelle

    Check your mail
  • holly

    MeRrY cHrIsTmAs to you too!!!
  • holly

    just workin you
  • holly

    sounds good! wish i was home w family relaxin..this is my 2nd day work =(
  • Jenelle

  • Stacy

    Thank you!!!!
  • Jenelle

    Hey.....long time no talk my friend....
  • George Grammas

    Whats the PSS question Scott ?
    I will answer best I can..
  • George Grammas

    All FDNY ladder co.'s have members split into inside team and outside team.
    Inside team consists of Officer, Forcible Entry man, Can man they go to the assigned floor, which could be the fire floor or floor above , for finding fire location and search for victims.
    The outside team consists of the OVM outside vent man who posistions him self to the rear or opposite the fire to provide Vent, Enter, Search many times working on the fire escape of the fire appartment or working off of a portable ladder. The Roof man who provides Vertical Venting at the roof level , exception is fire resistant buildings were his duties change to operations on the floor above the fire.
    The Chauffer who has the responsibility of the front of the fire building usually working off the aireal ladder for Vent,Enter , Search. These are the basic duties of these ladder co. posistions which can vary depending on the building type. Hope this was helpfull. In reguards to additional PSS info you might want to check out a web cast I did for Firehouse Mag. on their website in the archieve webcast section.
    Take Care,
    George Grammas , FDNY Ladder Co. 102