Mary Love

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Spotsylvania Volunteer Rescue Squad
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to help people

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  • Walt Goebel

    i love ind. one day its 80 the next its 50!! everyone gets sick and weak and calls 911!! i love it!!!!!
  • Mary Love

    So my son has been in Iraq for 1 month now, he is doing the Firefighter thing over there, I have been able to talk to him which makes it a little easier. I ask that you keep him in your thoughts and prayers, he still has the better part of the year left,he's in my friends list check him out...
  • scott kauhn

    just thought id say hi and stay safe and my prayers are with your son
  • Shane M. Cochrane

    Hello to you. Please let your son know he and all our military men and women are heros.
  • Mary Love

    Hi all, thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my son. He is truly having the experience of a lifetime!!
  • Ken Stahl

    Hi and Welcome to FFN. Stay safe and hope you add me as a friend.
  • Shane M. Cochrane

    Thank you for the add. Will check out his page as well. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  • Joel Swanson

    Happy Holidays Mary.
    Here's hoping for a Happy, Healthy & Safe Holiday Season!
  • Mary Love

    I hope everyone has a safe holiday season, spend time with family and friends remembering whats important in life!!!
    I miss you Jesse stay safe....
    Merry Christmas!!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Mary,
    Have A Super New Year & May Great Things Happen for You in 2008...
  • Mary Love

    I am so stoked my son will be home for the first R & R on Feb 1st..we are all counting the days, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers ...I hope we all have a great year!!!!
  • GIO

    Hey Love, how's it going this weekend? Just wanted to say hi
  • GIO

    Love, what's been going on? Any good runs? We've been pretty busy here. Take care, gio
  • RockingMedicVa

    Ok. Will help with ACLS where I can :-) Surprised they're making you take that prior to being a medic. Gonna be tough to pick up the drugs and rhythms without having had the class. You should give Doc Moore a call as well to get him to hook you up with the rhythm recognition proggie. :-)
  • Mary Love

    one more week and Jesse will be home from Iraq I'm so excited..short lived though he goes back after 10 days, but we'll deal with that when the time comes right now i'm happy to get to see him again....
  • Sherry Weedon

    Hey Chic! I finally set up an account..All by myself too..Aren't you proud? lol
  • GIO

    Love, Sounds like you're heading in the right direction. Awesome. Must have been a good call. I'm doing the rodeo thing tis weekend. A friend of mine gave me tickets. He's one of the coordinators. take care. kisses,gio
  • RockingMedicVa

    Yep, while I'm receiving support from both wives, the one with the paperwork, and who has to face the horror of waking up next to this mug was the one I was talking about. LOL. Talked to a certain flight medic we all know tonight who worked your pt from Chancellor. I'll let Sherry tell ya all about it. :-) He got to do some awesome interventions. Have fun and don't let the fire department take you completely to the dark side yet. Still gotta get you and Sherry into Medic class:-)
  • cliff thurlow

    Hello Mary
    take a min and ck out my web site two great songs about firefighters
    and a walk from to detroit to new yorl city by 13 firefighters from mich
    feed back is welcome
  • GIO

    Mary, Weekend was great. Never did make the rodeo due to weather. I've been several times before and it is always a great time and show. Have any good runs lately? Take care, kisses, gio
  • GIO

    Love, that is awesome. The experience you get in the ER is invaluable! Just remember that things in the real world are not as sterile and there is never enough light and definitely never enough trained specialist. Be safe, kisses, gio
  • Mary Love

    I am so stoked Jesse will be home in 2 days, I cant wait to hear all the stories from Iraq
  • Sherry Weedon

    Hey Chic! Yep, you have the days right this time. I'll plan on being there by 1730 assuming traffic doesn't prevent it.
  • Mary Love

    I'm so excited, we are getting ready to head to Dulles...Jesse will be home tomorrow!!!!!!
  • GIO

    Love, That's the way it is. Welcome to our world!!! It only gets better. kisses, gio
  • RockingMedicVa

    Hey Mary, tell Jesse I said hello if I don't get to do it in person. Hope you two get to have a blast while he's here and hopefully the nightmares about your 400 pound......well, let's just say I hope you don't have nightmares about that hospital rotation again. LOL
  • Mary Love

    I'm having a great week, my son is home from Iraq this week!!!!
  • Sherry Weedon

    Don't worry chic...I'll get my shoulder all ready for the crying next week. Just be glad for the time you get to spend with him now.
  • RockingMedicVa

    Hey Mary! Happy Valentines Day!
  • Steven Brooks

    peckerhead! just something i had to say!lol but i had a blast with all yall crazy asses when that worthless son of yours was home lol cant wait till june
  • Brad Duncan

    hello mary how are you
  • Steven Brooks

    wow now somebody has jokes all of the sudden! lol and as far as the nose thing goes, atleast everyone knows I didnt run like somebody else I know!
  • Sherry Weedon

    Hey Chic! I'm digging the new pic...Much better than the other one. :-)
  • Jason

    Hey Mary! We're kinda-neighbors...I used to live in F'Burg and Stafford. I posted a blog I'd like you to look at and help get the word out...let me know what you think!
  • Mary Love

    hey all, check out
  • wmason

    hello how are u ?am doing good but cold. am from eastgreenbush ny
  • Don Sims

    I hope all is well with you and your family. My vol. for another tour in Iraq. Hope your son is well. Stay safe.
  • Steven Brooks

    That bad huh lol i will give you lessons on of these days, but i must warn you its hard to be as perfect as me!! lol
  • Steven Brooks

    I tell ya i am glad somebody finally unserstands my pain lol
  • danny w furr

    Hello there Mary Love. How are you tonight ? Like to be one of your friends here. Be safe out there.Danny
  • Sherry Weedon

    Hey Chic! Hope you had a great Easter! Don't forget we are running Wednesday evening. :-)
  • catfish

    just wanted to say helloooooooooooooooo
  • Devil Doc

    Hello from Blacksburg
  • Hugh

    Hi Mary, Welcome to Firefighter Nation and becarefull and stay safe.Hughie 57 House PA
  • firefighter1and2

    Hello from Southern Indiana----Thanks for the add and stay safe
  • Earl

    Hello just stop to catch up .I have been working long hours
  • Bobby Shelton

    Hi and welcome Mary!! Hope all is well with you and I look forward to speaking sometime. I like to learn how different depts. do things and what motivates us to do what we do. See ya
  • Jordan Webster

    Hey Mary Love...Thanks for the add...Message me sometime!!
  • Jordan Webster

    FL is awesome...Just hot and humid...Rainy sometimes...Thats it lol...other then that kinda boring
  • doug louden

    how u been its been awile since i been on . n know workin n kids stay safe talk at you soon