Filiberto Rodriguez




Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMS Chief / Division Head
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
30 +
About Me:
I like helping people since I was 14 years, I participated in various difficult situations that have happened to my country, such as earthquakes, fires historic flood, and so on.
I trained in emergency medical technician, firefighter, rescue vehicle, aquatic rescue, rescue rope, PHTLS, BTLS, I have taken many courses in different places, because my training is very important for us in this medium.
Something that I like most is to help people in distress, and greater satisfaction that I have is that I became a trainer in my town, that speaks well of me.
I enjoy a lot with my family because it is what motivates forward.
I enjoy a lot of diving and every chance that I practice it.
I would like here to exchange information on everything related to medical emergencies, because that is what I love most.
I would like in a not too distant time nanny in the Palm Springs to my country to bring in emergency professionals from other countries to give us lectures and sharing information continue to face this beautiful work of saving life.
now I have a shop to sell items for professionals in the emergency and I like that because I have the opportunity to greet the people with whom I share experiences.

if you are interested in exchange shirt will be a pleasure for me to do so say me nanny in the Palm Springs.

You're Friend of Mexico Filiberto
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined that I've always liked to help my peers in disgrace, I have more than 27 years and helping to train and learn a lot more I want to continue helping people in distress when I need.

Comment Wall:

  • Firehouse Dolls

    Welcome to FFN
  • Firehouse Dolls

    Please join the Firehouse Dolls group
  • Carlos Alberto Hernández Gonzále

    hola filiberto. un gusto conocerte
    te invito al grupo de bomberos latinoAmericanos
    be safe!!
  • M Cullar

    Como e stas y gracias por añadir..
  • Gary Lee Brooks

    thanks for the friends invite.
  • Jonathan Spencer

    Hola Filiberto, bienvenido a FFN, un abrazo grande y cuidate...

  • Felipe Moya

    Hola filiberto gracias por los saludos..estamos en contacto...saludos ..
    Bomberos de Chile
  • Jeff Barnes

    Thank you
  • Arnulfo Huerta

    hola hermano, gracias por agregarme como tu amigo,por favor cuidate y no te metas al fuego, ja, ja, ja.
  • Dayna Hilton

    Thank you so much and stay safe out there.
  • Jake Bonnin

    Thank you man good to hear from you down there
  • Cindy Hardy

    Thanks Filiberto! Happy holidays from Virginia.
  • Jonathan Spencer

    Hola Filiberto, quiero desearte unas felices fiestas y que puedas compartir con tus seres queridos en estos días especiales...

    Quisiera en estos días tan especiales, dar las gracias por todo lo recibido, construir un lugar donde pueda estar con toda mi familia y amigos, los de cerca y los de lejos. Los que me han acompañado siempre y los de ahora. Aquellos que veo cada día y los que raramente Encuentro. Los que me han acompañado en los momentos difíciles, y los de las horas alegres. Aquellos a quienes conozco profundamente, y aquellos a quienes conozco apenas por sus apariencias. A los que sin querer herí y los que sin querer me hirieron. Los que me deben y aquellos a quienes les debo mucho. Los de siempre recordados, y los que a veces se me olvidan. Quiero recordad a todos los que han pasado por mi vida y desearles unas felices fiestas, que puedan encontrar la paz que necesitan y disfrutar del amor de sus familias y de aquellos que los aman. Que Florezca la Esperanza, El Amor y la Paz para todos Ustedes…

  • Matthew

    Hey man thanks for the add! how are you doing?

    I don't speak it fluently...I'm teaching myself Spanish, and I have some Latino friends who are helping me with the stuff I can't find in the books haha.
  • Jose Roberto Q Tolentino Jr, EMT

    Hi Fil,
    Thanks for adding me as a friend. Its really nice to link with a brother in the service of saving lives.
    Keep up the good work. God bless!!!
  • Noobe

    Hi thank you happy holidays
  • Maria Rochelle A Mendova

    Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • Becky Noble

    Gracias Filiberto for the welcome. I totally agree with your sentiment that our profession knows no borders. We truly are brothers and sisters across the world. Thank you for adding me to your list of friends. I would have tried this comment in Espanol, but mine is very, very basic. God bless and keep you safe. Happy New Year!!!! By the way, is the Paramedic designation the same in Mexico as it is here? Are you allowed to do the same procedures? Just interested.
  • Martina Daubremé

    thank you and happy new year ..
  • Tootch

    where in mexico are you. I have been to fire stations in Mazatlan,cabo, and porta vuarta
  • 144Truck

    Welcome "The House", Brother... From Connecticut...

    You are correct that the emergency services speak a universal language of offering aid to those in need.

    Fight Hard, Stay Safe.

  • Ronald J. Metzger

    Filiberto, I agree this is the only Profession that knows no boundaries, where Race, Creed and National Origin are lost in the Blood Sweat and Tears we share in the aid of others. Where Brotherhood is extended well beyond man made borders. Good New Year!
  • Don Vuletic

    Greetings my friend, this is one of the few professions that we are one and no boundries are in place. We all feel pain when we lose a fellow firefighter and we come toghter as one. The world could learn from us and maybe come together as one and live in peace
  • Rick Armitage

  • Becky Noble

    Buenos Dias, Filiberto. Como esta? Yo soy bien. Muchas Gracias por la bienvenito. Ok, I've run out of spanish. I can read Spanish much better than write it. Hope you are staying safe in Mexico.
  • Angie

    Thank you for the warm welcome. This is a wonderful and rewarding profession.