
55, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Amherst Fire Department Amherst, MA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Rockland Fire Department Rockland, MA 1997-2003
AMR Northeast Weymouth, MA. 1997-2000
Brewster Ambulance Service Weymouth/Boston, MA. 1988-1997
Norwell Ambulance Squad Norwell, MA. 1987-1992
Relationship Status:
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Firefighter safety and survival.

Comment Wall:

  • Chandra

    No, I don't mind at all. In fact looking at yours reminded me to put some Flogging Molly on mine. I really want to put Gaelic Storm's Bare in The Basin, but it doesn't come up in the search. :(
  • Chandra

    Oh, the Pogues too, I forgot about them!
  • RYAN L.

    my father scott is still on the the job. goiing on 30 years.
  • Erin Blackman

    Dude... love the blog! You're a trip.

    Stay safe out there. Oh, and be careful about weilding my name around so much...

    Erin. :-)
  • Erin Blackman

    I don't know John Robinson. I only know a few of the guys in Johnston. Paul Brazenor is a good friend - went to school with him.
  • Mick Mayers

    This, my brother, is a great page. I was just going down my friend list and so anyway, I'm here now and think I'll just leave it on so I can listen a while. I'm in the AOH over in Savannah, GA (across the river from HHI). The blog's good stuff too.

    You know, if you could figure out a way to get the dark stuff to flow from the monitor, you could probably increase traffic here, not that your site's lacking anything. In fact, I'd steal the idea for your site if it wasn't so obvious. So, yeah, I'm jealous. This is good stuff here.

    Anyway, I actually need to get some work done, so I'll be back to plagarize some of your ideas. Nah, I won't but don't think it isn't crossing my mind. Stay safe.
  • Mick Mayers

    Actually, I'm originally from Philly. When I first moved here, every time I heard some redneck go "yee-haw", I got the feeling that meant, "let's hang a yankee". Then of course the banjo music started playing and all...
  • Bubba53

    Hey, Irons I'll be up in Boston 8/31-9/2 to check out a Red Sox Game!! Thanks for the Add.
  • BostonJack277

    hey Irons, whats the word? Sorry its taken so long to get back to ya. Trying to buy a house and get all kindsa shit straightened out. The job out here is about as organized as a Ted Kennedy Testimony, Although they did do a lot of work at the Uxbridge Mill. Hope you're catchin more work than I am (none) Stay low and stay nuts! ~Jack~
  • Dawn Daly

  • BostonJack277

    Hey, the Rudy video cannot be any more accurate! Great Link! (Being a 9/11 FDNY Family member I know all about his bullshit!) Hope all is well in "the Hesrt" ~Jack~
  • Jason Rushford

    haha I'll do my best... Im here 11-11 today working hte fire side...see what I can drum up for ya!
  • BostonJack277

    yeah, same out here in Dudley... The Nichols College Klan has come back to contaminate the community for another year. Been there 7 times already for the usual ETOH & MFA's. Although I must say the freshman class looks much sluttier than in years past! ~Drive fast - Take Chances~
  • BostonJack277

    Hey boss.. are you going to Boston Tuesday? I was able to get a swap so I'll be there. The truck was 1st due and the engine was 2nd due to my house growing up. My uncle's 9/11 dedicated flagpole was done at their quarters about 3 years ago. Drop me a message if you're gonna go. Stay safe! ~Jack~
  • Firegal77

    Dia duit! Wie gehts?
  • Firegal77

    Ya.... I have been learning gaelic... My friend pulled that one on me, just found out it was German today! lol They like to mess wit me! lol I just invited my Irish fire friends to join this sight, so should be good craic! Like your page!
  • Firegal77

    Conas ata tu? Here are a couple of great Irish blessings for the job!
    Go dtian tam eile beannaht dia go tusa!
    (Until next time blessings of God on you)
    Go ndraigh an bhothair leat
    (may the road rise to meet you and the sun be always at your back)
  • Melanie Bragdon

    Hey how r ya? have safe day! Irish here too and proud of it!!!!!!!!
  • Erin

    Not Love the song!
  • Lt.leatherhead

    hey brother,
    thanks for adding me. be safe

  • Russell D. Henry

    Hey Brother,

    You can find the Guinness video @ Myspace or youtube. Just look under Guinness Videos. There are actually several that are very funny.

  • Delayne Webster

    Hello Irons51, just droped in to say hey. Be safe out there an happy holidays.
  • michael m madsen

    HEJSA MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A ................
    Hilsen MICHAEL M MDSEN Firefighter:::::::)
    djørn min Groups........michael m madsen's Groups.
  • Russell D. Henry

    Have a Happy New Year!!
    Be safe in 2008!!
  • Rusty R.

    New England FOOLS Fifth Annual Spring Training, for more!
  • Jake Fireman

    Where can I get that IAFF shamrock logo? You always seem to come up wit all the cool celtic sh**. And music...awesome....Share some Irish love in this the High holy Season of the people!
  • Rusty R.

    New England FOOLS Summer School 2008
    July 11th, 12th and 13th 2008 for more!
  • Lisa

    Hey....great page and music, lol!!
  • Lisa

    Thanks for adding me, hope your week is going good for you. It's almost the week-end!
  • Firefighter Mortgages

    Definitely wanna talk to you, bro - be safe!
  • Pete

    Yeah, was at the NAS FD from 94 till they closed...a lot of good times down there! See your on MATF 1 I was logistics working for Ed S back in 99/00 ..had to resign due to my custody battle/divorce.
  • peter laurimore

    hey i use to work at so.wey nas. with woody. from 93 till 95 lived in rockland next to the local fire station pete and i worked on hte same trucks