Clark Schwenke

47, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Smith Ambulance of North East Ohio
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Utica EMS
Homer Fire Department
New Concord Fire Department
College Township Fire Department
My Training:
240 hour Firefighter
Certified Fire Safety Inspector
Emergency Management Specialist
Day Job:
Full Time DAD
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To Help People, like everyone else.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the unpredictability of the job, the fact that no two runs are ever really the same.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Good Quality Training, Better Pay

Comment Wall:

  • Brittany

    Hey, Clark!! Great to see you on here. If you happen to check this page today, have a good Tuesday. Let me know about July 19. Talk to you later!! I added you as a friend, too.
  • Heidi Miller

    hello sexy I miss ya hope u have a wonder day. Dont tell the hubby im flirting (LOL) love ya hun
  • Brittany

    Hey, Clark! How is it going for you? Did you remember to click on me so I can be your friend, too? I'll talk to you later,
  • Brittany

    Hey, Clark, glad to see I'm finally on your "friend" list... How has life been for you? I'm going to fire school!! I've tried to get in contact with you to see what's going on, but haven't been able to do so. Well... stay safe, you're in my prayers.
  • Brittany

    Wow, he lives!! LOL Thanks for the congrats, same to you about the weight loss, great job. I hope it works out that you can get off the c-pap stuff. I just got my "information packet" yesterday... and with it all my books!! Cool! Give me a call if you want to chat. Take care!!
  • Jill

    Mr. Schwenke!!! What are you doing????? How ya been and all that Jazzy Jazz? Webster and I are doing good! BUSY!!!! Gabi just turned 2 and Aden just turned 1 on the 10th!!! Hows Chrissy?
  • Brittany

    Hey Clark... just wanted to say hi again, I heard you were going to be back on the schedule here in October? Glad to hear it. I'm beginning week 3 of 240 Fire School, and it is great. I think all the PT we're doing is helping a lot. How has life been for you? Drop me a line or call me if you have a minute to chat.
    Stay safe!
  • Jim Creech

    Schwenke!!! Nice pic of the badge. I had to save it. Thanks for all your help with the class. You and the other 2 are great assets to OHMR. We'll chat more off the wall later.