Sandi Humphfres



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Safety Officer, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Emergency Management Coordinator/Staff, Driver / Engineer, Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Illinois valley Fire District
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Firefighter,- EMT-B, Wildland Firefighter,PIO, and numerous other classes taken as often as possiable.
About Me:
I'm a married mom of 3, I love horses, softball and scrapbooking. I like to hunt, fish and read. Being a volunteer has been an awesme experince. I'm getting ready to start traing to become a sheriff's reserve also. I guess i'm not planning on slowing down for awhile.
Day Job:
Recovery Specialist
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
There was news article about our shortage of volunteers so I signed up and love it more every year.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping others and the variety of the work. of course the excitment helps.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Health and personel safty. Seems like our volunteer numbers keep dropping and dropping.

Comment Wall:

  • Tim Meckler # 575

    welcome to the family sandi
  • Brian Gilbert

  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from NY
  • Don Sims

    Hello and welcome from E. TN. I hope you enjoy the nation, stay safe and take care.
  • catfish

    welcome to your new family
  • Jim Cooper

    Welcome to FFN Sandi,

    Good to see another Oregonian join. Hope your summer is safe and enjoyable.

  • David M Ross

    Just stopping in to welcome you to FFN. Have fun.
  • brandweermanjan

    hi sandi how ar you a am fire man from holland
  • brandweermanjan

    hi if you have e email a sent you more pic if you like thx my ingis typing is not so good sory
  • brandweermanjan

    Where I work we do everything because we are volunteers. structure fire. en ingerie s
    ant we at speiacl traint for tunnel fire s
  • ENG71INE Firefighter

    Thank you, same to you
  • Lyndi

    LOL I m sorry, things are good, the fire department is very good, they fight fire very aggressively, much different then out there. it was a culture shock from tiny little illinois valley to long island new york. i heard that there were a few good fires out there, but to be completly iam thinking of coming back with my boyfriend because i miss small town living and i miss the department, so you might see me back there soon lol, anyway i will talk to you later, say hi to everyone out there for me and tell them i miss them and hope they are all being safe and doing well!!!!!
  • Brian Davis

    In Chattanooga Tn in 2004, a college girl was killed as a patrol car with lights on only, ran a traffic light doing about 80 going to a call. her name was Vanessa k Free. so the state of tn enacted a law stating anyone that drives a emergency vehicle must take annual training divided up into 3 parts. that is the Vanessa K Free Law.
  • Ben Young

    thank you
  • Big Jim

    Hey Sandi, welcome to the club. Keep smiling and stay safe.
  • ff316emt

    Have a good rest of the week;)
  • George Tiesmeyer

    Thank you you got nice pics
  • Cody Hammes

    hey thanks for the comment
  • Caryn

    Thanks, glad to be here.
  • Annie

    Thank you for the add- mid west.
  • Caryn

    It's a fun event. We raise money throughout San Diego County for the Burn Institute, with most of the proceeds going toward the Camp Beyond the Scars for children that have been burned. We also have the opportunity to volunatrily staff the camp, which is always a blast. It's a fun thing...your area should give it a try. :)
  • Firemedic15

    I'm 2 hours or so South of Cheyboygan
  • brandweermanjan

    hi is oke a sy de pic somtame
  • Bryan Rickman

    That photo was taken at the Rally Colorado race in Steamboat Springs and yes I was having a great time
  • Kelly Allen

    Thanks for the welcome...And Howdy from Texas!!
  • Paulo Jesus

    Hello, from Portugal
    My name's Paulo, I live in Oporto (the 2nd biggest portuguese city). I'm fire Chief and the President of the Portuguese Volunteers Firefighters Association.
    I hope we can exchange knowladge and become good friends. Who knows that someday we'll meet.
    Keep in touch.

    My MSN contact:
  • Kelsey

    thank u! But ur in OR! I'd rather be there! lol
  • Jim Cooper

    Things are going good up here. We got a little rain the other day, which was good to keep the fire danger down a bit. We have three paid staff here, Our Chief, myself and an administrative assistant/safety officer. Volunteers make up the majority of our agency. I have been attempting to get our members to attend the OVFA conferences and finally got a couple to go to the last one. They had a great time and good classes, I am sure more will attend now.
  • Michael Harkey

    well I am from Oklahoma, but I am currently in Maryland ,so hello from the East Coast
  • Wes

    Thanks this is pretty cool
  • Gretchen Nolan

    Greetings from the East Coast to you as well! :)
  • Jim Cooper

    I got to go to one when I was a volunteer and it was great. Fortunately for our members we pay for lodging and a daily food allotment and reimburse for fuel for any training. That is good it is nearby you this time around since it is out of pocket. I plan on pushing the opportunity to attend the next one to all. Thanks, you have a good week also.
  • Brandon Pruitt

    thanx 4 the 4 the toughest job i will ever love, i dont think it is exactly the toughest i love...i have been in the Marine Corps 4 alittle over 5 years now and i love that just as much as the fire dept. if not more.
  • Pongsaphon

    ็Great !!

    Nice to meet you
  • Leola Hulet

    Hello, thanks for commenting me, yep its been over 6 years that I moved away from oregon, yes it gets very cold in the winters, been down below -40 at times. Right now its hot and are hoping that we can get some rain as we don't want to have another fire season like we did last year we had a few this year but not to big. Again thanks for stopping by my page. Have a safe and great week.
  • Jeff

    Thanks for the comments! I would mention you pics but I'm at work and those Darn I.T. people have too many security devices and I cant see anybodys pics on this site.
  • Jeff

    Thanks for the nice comment Sandi.....I cant see any pics on this computer because I'm at work......those &*#$ Firewalls!
  • Jeff

    Wow! Looks like all my commets to you keep getting thrown out..........Thank you for yours.....I'll be in touch....
  • Jeff

    Thanks for the comments
  • Jeff

    Thank you Sandi!
  • Jeff

  • Jeff

  • Chan Rivera

    thank you for the add
  • Michael Harkey

    Hey Sandi,
    How has your week been?
  • Michael Harkey

    Hey Sandi sorry to give you bad news about the barn fire, it held 45 race horses 41 died in their stalls and 4 were rescued 2 of which were later put down by a vet. your can google the story it was Jan of this year, the horses were worth several million dollars. we were on scene all night and into the next day. and had 2 departments providing mutual aid. the photo only shows the part of the barn that was still standing, it was T shaped and most of had collapsed.
  • Michael Harkey

    I agree it is funny at the lenghts people will go to, to hurt themselves. my week has been ok, I am still on the East Coast, doing some training for the Army, I am really ready to get home to see my wife and kids. I have be gone for 3 weeks and still have 10 more to go.
  • Michael Harkey

    Hey Sandi,
    I will get to go home Oct 23rd, I am so ready. How are thing with you?
  • brandweermanjan

    hi howeis the weder over dare a was in 2005 stage in jaxsonfillen
  • FETC

    Hi Sandi, Welcome from New Hampshire and thanks for the compliment on the post.
    Stay safe