
56, Male

Scarborough, Maine

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Portland Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
I love taking advantage of the FREE government training....Anniston, Soccorro, Elko, Las Vegas....if there is more let me know!! I love to get away.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's in the blood. My Grandfather started it. My Father, Brothers and Uncles were or are firefighters.

Comment Wall:

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  • FireCat

    Hi Jeff -

    I'm doing good. How are you? The weather down here is very hot and humid and we have thunder storms everyday during summer time. How is the weather in your corner of the world?
  • Monica

    Hi stranger where have you been?
  • Regina Morgan

    Thank you! Yes that is me on the left. I was born in Presq Isle Maine, ever been there?! :)
  • Sandi Humphfres

    Saw your comments about the points, thanks for asking. Nice pics by the way.
  • Sandi Humphfres

    I got ALL of your comments, looks like your IT people are messing with you. Thanks for the laugh. I'm still working on adding more pics. I have to make time to go to HQ and sit down and go threw them. Have a great day !
  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff...yeah I love your Thanks for welcoming me to it, that was so sweet, lol. Any plans for the week-end?
  • Lisa

    Nope...not so far. Tonight Im staying in and chatting with some friends on IM (not here). We're getting lots of rain and I just want to stay in and chat, lol.
  • Lisa

    He's home. He's a big movie junkie, so that's what he's doing for now till he falls asleep tonight, lol. He works Saturdays too. Im not so much into movies...Im addicted to this, lol, and music.
  • Lisa

    An hour? That's not enough time for me to get anything done. It takes me that long just to log on here and my space and read my messages and answer a few back! What can you even do in 5 minutes??
  • Jeff

    I can pretty much leave you a message in five minutes. lol It's tough to work around....but as you can tell....i'm not doing too bad at it. If the IM thing worked, that would be a little better.
  • Cathi

    My week was great!! Thanks for asking:) How about yours?? Well have a great weekend. Talk to ya soon.
  • Regina Morgan

    Presq Isle is almost it's own country! :) I didn't live there long, my dad moved to Indianapolis when I was 3. I did love going back to visit ME though, it is sooooo beautiful! Haven't been there in quite a few years though. And yes the childrens museum is pretty awesome!!!! :) That is about it, not much else to see here in Indy.
  • Lisa

    Well hello Jeff! It was a good week-end but went by too fast as always. I hope the week goes by just as fast, lol.
  • Lisa

    We had rain today...a few thunderstorms.....and more rain to come tomorrow. But you know I love it, so it's fine with me.
  • Lisa

    My week hasnt been too great so far and today really sucked. Im in a crappy mood tonight because of it. I hope you're doing much better.
  • Jennica Stout have no idea, getting that comment after an hour straight of screaming and arguing, breaking up fights...all is well untill I walk in the door. So, any issues i'm having are directly related to that whole fertility trait:-) As i'm reminded.....hehe....
  • Jennica Stout

    Remember when Bill Cosby said all kids are retarded? Wisdom there! I tell one kid, I don't HAVE $ the next one asks for $20. So the teenager takes my car, and it's MY fault the boys had to walk home, even though they never had permission to leave in the first place...and that was my first 15 minutes home....i'll stop here.
  • Lisa

    Thanks Jeff. You have a good day too. TTYS.
  • Rick

    Hey how's it going?
  • Lisa

    Hi week is so-so. Started out pretty crappy but today was good, lol. We took the kids from daycare on a field trip today. Im feeling pretty exhausted, lol....I should sleep good tonight. So how have you been Jeff? What's new?
  • Jennica Stout

    New term started yesterday, never had college algebra so I thought I'll get it out of the way...get my book, start the first unit, which is all of "basic" algebra...which includes everything I've never seen before, including geometry...and did I mention I never took algebra in high school?? The scientific calculator is my new bf, lol....if it only came with electrodes....
  • FireCat

  • Jennica Stout

    Yep....absorbing it thru osmosis is not going to work:-) Until this, the only math I was forced to learn was pump calculations and drug math...both of which provide cheat sheets anyway, haha....yes, the new bf and I are getting very close, lol....
  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff!! Well, Im sick with a cold but other than that, Im doing really great!! How was your week-end??
  • Lisa

    What an asshole....I hate drinking and driving! Drunk drivers rarely get hurt because they are so loose and limber from the alcohol. When you were taking off the roof, you should have also taken off his head!! F-ken asshole. My childhood best friend was killed by a drunk driver, 2 weeks after she turned 17 back in 1993.
  • Lisa

  • FireCat

  • Jennica Stout

    It was ok...went into work yesterday for a while, went to a party for a bit last night and had to work all day today...and of course, had my nose in the books every chance I could other words, nothing exciting to report:-) Any good stuff on your end??
  • Jennica Stout

    Wait, that probably didn't sound right...let me try again...did you have a good weekend?? lol
  • Lisa

    Awww, you missed me?! No, Im not hiding from you....just got a bit busy, I guess I better not stay away for too long, lol. Im doing really good. How are you Jeff, what's new??
  • Lisa

    Yeah, I know school starts back up tomorrow. I have lots of paperwork and preparing to do....still, lol. I dont really know how many kids I will have on what day! It's going to be hectic for a while.
  • Cathi

    Hey not answering on purpose just soooo busy!! That's good though passes the time away. How was your weekend?? Talk to ya soon:)
  • Theresa

    Thank you! Everything is going Okay here in Ohio. How is everything out where way?
  • Theresa

    That is good that you don't have work till sunday! have a good day off. And be safe when you go back to work!
  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff....just stopping in to see how you're doing.
  • Firehouse Dolls

    Maine is too far. Come by our website anytime
    Have a Great day!!!
  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff. Yes, I have been getting your messages. I havent been on in a week or more....just got caught up in some stuff I guess. Work has been busy but going really well...we have a lot of kids this year which is always great news. So sorry it took me so long to get back to you. So, what's new with you and how have you been??
  • Regina Morgan

    Hello!! Luckily it is cooling down here in Indiana as well!! I can't wait for fall, it is my all time favorite time of the year!!!!!! Unfortunately, it's not quite as pretty here as it is in Maine. : )
  • Lisa

    Hi Jeff....Im doing good. How have you been? I'll be on here during the week-end so maybe we'll run into each other. Thanks for your messages. Take care.
  • Lisa

  • Jennica Stout

    Did you know that 90 xanax and 65 vicodin will most certainly kill you? That little old ladies with COPD and a sat of 75% will say, "damn, that's not good is it?" Or that an accidental 400cc fluid bolus will make a chest pain pt. feel much better? And finally my favorite: bp is 82/50. So what's that patch on your chest for sir? My blood pressure, he says....(in his defense, he didn't know if it helped high or low bp)...
    There's my week in a nutshell, which means not much studying...but tons of work...good stuff!! LOL
  • Lisa

    Hi of these days/nights we'll meet up with eachother I guess, lol. How are you? Im doing pretty good....had a quiet week-end which was cool because this week-end will be a busy's a long week-end here for us because it's Thanksgiving here in Canada.
  • Jennica Stout

    It's Saturday! I have the day off and I'm up anyway! Lol...only a week and a half left of @!*%ing algebra....the only side effect has been some mild dementia. Have a great yesterday!
  • Sarah Turner

    Ha ha ha ha thanks. Glad to see someone has respect for a future commissioner. Cold down here. been down to 65 for past couple days.. brrr... SC is awesome. underpaid, non union and awesome. How about Maine? You going to send a pot of lobsters down here?
  • Jennica Stout

    well, i'm done. no more effing math. yay! you know, for being so radical you're such a square....hehe
  • Lisa

    Hey there Jeff!!!! How's my sweet friend doing?
  • Lisa

    Hey! Im on here again and you're not, lol. I hope your having a great week Jeff.
  • Sarah Turner

    I think you were the only one who noticed that.
    Ample CISD will take care of that before I get my scrambled eggs commisioner hat
  • Lisa

    Hi Jeff....just stopping in to say Hi. Lol....Thank you so much for the compliment on the pics. I hope you're having a great night. Mine sucks. TTYS.
  • Lisa

    Thanks Jeff!!!! Lol....Maybe I should finally take you up on your offer!! So how's it going tonight??