
58, Female

Virginia Beach,

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
My Son is a Firefighter
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Oakdale Fire Dept
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was in Nursing for years and now My Son is a firefighter. He has been doing this since he was 14 and now he is 18 and wants to make his lifes work. It is his calling I believe just as nursing was mine. He has the heart for this as everyone tells me, he is just like his Mother. It is who he is and what he does. It takes a special someone to do what you guys do. Most people are running out, while you are running in. Thank you to all of you. I am a proud Mother..

Comment Wall:

  • Christopher Banton

    Week been really busy. Hope there is a break in the near future. I hope all is well with you. Love the Pic it would make a great tat. Well talk to you later. I'm at the station today.
  • Cliff

    Thanks I hope you had a great weekend also Gorgeous!
  • Christopher Banton

    I'm glad I could help. I'm looking at one myself. Does he know yet? I bet he'll love it. Couple of the guys here has them. Sorry I couldn't get back to you, it was a hell of a day on the box. Try and call me tomorrow. Later
  • Don Sims

    I like your videos. Check out the ones I made on my page if you like. There on youtube also. Stay safe.
  • Cliff

    Thank you very much and I hope you get to demo something soon. The rain did mess up alot of things. I hope you aren't pissing to many people off. I hope you are having a great week and a good weekend to come.
  • Cliff

    Hi Hottie, May week sucked really. We got hit by that tornado and I had just got off Monday at 6am and just happened to be near suffolk when it hit then I worked for 24hrs straight no sleep. Plus I was in Rope Rescue 2 Mon Wed and THurs plus I had to cut 2 days work of grass in one day so today was really long.
  • Cliff

    THanks darling I have been doing well. It has been pretty slow so far. Which I am not complaining about. I hope you get yoru job done soon and can relax alittle.
  • Donald Haase

    do u ahvea facebook
  • Chuck Carman

    I,m new to FirefighterNation and just wanted to say "Hi". Will visit later. Enjoy the weekend!
  • Chuck Carman

    Hi again! I'm watching the Lakers play, good game. It's in overtime now. Any excitement today? No calls here. Today is nice here, whats it like in Virginia Beach? Enjoy the rest of the day. Talk to you soon, Chuck
  • Cliff

    Hi Hottie, I have been doing great had a good work week, just been hanging out that is about it. How bout you still workign those long hours you need a break. Have a good work week talk to you soon.
  • Donald Haase

    Hey yeah Happy Mothersday i hope you did have some fun on your day...Kewl i have myspace and yearbook to lol...and a few others lol...I didnt see nwo mail from u yet ...take care and stay sweet.Hugs
  • Cliff

    know a few but they aren't the dating type lol, more the sex in the streets. Hope you had fun out and about and that is awesome you go the suffolk job.. it shouldn't be to long before they have it cleared to began work
  • Donald Haase

    Well honey its friday again woohooo have a great weekend hugs
  • Chuck Carman

    Hi! Wow, you work way too many hours! I'm doing a 3 day weekend at Fire School. Taking the Burn Simulator. Doing flashover and rollrover. Love the fire and heat. I'm always the last one to leave the campfire. Slow down and take a break. Keep in touch Mermaid, Chuck
  • Chan Rivera

    hello Michele want to sa hi"Chan"
  • Chan Rivera

    thank you u too keep in touch "Chan"
  • Cliff

    Hi Cutie. How are you tonight.
  • Donald Haase

    were is my angel
  • Donald Haase

    Thanks honey i was thinking there was no love for me no more i was getting worryed ...I miss u to honey hurry back to me
  • Jim

  • Dave, NB 9

    Happy Birthday, Michele ... Enjoy your day!
  • Kirk D. Baughman

    happy birthday michele hopy you have many more!!!
  • Donald Haase

    hey were is my girl hiding from me
  • Don Sims

    Just stopping by to say hello and have a great rest of the week and weekend. Take care and stay safe.
  • Donald Haase

    hey girl im glade u are better
  • Donald Haase

    hey girl im glade u are better