


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
City of Altoona Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
When I am not working I love to ride my motorcycle.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
On a lark....unreal how some things happen.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Realizing that consolidation is key.

Comment Wall:

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  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    You are the first person that knows what i am talking about then! Have you been here recently?
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    No problem!!! Any day!!! why did ya leave Chicago?
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    A party man eh?
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Yeah...i miss somethings about it as well!!!
  • Bonfire

    Well when the time is right....right??
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    do you have yahoo messenger?
  • Samantha

    Cool thanks for the add. Are you a member of ABATE or participate in any of the local poker runs?...
  • Bonfire

    Did you go to Legion Park last year??
  • FireCat

    Hi Bonfire!

    I'm doing well and you? I need to sign off for a little while, but I will try to catch up with ya later.

    Cat :o)
  • Bonfire

    That is too bad, I hope to chat later. I am at work at the Station and things are slow today lol......
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    well......i wonder why??????
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Sounds like a good idea....wish i could! to love it!!!
  • Bonfire

    Are you still working??
  • Lisa

    Hey...I had a great day, thanks. Why was yours so stressful? What happened?
  • Lisa sent that comment to yourself instead of me. Anyways, no you definitely cant have slackers doing what you do. It's dangerous. Sorry you had a crappy day. At least it's the week-end!!
  • Lisa

    Uh oh! Try not to get into TOO much trouble, lol. Im lucky...being a daycare teacher in a public school means I have my week-ends off. I've never had that before, it's pretty great. So you get every 2nd week-end off then? are you enjoying FFN so far?
  • Lisa

    Lol...what is that supposed to mean? I also have a myspace page! And yeah, I love it...I have made some exellent friends there! Watch it! LMAO!
  • Lisa

    Yeah, I know. I never knew what the big deal is until I got a myspace account in March. Now, Im so addicted to it, lol, but it's fun! I love it here too though. Im usually on myspace and here at the same now, ha ha!! It's nice to have you on my friends list too. I just finished deleting a few people that I dont want to be friends with.
  • Lisa

    I have a firefighting past, lol? Cool!! I'd like to think that too, lmao! I wish I had some firefighters in my family but I dont. I have only been fascinated by them pretty much my whole life for some reason. Yeah, bikes are also very cool. I have actually never been on one...but I still want a ride in a firetruck first!!

    hey bonfire, thanks for the warning about the hackers, lol, would be my pleasure to add you, thanx for the request. have a good weekend and be safe
  • Lisa

    I would love to hear them anytime!!
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Yes....i am amazing....huge DKM fan....
  • Bonfire

    Get over just have good taste in music...heehee
  • Sonya

    Hi! I am doing great! How are you? Hope you have a good day! Stay safe and keep in touch:)
  • Stephanie

    Thanks! I'm loving it!
  • Barry Homyack

    Hello Bonfire. How are you doing today. I am off today using another va. day. Really doing nothing today. Just relaxing. Have a good day and stay safe out there.
  • brenda caldwell

    thanks for stopping by.

    yes i do have a sense of humor, warped at times but guess that goes with the job,lol
  • christina

    hey thanks for the invite. the answers to your question are 1 & 2 yes they r still there, and the third im not sure. i havent seen the outside world in 11 wks ive been in school. i take my final exams tom. and thursday.
    have a great night and be safe
  • Niki

    Hi. MFD is part time paid for EMS and pay per run for fire. We have one full time postion at the station.
  • christina

    its not collage im 30 yo (too old fo collage) i go to the Sponser Hospital School its a EMT and paramedic school. its in new haven. im doing emt i graduate tomorrow if i pass the written, last night i passed the practicles all 6.
  • sharon

    Hi..thank you for stopping sc for retirement...good choice...the last time i was at bike week i think i was 17, so it's been hope you had fun..stay safe:)
  • brenda caldwell

    stoped by to say hi and hope you are having a good week.

    hey bonfire, just droppin in to say howdy, hope your week has been good. stay safe out there.

    Happy Birthday, Lucky, Lucky man, b-day hugs
  • christina

    well thanks I did i passed with an 85 now in 2 weeks i take the national registery test then right to work. i get to celebrate tomorow at the sipknot and disturbed concert. mybrain need a rest its fried. ttys

  • Samantha

    Hey haven't seen you on hope everythings going good. IM me if you get some time :)
  • Mari York

    Hi Joe,
    I am so sorry for not replying to you much earlier...
    Wow, you lived in Japan for three do you still remember Japanese language? Believe you do!

    I can arrange the tour with Tokyo Fire Department, Osaka Fire Department and more anytime! Do you have a facebook? It is much easier for me to talk...

    Well, let me hear from you again!
    Stay safe out there!!

    Your friend....Mari
  • whitney

    hey haven't talked in a while just letting u know sup n that talk later whitney
  • Barry Homyack

    Hello Bonfire, how are you doing today. Just wanted to say hello. Have a good weekend and stay saye out there.
  • whitney

    hey you i'm good taking water rescue fell out of the boat we been doing things at the station n that i'm just sleepy righnt now so ya well have a good 1 hope 2 talk soon like the last time hey where u by agine i cant rember whitney oh still having the test thing
  • whitney

    hey you i'm good taking water rescue fell out of the boat we been doing things at the station n that i'm just sleepy righnt now so ya well have a good 1 hope 2 talk soon like the last time hey where u by agine i cant rember whitney oh still having the test thing
  • whitney

    wow i'm just sitting n relaxing from the fire we had early in the monring n the party last night 3:30 going done station
  • whitney

    wow i'm just sitting n relaxing from the fire we had early in the monring n the party last night 3:30 going done station
  • whitney

    hey sup hoe r things going
  • whitney

    hey nice talking n that i'll let u know so we can chat whit
  • Kelly

    Same here
  • whitney

    hey there how are u doing?
  • regina brooks

    uh oh, I deleted my comment on here. Sorry, I'll repeat....when are we going for a motorcycle ride? Just stopping in to say hey doll.