Dave, NB 9

, Male

North Boston, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North Boston, NY
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Lake View Vol Fire Co.
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  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Dave, they are great photos and looks like you had a lot of fun with the two girls.. LOL

    Oh yeah, great shirt that you have on too.. :o)
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    I did and just about fell off the couch laughing and it doesn't surprise me one bit that Kenzi was bidding on it. LOL

    So I am hoping everything went well with the event and it looked like you had a lot to auction off.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey, I am glad that everything went well with the benefit. It just proves that we in the fire service are all one great big family no matter where we are...
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    good morning yourself Sunshine... :)
    Saw the pics on myspace of the benefit, tremendous job from all of you.
    nice pic with the "Jim Beam Girls" ....did you get to keep them? rofl.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    I saw your post on Kim's page.....Backdraft Brown Ale? How can I score some of that?
  • Beth

    Thank you! You are the only one who noticed on here :)
  • The God and Goddess

  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey it was a discussion to have fun with and Joe made the suggestion last night for Kenz to make it a discussion. I am surprised that it took off the way it did.. LOL
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hi Ho to you too. I see you had as much fun with the jammies discussion as the rest of us.. LOL Hope you are having a good day. :o)
  • Dave, NB 9

    If you all could do me a favor and help vote for my daughters photo's on this link.


    She's trying for College money.
    Thanks for your suport!
  • Dave, NB 9

    If you all could do me a favor and help vote for my daughters photo's on this link.


    She's trying for College money.
    Thanks for your suport!
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Yo babe. :)

    Those are a brand new line of spanner wrenches called "The Rabbit"
  • Amanda

    thanks for the birthday wish i had an amazing one thanks to your wishes!
  • Dave, NB 9

    Don't forget to help my daughter out, by voting for her 5 photo's on the following link.. Thanks Friends!

  • Dave, NB 9


    all 5 photo's are her's .... please vote :)
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    You sir are just bad!!!! :o) She did really well any way and I have to say I was very proud of her for that accomplishment. It was very tough... It was also a great weekend...
  • Kevin Jewett

    drove past the new hall today looking good and looks like there making good progress.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hey sweetcakes...
    Can you email me the names of the attendees to my regular email?
    Muchas Gracias.....
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hi poopsie...
    For your edification, it's "Si" but a valiant effort nonetheless.
    Thanks for your help in promoting Jim B. for FF of the Year....he won!!!! You were a big part of that-
  • Robert Nichols

    Hello Dave Stoping by to say hello and Hope that you are haveing a great day.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey Dave. Just put some new pics up from my training week. Gotta add some more but there are a couple there. It was a blast...
  • Engine 32 Capt.

    Thanks for the B-Day wish Dave. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but we've been cleaning up and without power from a wind storm we got from Hurricane Ike. All is good now though - back to normal (whatever that is).

    Thanks again, and stay safe. Also - as I metioned to Tiger before, if there is anything else we can do to help, let us know.
  • Andy

    I havent been on here in awhile but i figures since im bored in class i might as well check it haha.

    i think after my FF1 class ends, i might try to make it down here a few mondays a month for drills and meetings. im not sure but we'll see how it goes.
  • Andy

    yeah thats what i figured i would do.
    might as well unless the weather is bad.

    we'll see how it goes.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey, just wanted to stop by and say hi. Been going nuts with work and all the fire department stuff coming up with fire prevention week coming up and all. Also getting ready for this great FASNY class that we are having Saturday. :o)
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    You lose Wink -

    Actually it's the phrase sewn on the back of the "Tiger" shirt that McK gave me to weasle her way out of her internship.

    Wait til you see it. It's a hoot.

    Maybe I'll have to model it and post a photo here.
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Cha, cha, cha, cha - Now remember kids: If you're going to set your hair on fire ---- don't run around the room. It just fans the flames...
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Ok, now I am confused, you have music on your page. I down load music from Lime wire and then I download it to my page. Hope that helps.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    good afternoon Chief.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    hey Dave, how is your day? I hope it isn't raining there cause it is raining here...
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Morning, know the feeling. It is going to get really busy here too with appointments for the girls and me, then there is all the fire prevention stuff going on starting Wednesday morning. And then of course there is the dinner with Mel and then the following weekend the FASNY seminar that I get to go back up for. Those two weekends will be fun. Sorry to hear about your dad and hope that he is doing well. Good luck with getting the yard ready for the you know what.. LOL
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Daaaaavee??? Got that list of names for the class yet??
    Nag, nag, nag, nag........
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Did you ever notice that you've never seen Fire Marshal Bill and I in the same room together at the same time?

    Coincidence? I think not....
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey Dave, I have been very busy writing about my training week that I went to last month. You should check them out in the discussion section on the main page. I wrote 4 of them: School Bus Rescue, Light Weight Construction, Firefighter Survival and Courage to be Safe. I have been on the roll Joe says. That is what happens when I get sent to training.... :o)
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    I wish.

    That's a sweet ride.
  • LadyChaplain

    Fire Marshall Bill Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey Dave, I know the feeling. I have been very busy myself. Kitty was showing me the emoticons that I haven 't seen before. LOL. Ok, I will talk to you later, gotta get the girls off to school and go do Fire Prevention at 3 more schools today. Drill tomorrow and then off to ALbany for the night. Be Safe....
  • LadyChaplain

    okay, no joke. i had to re-read that three times to get it lol....

    yeah, we have to do that more... even without mel. although we always get some good laughs at her expense haha.
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Sooooo, let's say you walk into a restaurant wearing a shirt with a very large tiger on it and everyone's staring at you.

    While she's not looking, you start the waitress's apron on fire so as to distract the other patrons... is that a good idea kids?
  • Michael Whitby

    Thanks! I do feel great and proud to have done what we did and are going to continue to do!
  • LEO AFD389NY

  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Nice rig Blownut.

    Hey, that looks a lot like Fire Marshal Bill's car....

    Now let me tell ya somethin'

    PS - Howzabout some updated pix of the construction project. I know you got more firehouse than that. Bring it.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey Dave, I see you, Mel, Kenzi and Tiger had a good time when Mel was there. we had a great drill on Saturday and I got to do mask confidence as one of the rotations. I almost made it all the way through till the last obstacle. I ran out of air and then I got stuck. I went back to that spot and finished. The next rotation I got to be IC for my guys, I did what I needed to do and then I helped the IC of the department we were called to help. It was interesting and I guess I did a good job. The IC seemed impressed I guess. Like I said it was a pretty good drill with 4 other companies. The drill was about rescuing our own.
  • LEO AFD389NY

  • LadyChaplain

    I'm out too... better ask Crotchy or Melba.
  • Kevin Jewett

    hey i just got an email from you idk if i was suppost to get it or not and let me no if you need anything
  • Robin

    That would be great. What an action shot!! I keep looking here, but I don't know what I did with it.
  • Kevin Jewett

    its ok.....i was just confused for a min
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey Dave, to bad you couldn't come down for Tiger's seminar in Albany. Maybe next time....