
33, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Junior Firefighter/Explorer
Years in Fire/EMS:
4 Years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Parks Twp. VFD
Years With Department/Agency
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To Help People as Much As I could

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  • shawn

    aw i miss you to you ok?
  • shawn

    hey why arent there any pics of me on here huh
  • PVFDFirefighter

    a few calls here and there so far this week been dry Delete Comment
  • shawn

    i dont have any pics of you to download lol on my email i just know you had one of me then took it off lol
  • shawn

    i dont know what you are talking about there is pics of you on mine
  • shawn

    what im not a cheater those were on there the whole time lol
  • shawn

    i didnt steal all your music just the ones i liked
  • Firefighter Steve.

    hey thanks for the add. have a good day.

    Be Safe - Stay Low,
  • shawn

    you know you didnt have to put that damn pic of me on thanks lol
  • shawn

    the crazy unicorn one lol
  • shawn

    go to chat
  • shawn

    hey when you want to say something back just type it on your page
  • Bull

    what are you doing???
  • Bull

  • Bull

    I did it for you!!!
  • Jerry Moore

    just wont to say hi and have a good week end
  • Chan Rivera

    thank u for the add
  • Chan Rivera

    hi bre thank u for the add
  • Josh DeFlorian

    hey there bre hows it goin??
  • Josh DeFlorian

    oh its going pumped cuz i am cutting up cars tomarrow for training/class
  • Billy Jones

    thanks for the talk hope we talk agin and with doc to laters god blees all fire fighter
  • Jerry Moore

    have any one told you that you have beautiful eyes
  • Chan Rivera

    hi bre whats up be good and be safe
  • shawn

    hey you missed some awesome rock band play last night brad and i were playin it was fun
  • shawn

    hey i didnt know you were online sorry i wasnt rubbing it in just tellin you we had fun thats all when you reply just reply in your message box so i dont have to go back to my page
  • Bre

    Its ok...I forgive you...
  • shawn

    i hope so i need all the forgivness that i can get
  • shawn

    i think i am just gonna stay on your page and turn my computer up for the music lol its too good. hey did you see that comment about your eyes sweet huh. and you are so not confident i will never understand lol
  • nick276ff43

    Hello...Hope all Is safe
  • Firefighter Steve.

    hey though i would drop by and see how have u been doing hope all is well.. how was your weekend. well talk to you later...

    Be Safe - Stay Low.
  • Firefighter Steve.

    my weekend was ok. had to help my bro move. and then just hanged with him and friends for the weekend.
  • shawn

    whats up babe
  • Chan Rivera

    hi bre see u are on line want to say hello be safe "Chan"
  • Brad Duncan

    Bre hello how was your day
  • shawn

    not much just chekin on ya thats all may have another rock band night not sure though
  • Josh DeFlorian

    hey bre how is everything going?
  • Josh DeFlorian

    its going good been doing trainings and crusin out on the new motorcycle
  • Brittany Thomas Sparks

    Hey my names Britt add me if you like stay safe and god bless
  • Firefighter Steve.

    hey thought i would drop by and see how things have been going. hope all is well..

    Be Safe - Stay Low,
  • Firefighter Steve.

    i have been doing good geting ready to get done with school and all that fun stuff i'm going to my emt soon. but other then that nothing really new...
  • Chan Rivera

    hello see u on line be safe "Chan"
  • Jerry Moore

    hi how are you doing i just want to say hi hope to talk to you later
  • Jerry Moore

    how are you i have to work this week end take care hope to talk to you later ok
  • Jerry Moore

    hi how have you been doing i am ok i have not heard from you in a good time i hope ever thing is ok i hope to here from you take care talk to you later
  • shawn

    miss ya
  • shawn

    which song was it that made you miss me more? i hope to see you at practice on tuesday
  • shawn

    it is a sad song do you work thursday also if so you should take off and come to the battle lol
  • shawn

    ever come on here anymore lol
  • Jerry Moore

    hi how are you doing i have not heard from you in a good time write me
  • Donald Haase

    Hi there how are u doing ..whats new