

Boston, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North Boston, New York
Years With Department/Agency
3.5 years
Dept. Web Site:
Day Job:
College Student
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
When I was a kid it was always a dream of mine to become a firefighter. I initially just wanted to because it was cool. But as I grew and became an adult, I have realized that I genuinely want to help people and become a part of something great. Sure its neat having a pager and being able to hear what is happening in the area, but whats even better is being able to respond and do something great for my community.

I have completed firefighter one, and various other training. I loved it and i am going to continue training and learning as much as i can.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The rush that I get responding and not knowing what i am about to face.

Comment Wall:

  • Gene Wieckowski

  • Matt

    hey. im assuming that you are the individual who will be or is the newest member, so welcome! ill have to be formally introduced to you next momday or maybe on a call this weekend. glad to see your intrested in this and look foward to workin with ya!
  • Dave, NB 9

    Andy, as your Assistant Chief - Welcome ! I am very happy to have you as our newest member of our Dept. All our guys and gals are here to help you. Main thing to remember, work as a team, stay safe and ask questions if you are unsure. This is a great Family.
  • Paul Hendrych

    Welcome to The Brotherhood. Live Life Large and Enjoy, but be Safe!
  • Jim aka Bick

  • Drew Marts

    hey kid, who are you calling kid. you are following my footsteps. if you need help at all on firefighting tips. i got mine from the great leader. Robert E. Newell. RIP ,, i was taught well and you should be too. good luck out there and remember "Omnus Cedo Domnus"..

  • Dave, NB 9

    We need to change your photo, to one with your turn out gear.
  • Christina

    hey there! how are you? found your profile from my buddy matts. i work with him... unfortunately. lol not really, i like him. just wanted to say welcome and hello to another member of the family and brother/sister fire company. my names christina. been doin this a while so if you have any questions let me know. see you around some day
  • Christina

    smile in your pictures... it doesn't hurt! lol. i promise
  • Dave, NB 9

    Are ya ready to learn...................yeeee haaaaa. I'll be with ya on Tuesday night.
  • Tom Ricotta

    Hey Rookie, welcome to the Nation.
  • Dave, NB 9

    Ya, it is... we can car pool if you'd like.... Its an awesome place
  • Dave, NB 9

    you still have the white rims... did he even notice?
  • Dave, NB 9

    Andy .. Hey ! As far as your Mondays go...Try for the drill Mondays if any.. That will help you and the points for when you come back home for the Summer.