RN in the ER!

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Job Function
Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
My Training:
Well, i don't have ems training, per se...but i'm an RN, in the county ER, i of course, am acls, and tncc, which means i'm trauma certified.
About Me:
I have mainly worked in the ER my whole career, for the last 4 years I have worked at Parkland ER, which is Dallas' county hospital, so we see EVERYTHING...it's also the main burn center in this area of the US, AND it's the third busiest in the ER. I have delivered several babies, I've been hit, scratched, spit on...I've had a knife pulled on me, I've have had to have police escort, because the police couldn't locate someone who wanted to kill me...I've held family member's hands, as we watched thieir loved one slip away, i've told a daughter her mother was dead, and held her until family arrived. I've jumped on a stretcher, and done compressions on a dying man until we could get him to the OR, and i've chased a naked prostitute down the hall. I've been called bitch, princess, two-bit whore...I've had patients cry and tell me that I made them feel like they mattered...cuz they sure as hell don't matter while they're sleeping under that bridge..i've had people tell me they hope i get raped and murdered, because I wouldn't give them morphine. So with all that...i LOVE my county ER, I have tried to leave Parkland Hospital, but i will always come back. The nurses, the firemen, the doctors and police...AND the patients are my family.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have always wanted to be a nurse, and i like to be very busy in my job, so the ER seemed perfect. I love the excitement of getting back a CPR, and the satisfaction of saving lives, and meeting new people every day. I also wanted to add that i have been rescued by firemen a couple of times in my life, so I think that is what led me to the ER. I think ER nurses and firemen have a special bond, when we get a firemen in the ER, the whole atmosphere changes, there is nothing we would not do to save one of ours, and I know if one of the DFD ran on me if I were in trouble, I know I would be OK. Not just Dallas Fire, though, since i work in the county ER, i see lots of different agencies, I just see Dallas more often.

Comment Wall:

  • FirefighterA33 (aka) Rich

    Welcome to firefighternation and good luck with the ER
  • Brad Carlson

    welcome to the site.sounds like a cool job..
  • danny w furr

    Hey there RN in the ER. Love to be your frist friend here.Welcome to FFN. I love nurse to.Be safe out there and take care of yourself.Danny
  • Terry Lambert

    Welcome to ffn, be safe out there
  • S.C., Captain, iceman

    welcome to FFN stay safe
  • tim lilly

    hello from ohio, welcome to the ffn
  • scott kauhn

    welcome to ffn stay safe
  • Joel Swanson

    Welcome to FFN, RN in the ER!
    Your looking pretty at home on that big red engine! It can become addictive, so you better watch out....
    Take Care!
  • Arthur T. Kline

    Welcome to the Nation!! RN's ROCK!!
  • Crockett

    What a bio!!! Welcome to the FFNation. Stay strong & be safe :)
  • james

    hey thks 4 the add
  • iceman

    Hey there,
    Great Bio, Great picture too?
    It's great to see people look at all the abuse they get called and still want to make a difference, helping sometimes total strangers.
    I guess the adrenline rush helps us too LOL?

    But always be safe , have a great night.


    PS Would like to add you as a friend
  • jeff

    thanx 4 the add
  • Joel Swanson

    See most women want a pony you want a fire engine.....I know you do... lol
    Take Care & Have fun!
  • Joel Swanson

    Cool, I drive a Jeep Cherokee Sport, however I'm going to get rid of it soon to get a Jeep Wrangler, so I can go off roading in the event we have an off road emergency.
  • Wayne Mitchell

  • Ken Johnson

  • TANK

    Thanks for The Add!!!
  • Wayne Mitchell

  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be careful and be safe out here in this world

    Lt.Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • S.C., Captain, iceman

    Hope you have a merry Christmas.

    MySpace Comments - Hot and Hottie
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  • Kevin C.T.V.F.C

  • Eddie

  • Captain Hays

    How is life in Dallas, TX all is good here in College Place, WA. Have a safe and happy holiday season.
  • Donald L. Long

    use to live outside big d
  • robin

    you are sexy
  • Tom Eades

    I have one thing to say for someone willing to work in such a zoo; YOU ROCK!
  • Paul

    Hey bunni, Thats some history you have, maybe you should write a book. We have a couple of things in common, we both love what we do and I also have chased a naked prostitute down a hall, but probably not for the same reason, JK. Stay safe and I hope to hear back from you.