
56, Male

Scarborough, Maine

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Portland Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
I love taking advantage of the FREE government training....Anniston, Soccorro, Elko, Las Vegas....if there is more let me know!! I love to get away.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's in the blood. My Grandfather started it. My Father, Brothers and Uncles were or are firefighters.

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  • Lisa

    Thanks for the comment. So, you've visited Canada? Where did you go??
  • Lisa

    That's funny! Yeah,Im about an hour west of there. It's a cool place.
  • Lisa

    Hi Jeff. Im doing better, thanks. How are you? Been very busy??
  • Lisa

    Lol...well thanks for the offer. I'll keep it in mind.
  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff, how are you? I just wanted to thank you for the nice photo comment. It was sweet of you. Hope you're having a great start to the week-end.
  • Monica

    LOL...... oh so a comedian as well ah? red sox? c'mon babe I'm a Yankee. I know ur just messing with me...
  • Monica

    ok so you woudn hold it against me, so your saying what hon?
  • Monica

    Ok you wont regret it. Lol

  • Lisa

    Hi Jeff, thanks for the message. Yeah, sorry about that, I've been sick the last few days, so I havent been on much. Everything is going pretty well, thanks. So, how are you doing??
  • Lisa

    Aww...thanks Jeff, it's nice to be back. I love it here, it's so cool. I especially like to come here when Im feeling down, it helps to cheer me up sometimes. Sorry, Im not a sports, eh? lol. Well, I hope you're having a nice evening so far.
  • Monica

    Lol...... I'm doing ok, how's my Yankee fan doing today?
  • Lisa

  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff,
    Yup, it's going good...Im relaxing and being lazy and just playing around online for now, lol. Im still taking a bunch of cold medicine and trying to get better for Monday.
  • Lisa

  • Sara

    Thanks for the ADD! Stay safe way up there in MA!
  • Lisa

  • Lisa

    Hi Jeff, My week is going really good thanks. How is your's?
  • Jeff

    Going good so far. Took the kids to the beach yesterday for a while...working today. Off for the next two days and back to work on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend!
  • Lisa

    It was good, was yours? We have a holiday on Tuesday.....Canada Day!!
  • Lisa

    Did you get my reply back to the im? I dont think it's working very well.
  • Lisa

    So, did you get that one?
  • Lisa

    Really? sucks....what's the point of using it??
  • Lisa

    No...4 different people have tried to talk to me and it didnt work with anyone!! It's not you Jeff, lol!!
  • Lisa

    Do you have Yahoo, Jeff?
  • Lisa

    Aawww too bad. I have my space im but I dont think you have a my space do you? Well, I hope it gets fixed really soon, it would be cool to chat with seem nice.
  • Lisa

    Ok have a great week too! Thanks. Hope to talk with you again soon...bye!
  • Monica

    Hey Jeff, I had a great weekend hope you did too. I was finally able to go to the beach, had a great time.
    Keep in touch.
  • Lisa
  • Lisa

  • Christy

    I am doing great! I leave for NY on Saturday for a 10 day vacation with the kids. I can't wait!! How are you?
  • Roxann

    Thanks I like your pic as well
    If you would like email me at
  • Lisa

    Hey there Jeff! How are you doing today??
  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff!! Enjoying your vacation so far? Im on holidays next week, I need the stress break, lol. So your doing a little overtime
  • Lisa

    Yeah, we've only had a few little storms here but it is very hot and humid again. No, Im not going anywhere for my week off. My hubby will still be working.
  • Monica

    Hi Jeff,
    Just stopping by to say hi, hope all is well..................
  • Lisa

  • Christy

    The vacation was great! Kids had a wonderful time with the exception of my nephews ambulance ride to the ER...I told him no diving in the pool! With 6 boys in the family we tend to get used to the injuries. Already starting to plan next years road trip :) Hope all is well with you
  • Christy

    My nephew is fine...thanks for asking. I sent him more as a precaution. We were actually in the Buffalo area. Went to Niagara Falls
  • Lisa

  • Lisa

  • Lisa

    How you been, Jeff??
  • Lisa

    Actually's a bit boring. And Im just not feeling well today. How are you doing today....busy day??
  • Jeff

    Hope you start feeling better soon. I'm doing to the beach in a couple hours to let the kids run and play!
  • Lisa

  • Lisa

  • Lisa

    Hey Jeff...nice to see you again too, it's been a little while.
  • Cathi

    OF course:) How's yours going??
  • Jennica Stout

    LOL! Yes, we should certainly keep our distance:-)
  • FireCat

  • Jennica Stout

    Oh funny...makes me wonder..."Hi nice to meet you!, wait...where the hell did those kids come from??" lol....sorry, for some reason it's all striking me as hilarious:-)