
42, Female

fort myers

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Lehigh Acres Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site: and for sweet pics
Web Site:
My Training:
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

  • charles

    welcome to ffn
  • Jim aka Bick

  • Coach

    Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. In addition to the relatively cool videos and fire scene photos, there are numerous groups, discussions and chat available.

    If you have never had the opportunity, take a minute to explore and the secret list. This is a wonderful web site to explore and learn from the mistakes of others. It is also, sadly, a roll call of those whom have made the ultimate sacrifice, in their service to their communities.

    We have all joined the Public Safety Community for a variety of our personal reasons. Some of us are paid, while others volunteer. Many are firefighters, while others enjoy the EMS side of the house. We have active firefighters, line officers, chiefs, administrative officers, and a number of old timers who have seen most of the mistakes already made at least once. We have firefighters with many many years of experience, and others that, well, don’t. All are welcome here in The Nation. We welcome your input, just as we hope that you learn from the experiences of others.

    Personally, I have 31 years service to the local fire department. I have held most line officer positions, and some administrative as well. Now part of the Old Guard so to speak, I am less inclined to go charging into where others are trying to escape. Instead, I choose to monitor the fire scene closely, attempting to ensure the safety of all on the fire scene.

    I welcome you to the FFN. Here we all share one common goal.....

    Everyone Goes Home
  • Jared

    what is up ???
  • Shaun Hansen

    hey hows it going. Just wanted to tell you welcome and hope you stay safe.
  • Estevan Sandoval

    Hola Sarah just stumbled across your page and I must say thats a nice dog u got there hope your not to busy one of these days to say hi stay safe out there in the swamp haha
  • Lakota Warrior

    How are you?
  • Crockett

    What's up neighbor~
  • Crockett

    Yes, looking forward to visiting for playtime =]
    B121 is getting the linkage repaired right now, but'll be 10-8 in no time. We don't like to take B122 out of district, since last time I had to use a sock (yes, a sock) as a replacement fuel filter~ and this was months BEFORE Amendment 1 passed!! Budget cuts ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
    Did you work the fire off of Jaguar the other day?? Close to my old house...
  • AL

  • AL

    WOW! What a crazy crash!
  • Paul Dudan

    i must say... the best i've ever seen someone look in bunker pants. stay safe and stay hot!
  • Brian

    Hey Sarah, Just stoped in to say Hi, Say hey to the guys did some Aerial ops training for your dept last year. JFRD allows the units to go second out for 1 hour to do on duty physical training. May help the ff to get motivated and limits excusses. Stay safe let me know if you need anything.
  • Jon

    Hi Sarah, Dropped by to wish you Greetings from England and what great pic's on your page. Well done and hope the incentive project goes well. Take care and stay safe.
  • Jeff Borra

    just wanted to say hi
  • FD 46

    that pic of you hanging off the truck well WOW

    Hi Sarah, thanks for the add, be safe
  • Hurricane71998

    Hi Sarah
    I read your blog about you being tasked to develope a fitness program. I am a probie up here in Orange County Fire Rescue and our department is real big on fitness and wellness. It is a good program to keep us in shape for our annual physical and the physical abilities test. They really push cardio, strength training and diet. We have to do on our own. At my station we are too busy to do any organized PT while on shift. If you want specifics, I can refer you to our department's wellness program. If you are interested, I can look up their number.
  • catfish

    welcome to your new home
  • Chan Rivera

    thank you for the add you be safe "Chan"
  • AFD

    Hi Sarah
    your best bet My Sister is this .......... Just do it :)
    wish i could be there with you
    We could have some fun :)
    Yahooooo !
    always Anthony :)
  • Rich Miller

    Thanks for writing back Sarah, I would love one! If it is possible email me @ and I will email back with my address(I would also send something back in return). We are trying to keep fit in our department. The Fire Company purchases members a gym membership
    annually and some of us run. Just did the Buffalo Fit for Fire on Friday(I'm not fast but I always finish). I did a 15k last year and want to do a 1/2 marathon someday soon. Would like to change up some weightlifting also. Thanks again!!
  • Donald Canterbury

    Just wanted to say hello and say that the pics are nice. Stay safe out there.
  • Donald Canterbury

    Thanks for the add. Stay safe out there.
  • Frank R. Jones

    Hi Sarah,
    Don't forget the eating portion of the program. If you can get that started first you will be ahead of the game. Let me know how it turns out. I may be able to use some of your programs to help my crews.
    Frank Jones
  • Jim

    Hi from NC. Great pics. Just sent you a request Be safe. Jim
  • Hurricane71998

    Thanks for the add. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods down south. Awesome pictures of you and your brothers at work! I wish you success in putting together your fitness program for your department.

  • turk182

    welcome to the nation stay safe.
  • Chan Rivera

    hello sarah want to say hi to you be safe "Chan"
  • Donald Canterbury

    How are things going? How was your weekend? Mine was busy. Stay safe and talk to you later.
  • Lakota Warrior

    How are you?
  • Kevin Straub

    Hey Sarah
    I was reading your blog on fitness and i would like to pick your brain on some sop/sog at your dept reguarding fitness. And Have you ever heard of I have been doing cf for about 4 months and slowly getting the guys into it. Last month I went to the crossfit games in CA and judged the compatitions. I have been placed in to a position to start writing sop/sog towards fitness . please help and thank you in advance.
  • Donald Canterbury

    Hey, not much. Just checking messages before I go to bed. I'll leave you a message . Please check your message b0x.
  • Rich Miller

    No problem Sarah, good to hear from you! Your putting up some great firematic photo's on your site!! You keep safe yourself!!!
  • Lakota Warrior

    Structure fires not so much lol. MVA`s and medical calls always. How about you?
  • Jason Patrick

    Hey sarah..I am a firefighter in the uk looking to make new friends in the USA...I am visiting florida in 3 weeks and would like to no if there are any fire stations i could e-mail and MSn add is please let me know...saty safe
  • Chel

    Sarah. Great Pics! Curious how your fitness training is going with your department?
  • Chel

    Thanks. I would appreciate it. You have a great weekend too. TTYS
  • joe c robert's jr

    what is the web site to get that calendar thanks firemanjo
  • Irons38

    thanks for the add sarah. hope you have a great weekend. stay safe
  • Rich Miller

    Sarah... I have been looking in my mailbox for 30 days, but who's counting, thats okay because I will be looking until the 31st of December and then I will be looking for 2009 also!!! Your awesome, what do I have to do to lose my spare tire and get bigger guns! No doubt I have to eat less because I think that is my weakness(food). Your in a great state now, I have been visiting Florida since I was a kid and you could just send kid's alone on a jet, when the world was safer. My Grandparents lived in Pompano and now my parents live south of Ocala. I would live down there now, if it was not for my wife wanting to stay close to her family. I really believe there is a fountain of youth in Florida as I watch the older folks and they are much more active than here in Buffalo, NY. Keep Safe, Rich