, Male

River City, Maryland

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
River Ctiy Hook, Hose & Hurst
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
FFI,EMT-B,Engine Company, Truck Company, Rescue Tech, Rescue Tech Confined Space, HasMat Ops., NIMS, Responce To Terrorism
About Me:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I like helping people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping People
Top Issues Facing Responders:
TRAINING, And Respect

Comment Wall:

  • Leigha

    Not much really, alot of stupid calls and ems, a few fires, but nothing exciting
  • Marie

    haha, i like being busy whilst on duty so i'd love to be runnin my butt off all shift :)
  • Marie

    nice........ i hate it when w only get like 2-3 calls in 24hrs (im the biggest white cloud ever)
  • Marie

    yeah slow days are notttt ok!!!! awesome i'll totally check out that video......... do ya know if MSP still allows fly alongs? i try to fly with as many helos as possible as often as possible cuz watching the operations definitely makes it easier to do yourself in the future :)
  • Chuck

    Hey thanks for the request. Does John Hart still ride with yall in Chestertown?
  • Markus K

    thx for adding me.
    i hope you have a great day
    stay safe!!
  • Marie

    i looked at it, what that one is for is to request them to do a mission like going to an elementary school etc.... im trying to find how you set up a fly-along as an observer with them.... thanks though! im sure if I web surf enough i can find it

  • Crystal

    Hey were all doing good. We just had a big one last night. We had a 4 alarm fire last night. We were fighting it for about 5 hours. They called a evacuation. We lost 3 stores in a strip mall. We only had one firefighter get hurt he broke his hand. You gotta love them big fires! So how are you guys doing? Have you all seen any big ones?
  • Marie

    hello, knees doing great so far, thanks! .... everythings ahead of schedule :)
  • Marie

    will do :)... I havent flown with them yet..... just flown with agencies in va and dc
  • Marie

    niiice :)
  • Select Truck and Equipment

    we currently don't but feel free to call me for any warning equipment.
  • Bobbiesue

    Just stoppin by to say hi! Stay safe out there
  • Bobbiesue

    No good calls lately..Just a minor mva and a few brush fires. How about you?
  • Eddie king

    Thanx for the add on ....What type of pumper is that on your front page ?
  • Eddie king

    Now thats a real pumper there . They just don't make em like that anymore
  • Marie

    hey, knees doing great!!!!!! internal stitches trying to come out insteada dissolve is my only complaint!!! i was in heels and def didnt wear my knee brace either today shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell my doc, but knee held up great! isnt sore or swollen or anythin!

    thanks for checkin in!!!

    long time no hear from you too! how ya been?

  • Eddie king

    We've been pretty busy for the past 6weeks or so..Had 4 first due working structure fire and about 6 mutual aid fires...
  • 99


    Thanks for the add!

    Chat with you soon.

  • Berni

    Thanks for the add! Be safe.
  • Tine Scionnach

    Thanks for the add stay safe
  • Marie

    thanks much :)
  • Rik Helldatshot

    Hi! Eng.Man, How are ya? sorry but yer comment did not compute? say again
  • Lisa

    Hi, thanks 4 the request.
  • Lisa

    Hey!! Hope your having a good week-end so far!!
  • FireCat

    Thanks for the add. Have a wonderful and SAFE weekend!!

    Cat :o)
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hey brother, thanks for the add. Your Rescue is sick. We so need one just like it for both divisions (we have two), one along the coast of the Santa Ynez Mountains and the other on the other side, what we call the valley which is actually a huge area. From our most southern station along the coast to the most northern station takes about 2 hours 45 minutes to drive, or about 15 minutes by helicopter for our medivac aviation program. Here's my fire station:

    Stay low and safe! Mike
  • TaraMarie18

    they got banged up pretty bad... but both are alright..... they say they were surprised they actually lived. it was that bad... the guy driving the other car walked away with pretty much nothing but a scratch or two. as mom got airlifted and dad..... well... he limped away pretty bad. they are fine now though. thanks for the concern. =]
  • TaraMarie18

    well... i was an explorer in the department for about 2 years. then we quit the department cause of some problems there. and i joined a few months back. pretty much not that long. but long enough to kind of know what i am doing with certain things. you know?
  • TaraMarie18

    you'll always have people like that no matter what department you are in. it happens though.