

Mckinney, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
17 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
McKinney Fire Department, McKinney, Texas
Years With Department/Agency
5 Years in January
About Me:
Blah... Blah... Blah, I was going to fill this out like it says but figured that would just start sounding like you're trying to brag. I've been there and done that like just about everybody else here. I'm pretty much just putting my life back together as best I can after having a major motorcycle wreck a little over 6 months ago. Just to sum up... No helmet, (ouch), massive head injury, 4 Basil skull fractures, 5 deep cranial bleeds, I died on the surgery table but surgeon kept working anyway. Survived somehow and was in a coma for the next 2.5 weeks. In hospital about 5 weeks in multiple ICU's. Spent next 4 months in physical therapy and rehab re-learning how to walk with a walker and cane. Kept an eye patch over one eye at a time to deal with double/blurred vision and vertigo. Had a diagnosed moderate short term memory loss but am fighting to overcome that. Am more stubborn, determined and driven now than ever and just won't quit or give up. Just got back on my 24 hour shift with my crew/captain and station. Good to be back home where I belong. Now just having to make myself a better, brand new man.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
http://myspace.com/coffeemedic , myspace.com/fighter_survivor
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because I've always loved medicine and helping people and didn't want to feel completely helpless anymore to bad events that happen in this world.

Comment Wall:

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  • Flaming Hot Lefty

    Hey Hey Utica!!
    Thanks for the add.
    How is NY these days?
  • Justin Corns

    Hey brotha, whats goin on.
  • 99



  • 99

    Oregon is awesome of course!!

    Wouldn't live anywhere else - mostly cuz I hate to move, LOL

    West Virginia is pretty - Vermont, Montana...considering I live in cyberspace - could really live anywhere without sales tax.
  • 99

    OMG - I just read about your accident. Makes my broken arm seem so trivial now. Glad to hear you are on the mend and I hope that your memory loss doesn't include your new buds...;)

  • 99

    Great to hear from you - glad you have such a positive outlook.

    I have these plans to work on - but I will be available to chat soon.

    Take care.
  • SuzyQ

    thanks for the add. :)
  • Kait

    thanks for the add
  • Sara

    Thanks for the ADD! Work hard, play harder....wait sounds like you already do that!
    Stay Safe,
  • cowgirlmedic

    Howdy back at ya.... I'm planning on a good weekend. :) Work until 4 today, took the rest of it off and going to the ducks unlimited banquet to try and win me a gun :) You have a good weekend as well

    thanks fort he add. Love Stay safe and be strong.


    San Diego
  • Vicki

    Thanks! :) Stay safe, Would love to chatt anytime!
  • Kait

    Thanks for the add!
  • Amanda W.

    Stoppin by to say hi,hope all is well in your neck of the woods,lol. :~}
  • Heather Kuzma

    hey whats up hows it going? thanks for being my friend!
  • Vicki

    Maybe we can catch each other on line sometime? :)
  • Ann Marie Leona

    Thanks for the add, nice to meet you. Stay safe!
  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey sweety....thanks for the friend add. Hope your having a good monday (if there is such a thing!). Be safe out there and chat at ya later.
  • Amanda W.

    Happy to hear your doin great.I can't wait for the warm weather either,I hate this cold stuff,I can't stand bein forced to stay indoors,grrrr.Ready to hit the lake,hopefully it'll be nice during spring break,my husband and I have a new place we want to take the kiddos.Lots of hiking trails,fishing and just a great outdoor environment.Stay safe and I'll ttyl,hope your havin a great weekend!! :~}
  • SLIM

  • EuroFirefighter

    Hey David - good to hear from you! The helmets are gr8! I love em! There are varied opinions about the reduced hearing effect. I do not find this an issue at all but some colleagues do (think they need to have a hearing test)! Personally, I have worn three different 'jet' style firefighter helmets but like the French Gallet F1 best (stars wars effect) the kids love it with the visor down!!

    You stay safe brother.
  • susan

  • FireSis

  • Don Morris

    Where is McKinney. I am from Houston originally.
  • David

    McKinney is due straight north of Dallas about 30 minutes give or take due to traffic on I.H. 75. It's a nice town/city to live in and raise some kids but it's kinda crazy how fast we are growing. I think we just hit the title again this year for the fastest growing town/city in America. Go figure since we've always been a kind of country town, small time mentality. Anyway, I hope all is well with you right now.
  • Bunny Coy

    Thanks for requesting to be added to my site. You seem a lot like me, very humble. I came in the fire service over 20 years ago. Now coming out of retirement and ready for new challenges. Back to the uniform. It should be fun. I could never get enough.

  • EuroFirefighter

    David you can see these helmets at http://www.msa-europe.com/index.php?id=478&L=0 but they won't be NFPA compliant (they aren't leather for a start) :-)
  • Justin Payne

    was up man
  • Justin Payne

    hay man i know how you feel. one day it in the teens the next its in the 70's it sucks very bad. hope all is well for you. be safe man.
  • Tina

  • Susie


    Quite the story. I'm glad your getting back on your feet. Take care.
  • susan

  • Meghan

    Not much is really going on here.
  • Coretta

    and you have a safe, fun- awesome week as well!
  • Tina

    Belated Birthday Wish
  • Donna aka McGuyver

    Good to hear you are doing good after the wreck. I have seen motorcyle crashes often in my area and sometimes they end up fatal. Hang in there.
  • susan

    good to hear from you, hope everything is good with you. the weekend was crazy, we held our FFA sale this weekend, and at the golf course(my full time paying job) everyone was out to play because the weather was beautiful. not much going on on the box, i am so glad you are ok after your wreck, most of the motor cycle wrecks i go on are not happy endings. Please wear your helmet next time!!!! hope to hear from you soon!!!
  • Susie

    Happy belated birthday. I'm glad you could enjoy another one!
  • susan

  • robert rivera

    thanks for the add.& be safe
  • 99

  • cowgirlmedic

  • Paul McGinnis

    Thanks for the add good to see some one from McKinney
  • Cliff (a.k.a.Chiefiredog)

    Hello there my Friend..I hope this message finds you and yours doing well. It has been a busy time here with work and family life as well. Summer time here is right around the corner and I am looking forward to doing the things that this time of year here in the south allows...like laying under an air conditioner when it is 108 degrees outside...lol..well other things too. Stay safe and keep in touch...Later!! Cliff (a.k.a. Chiefiredog)
  • Tina

  • 99

    Hey sweetheart! Great to hear from you and that things are going well.

    I live in the twilight zone...but that is a good thing so far...LOL
  • Tina

    Hi David, good to hear from you, I know it's been awhile. I've been working crazy shifts at work so that's why I haven't been on in awhile. Your looking for some good weather? Well, we've been having beautiful weather here in Florida. If I could I would send some your way, I don't mind sharing :0) How's everything else going for you?
  • Heather Kuzma

    hey hows mit going and hows everything?
  • Lori Wagner

  • Chel

    Just wanted to say HI...stay safe...sounds like you already have a guardian angel to help you with that...