Terry Lambert

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
8 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Rapidan VFD, Rapidan VA
Years With Department/Agency
6 months
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
Firefighter I and II, DPO, Haz Mat Ops, EVOC II and III, Rope I
About Me:
I started with DCVFD in June of 2000 as an EMT. I switched to the fire side in Nov 2005. I have been a Sergeant and a Lieutenant. With Dale City, I have run numerous calls, both fire and EMS. With Rapidan VFD, I have run very few calls. Big differance between the two. But I enjoy both departments.
Day Job:
Suppression Technician
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to do something in the community, and I enjoy helping others.

Comment Wall:

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  • Yvette

    Thanks Terry.
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be safe and be careful
    wish you a wonderful christmas and a happy new year

    Lt. Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • Crystal Foster

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
  • Andrea M. Walters

    Thanks for the welcome! Be safe out there and have a Merry Christmas!
  • Deborah

    Thank you sir and My family extends a Very Merry Christmas and a Properous New Year to you and yours! Be safe.
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    And you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a great 2008.
  • Firegal77

  • CJ

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you!

    stay low. stay safe.
  • Captain Hays

    How is Terry doing??? Hope all is great and you and your family is having a safe and happy holiday season. Take care brother.
  • Meris

    Thanks for the comment! Have a great new year; stay safe!
  • Trish

    Thank you. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too!
  • Angelique

    CommentYou.com is your One Stop Shop
    Get More at COMMENTYOU.comI just had to leave her for you "Sam"
  • Shelby

    Thanks..Hope u had a great Chritsmas..And A Happy New Year
  • turk182

    terry sorry i did not get back sooner but I hope your christmas went well and hope you have a happy and safe new year
  • Amanda Rea

  • Rachael

    hey there,
    Thanks! You as well be safe...an Happy New Year!
  • Lorri

    Hey there, great to meet you, and glad to have you as a friend....
  • Marie

    thanks for the warm welcome!

    your right around the corner-ish (like an hour) from where i'm at :)
  • Marie

    heh.... now my question is, is there ANYTHING to do in culpeper? cuz I sure haven't found it yet, and i'll probably be moving out there towards the end of the year since the cost of living is SO much better than in fairfax
  • Marie

    I definetely like the idea of living somewhere where theres the possibility that there are more trees than people... unlike here where the sight of a tree, or land is an amazing thing! I just need to find things to keep maself occupied
  • Marie

    awesome, I'll definitely have to look into volunteerin if I wind up out that way (right now I volunteer in dunn loring which is about as far from culpeper as it gets!)
  • Donna

    Thanks for the "Welcome". Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Donna

    Hi Terry, Thanks for joining my list of friends. Hope to hear from you soon. Donna
  • Erin Davis

    gidday Terry, thanks for your friendly welcome. This site is amazing. What a way to meet people doing the same line of work. We have just finished our prescribed burns program and now are in our peak fire season. And things are pretty hot here at the moment.Take it easy and i hope i here from you again, Erin from oz
  • Marie

    nice, what all ya doin up this way?

  • Jessica

    Thanks Terry, be safe out there.
  • Marie

    ewwwwwwww, good luck with that one.... its an oh so lovely nursin home
  • Jessika

    thank you, you also
  • Marie

    please say your sarcastic lol
  • Marie

    haha just checkin.... i was like man, if he thinks thats a good nursin home how craptastic are the ones he's usedta seeing
  • Tasha Vaught

    Hey thanks. Just got on the volunteer department here so totally new to all this.
  • Firegal77

    Hey terry...see you already met Marie...she was wanting to carpool with us to MI in June...let me know what I should tell her, or you can reply directly to her..:)
  • Marie

    hey, im doin pretty darn good! sore as hell after workin out for like 3 hrs today but good!

    howre you doing?
  • Marie

    yuck! .... i hate whenever we run all night.... thus is life though huh?
  • Amber

    Hi!!! I'm doing pretty good!!! Just trying to keep warm with this WONDERFUL weather!!! LOL Hope you have a Fun & Safe Weekend!!!
  • Marie

    nice, thats not bad.... i dont mind if we either sleep OR run all night, but those times when you get like an hour break tween each call absolutely suck
  • Marie

    nice, where PW sta 13 at? ....... mid february i'll start up my internships again so i'll be in PWCO a lot on medic units where the OIC (yall call em AIT's apparently) is a emt-p not emt-i since i'm in the p program now
  • Marie

    oh ok cool
  • Amber

    I'm not a big fan of the snow myself... I prefer Hot over Cold ANY day!!!
  • Amber

    LOL... Ya... It is quite beautiful when the sun glistens off the snow. But now... the sun needs to MELT IT!!!!!!! LOL ^^
  • Erica

    thanks for the welcome!
  • Marie

    pretty good.... have to go get stuff for one of my friends surprise party thats tonight cuz his dad just called everyone like 2 days ago
  • Amber

    I'm doing good!!! How are YOU doing??? :) Just poppin in to say hi!!!
  • turk182

    I hope all is well with you and wanted to say stay safe.
  • Roxxygirl

    Hi and thanks!

    Hope you're having a good weekend!
  • Reagan

    THanks for the comment!! You be safe also!!
  • Robyn

    Thanks for the warm welcome. be safe also!!
  • Meghan

    thanks you too
  • Chris Turnbough

    Hey Terry, what have ya been up to?
  • Firegal77

    Thinking of you! Hope all is well!