
39, Female

Fredonia NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Lily Dale East Ave
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I've been around it all my life just something I know I was born to do.

Comment Wall:

  • Bryan McCann

    I am great how are you
  • blazeman73

    was up im new at this sight and want to be your freind

  • john preston

    Hola welcome to FireFighter Nation
  • jbeanfirefighter

    just wanted to say hey and stay safe.

  • Joe Totero

    Thanks for the add! Hope ya have a great weekend!

    Stay safe!
  • Firefighter ABaxter

    Thanks for the add
  • KClark903

    Thanks for the add how are things up in ny going
  • Steph

    Hi there! You sound like a very cool person! I'm trying to meet other girls that are into firefighting...none of my friends understand why I love it!
    Just wanted to say hey!
  • Steph

    Yeah, I agree with you. I've been a firefighter for about 4 years now and this past Sunday was the first time my mom has seen my fire department and my gear and everything. She said she wasn't ready to see it until then!
    There are hardly any girls around here that are firefighters so its nice to finally meet some!
    Take care and you stay safe also!
  • FF32

    hey thanks how it going
  • Steph

    I think she might...I'm not really sure, but it was nice for her to see the things I use and experience when we get calls. It was sort of this part of my life that she knew nothing about. I would tell her about calls and things, but she was pretty close-minded to it. It actually seems like we might be getting somewhere now!
    Nice talking to you!
  • FF32

  • jbeanfirefighter

    just wanted to say hey. have a good and safe weekend.
  • j selke

    hello Ali, whats up? have a good night! hope to talk to you soon.....joe
  • robert hawkins

  • Steph

    Hey...if you're on right now, could you send me a message back...I really need to talk to someone
  • Steph

    hey...its ok. i was just having a hard time. my fiancee works a lot and he hasn't been on a fire call in a while. one of my friends sent me this video about 9/11 that mad me cry, i had him watch it and he started crying, and 2 minutes later, he gets a fire call for a commercial structure fire. I didnt want him to go but he did anyway and I just had a bad feeling something was going to happen to him. I was having a nervous breakdown! It was bad but I'm ok now!
    I'll email you email address is Feel free to write me there if you want!
    Thanks and have a good day as well!
  • FirefighterAli

    DCFD Sgt. Michael LaCore remains in critical condition after he and three other firefighters were injured in that row house fire Monday. Sgt. Michael LaCore, 37, underwent surgery yesterday morning and was scheduled to stay in the Burn Intensive Care Unit at Washington Hospital Center for an indefinite period of time. He suffered burns on 50 percent of his body and remains in a medically induced coma. Three other Firefighters: Charlie Shyab, 30, Kenneth Humphries, 23, and Douglas Donnelly, 27 are listed in good condition, and FF Humphries and FF Donnelly were released from the hospital yesterday. All four of the Firefighters were from Engine Co. 4.

    DC Fire Officials said the blaze began about 1520 hours after rags soaked in linseed oil spontaneously combusted and caused a container of propane gas to explode. The fire spread to the home's rear porch and then jumped to porches behind houses on either side of it.
  • Chris Burks

    I'm doing fine and yourself?
    How's the weather out in N.Y.?
  • Chris Burks

    getting ready to leave for Canada today, going to do some live burn training for work. I hope it's not to cold there, but i'm ready if it is.

    well have a great rest of the weekend and be safe.
  • anne

    hey I found your web page. Happy turkey day tomorrow
  • Chris Burks

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
    Be Safe Out There!!!
  • j selke

    hope you had a good turkey day stay safe joe
  • Mike

    Thank you and Merry Christmas
  • Captain Hays

    Hay what's up girl, hope you and your family are having a safe and happy holiday season. Stay safe out there....
  • scott davidson

    have a safe and happy new year
  • Joel Swanson

    Welcome to FFN, Ali !
    Thanks for the ADD & Take Care Out There...
  • Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

    Just saying Hello and be safe out there FF for life
  • Bill Major

    Hey thanks for adding me. If you ever need anything, just ask! stay safe
  • Dennis

    welcome to family hope all is well with you be safe and enjoy st pats day ill be marching in NYC this year again if i can find the GREEN line lol
  • shawn

    thanks for the friend request nice tat
  • Shawn

    Nice tattoo
  • Dennis

    great tat and page Ali be safe babe
  • Brad Carlson

    Cool tat that had to hurt..Owww...The capt.
  • Josh kibbe

    yah thats kool. Get at me anytime. stay safe.
  • Josh kibbe

    Yes almost everyone they are on our first alarm mutual aid. we work very closely with them.
  • Don Sims

    Love the ink work. Stay safe.
  • Chuck Morrison

    Great seeing you on here. The tattoo is wonderful. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I hope to talk to you again soon.
  • mike

    hi from wisconsin, love the tat
  • joe

    nice tattoo i have one that is almost the same on my arm i changed a few things on it
  • Chan Rivera

    welcome to ffn. from ny
  • Chuck Morrison

    Thanks for the add. We will be at the harrisburg Fire Show next weekend. If you are going, let me know and I'll let you know where we are gonna be.
  • Chuck Carman

    Sweet tattoo! My daughter wants to get one, too. She wants a butterfly. As always, be safe and watch out for your partner, Chuck
  • Paul Montpetit

    welcome to the family...Nice tat but you better get some antibiotic on it looks inflammed a bit.....8) again welcome to the family.....Paul
  • Paul Montpetit

    Just a comment from a friend...Mine looked the same way for a bit and took care of itself....Like the art work by the way...Paul
  • Anthony

    hey i added you ...have a great night
  • Chan Rivera

    hello FF Ali want to say hi to u see u are on line be safe "Chan"