Joe Campbell aka Cutty


Marion, North Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Ashford-North Cove NC
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Federal Fire Brigade( US Navy )
North Cove(NC) Urban Interface
My Training:
FFII FFII FOI FOII First Responder SAR Swimmer Diver Swift Water Rescue Driver/Engineer Wildland Firefighter, Extrication Specialist, aircraft firefighter ICS 100, 300, 700, 800, and all the others that go along with it Haz/Mat Terrorism operations ( chief cook and Bottle washer)
About Me:
I first entered the fire service while in the military and became a full fledge firefighter in the winter of 1989. I truly enjoy seeing the people walking around now because of my department and me.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I believe it is my duty to protect life and property I also have to keep telling myself this earth is on loan to us from our children it was not willed to us from our forefathers
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The Brotherhood
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Low pay,lack of funding
the world is becoming more dangerous and the training we receive is not enough when we fill we have a hold on things something else comes along

Comment Wall:

  • Joe Campbell aka Cutty

    These are my girls can ya'll guess which ones are not my daughter?
  • Sheryl

    what an amazingly beautiful little girl that you have there. I know that your proud...stay safe!!
  • O'Kitty

    I date myself with the song don't I? ;-) Thanks for the add.
  • Moose

    Hey Joe, thanks for the add! Looking forward to discussing firefighting with you.
    Beautiful girl! How old is she? I have a 15 month old girl named Isabella.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you both!
  • Breeanna

    Your daughter is a cutie! I have a nine year old daughter.Have a happy turkey day!
  • Courtney Risser

    thanks for the welcome hope all is well up your way the weather has been awsome here until today its cold hahaha be safe when the wheels turn
  • Moose

    Hey Brother. Hope you and Madisen had a great Thanksgiving! Hope all is well.
  • Sheryl

  • Crockett

    Yes Sir; those brush suits are quite yella- love the top & bottom front zipper. Makes it easy to self-extinguish the flames :) How you like it up there in the Carlolinas?? Must not be too bad- looks like you grew up there.
  • brad

    yeah man this is pretty kool man thanks for tellin me bout it
  • Jeff VE6EFR

    Hi, Cutty.

    Thanks for the add. Getting cold and snowy up here. Telling us we are going to be getting quite a bit of snow by nightfall. Guess it's going to be a day full of medical runs.

    Take care,

  • Todd

    Hello Cutty,
    thanks for the add, i have been in southern vermont for 28 years, getting pretty boring if you ask me lol Stay safe
  • Anita

    Hey joe,
    Thanks for the invite. Adorable picture!!
  • Kevin C.T.V.F.C

    Hi Joe thanks for the request!
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    Thanks for adding me as a friend.
    I enjoy reading your stuff.
  • Andrew

    Hey thanks man you too.
  • Sheryl - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes
  • Kevin C.T.V.F.C

  • Jeff

    Thanks for the safe out there.
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be safe and be careful

    Lt. Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • Andrew Lowry

    Merry Christmas Cutty
  • Marc Allen

    Thanks for the add. Happy holidays.
  • JOHN

    You too! Have a very Merry Christmas, and an awsome New Year's
  • Dwayne Womble

    Amen brother on the 10 ways to kill a volunteer dept
  • Deborah

    thx for the accept :) Merry Christmas to you and yours and have a Prosperous New Year sir !
  • Dwayne Womble

    Have great New Year
  • Todd

    Have a Happy and safe New Year!!
  • Breeanna

    Have a Happy New Year Stay Safe!
  • Barry Sigmon

    welcome to FFN my NC brother.
  • KC Huff

    Thanks for the invite Cutty! I like your (bio) philosophy!
  • Huw Jones

    Thanks for the invitation
    Stay safe my friend
  • Bob Kinne


    Thank you for the invitation. Like the part about the earth being on loan. Anything that man builds will only stay here as long as the earth lets it remain.

  • Vic

    Hey Joe, Thanks for the add. Your now a friend. Stay safe out there!!!!!!!!!
  • SMOKEnPipesJim

    hey joe thanks dude..
  • Aaron Robbins

    alright....... well see SSOT
  • Justin Payne

    just wanted to say hello from the south.
  • Justin Payne

    hey man i made a group name ff from the south
  • matt " MO" knott

    stay safe Bro. joe
    Bro. knott Northwestern Lodge #105
  • Chuck Hitt

    Hey there bro. I am in Ripley #16 here in West By God Virginia. Stay safe.
  • Todd

    hey hows it going down there? just wanted to stop in and say hey! Stafe safe

    A Chester boy!