Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

66, Male

Amarillo Texas

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Randall County Fire Dept
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
My Training:
Firefighter/ Paramedic , EMS and Fire training
officer with RCFD
Senior Field Paramedic and Field Training Officer
with Hospital - Based EMS
About Me:
I started riding tailboards in 1975 with a county
based fire dept. I became a Paid EMT-P with AMS
in Oct 1986 and joined RCFD in 1990 and have served continuously. As of November 15th 2010, I will be a Full time Training Officer employed by Randall County Fire Dept and be prn at AMS
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I initially wanted to go into law enforcement, but a neighbor who was a police officer talked me into looking at either the fire service or EMS and the television show Emergency helped play a significant role in shaping my future
Top Issues Facing Responders:
1. Safety on and off the Fireground
3. Driver training
4 Public education
5. Funding for rural fire/ems systems

Comment Wall:

  • Justin Hill

    Thanks for the request. Stay safe.
  • lloyd

    Thanx 4 the invite brother. Hope 2 c some pix of you on here. Stay safe man
  • SLIM

  • James

    I am moving to Amarillo. I am interested in doing volunteer firefighting and am really interested in ems training does Amarillo FD offer EMT-P training? any information would be helpful
  • Paula Bradley

    Thanks for adding me Bill, take care.
  • David Ebel

    Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
    Greetings from Bakersfield, CA! Stay Safe!!!
  • Brandy

    Thank you for the welcome and the add.
  • BHFire

    Thanks for add Bro..
  • Dale Lucius

    Thanks for the comment. What department are you with? Have you heard of anyone with a Paramedic certification who went inactive, having any problems getting there patch back from the state, or am I the only fool trying?
  • dawn

    Thanks, Bill you too!
  • MissMedic

    Thanks for the welcome. Seems to be a very friendly place her. I'm sure I will enjoy myself. Be safe
  • Marie

    i passed!!!!!!! :) :) thanks for the well wishes!!!!

    man that test had some crappy questions though!
  • Sandra (Ga's Finest)

    you plan on heading down here to south Ga anytime soon?
  • Randy & Rita Snipes

    Thanks!! Glad to be here!
  • danger_chick

    Thank you for the welcome. It's great to be here :)