


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hope Valley Wyoming Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Firefighter 1 and 2 certified Pro Board
RIT training
First Responder (just below EMT-B)
Emergency Vehicle Operations
Vehicle Rescue Technician
SCBA Instructor
Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshal (NFPA Inspector for fire code compliance)
Haz Mat Operations,
Haz Mat Technician,
ICS 100, 200 700, 800(NIMS)
Wildland operations 1 and 2
Jouvenile firesetters awareness
Evidence collection (haz mat)
Advanced Forestry operations,
Pump Operations,
Propane emergency Trained x 3(with live burn)
Tanker Shuttle operations
VFIS Highway Safety Program
VFIS drivers training Program
and many more I have taken
About Me:
Been on the job (yes even volunteer its my job, and my life) since 1993, loving every minute of it. I have rescued 2 people from burning houses, and more animals than I care to remember. (mental note, iguana's have a whip for a tail, and ferrets bite when freaked out) I am the go to guy when things need to get done, and My only reward is knowing I am making my community a safer place to be for all the residents and visitors who grace us with their presence.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I am a fourth generation firefighter. Growing up around the firehouse gave me the desire to become like my family had, a member of the brotherhood.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Knowing that I am part of the firefighter family, and ensuring the life safety and property preservation of any and all whom live or visit the town. Firefighters that crave recognition are in the wrong business
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The top issue for the fire service is the declining support for the fire departments as a whole since 9-11. 9-11 brought on an immense if not overwhelming amount of support for all fire companies nationwide. It exposed America to the real job, and the reality that at any given moment we can be gone as firefighters. We are taken advantage of by cities, towns and the citizens. Always the first for budget cuts, and we make due each time. I think they need to create a grant that would provide money to fire departments with true need, for lack of budget funding, or community support. This grant should be easy to apply for and should limit ALL paid departments whom get funded through big tax dollars. Too often with funds match grants the smaller departments get left behind because they cant match the grant requirements but a city with millions of dollars can afford to throw money to match.
Firefighter Safety is something else which is growing more lax. There are many great officers and firefighters who are great at spreading the word safety, and not just spreading the word, but practicing what they preach as well. We have way too many damn injuries and deaths a year that are completely avoidable due to safety issues. Even basic things like not wearing a seatbelt will kill enough firefighters a year to show that there isn't enough being done to make ourselves safer

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  • LadyChaplain

    That wasn't my executive decision lol
  • LadyChaplain

    I got a kick out of your iguana save... a year or two before I joined my department they were at a m/a company's structure fire. They were responsible for checking the basement. What they found there was the reptile building at the zoo lol. Our one ff was so freaked out that he made him and his partner back out lol.
  • LadyChaplain

    Hey, ya never know what might happen a few years down the road... I'm thinking I might be applying to Roger Williams so I may end up living in your neck of the woods for a few years lol.
  • LadyChaplain

    Well, as my friend has said "Law school is a numbers game"... I plan on applying to at least 6 schools... hopefully one will be desperate enough to accept me.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    MUCH better...thanks :)

    Sean is a sick fook...and you can tell him I said so.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Dear Dog Whisperer.....

    That's just wrong. Funny as hell, but wrong.....
  • LadyChaplain

    Boy am I glad I didn't invest in those Toronto tickets!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LadyChaplain

    Well I'm not going to throw in the towel JUST yet... there's still 150some games left.
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Thanks Mikey,
    I'm feeling a lot better, I sweated out the worst of it today...and the rest of it during drill. I'll have a new FNG post in a day or two.
  • LadyChaplain

    BE NICE!
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    spam, spam, spam, spam,spam, spam, spam, spam, Hi Mike, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, getting annoyed yet?,spam, spam, spam, spam, spam.....
  • Mary Ellen Shea

  • Deputy Chief Kevin D. Quinn

    Mike: You are published in the FASNY April 2008 edition. Page 18 Mary Ellen gives a tribute to your Seat Belt Pledge on FF Nation. You are granted credit, nice job. Chief Quinn
  • LadyChaplain

    Hey you!
    How's it goin'?
    How about them Sox!?
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    For you? Almost anything.
    I need your mailing address and I'll send you a copy of the FASNY mag with a reference to you in it.
  • Deputy Chief Kevin D. Quinn

    Mike: I gave my copy of the NY magazine to Erin, she will get it to you. Chief Quinn
  • Deputy Chief Kevin D. Quinn

    Mike I gave my edition to Erin to give to you. C-5
  • mike wright

    Hey bro havent heard from you in a while so I was just checking in to say hello. I figured you have been working alot of hours. Everyone is good here ang has started reconstruction so busy with her still laid off this makes two months worth. But catch you later and be safe bro.
  • Devil Witch

    ok i just wanted to add you so i could send you a private message about something i saw in one of your discussions you started up..I feel it a little better to ask in a private message then in a comment
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    no, no....
    There are no whoopins....Tiger and I had a love fest on his return.....and I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn if you're interested.
  • LadyChaplain

    I <3 them.

    Mommy and Daddy have finally caved on the puppy issue... so before I know it, I'll have a little Dachshund named SOX running around the house :-)!
  • LadyChaplain

    Yeah, we're on the prowl for a private breeder. We got our old Yorkie from a private breeder down on the Indian Res and he was AMAZING.... now we're looking for a full size Dachshund, plenty of minis around, but no full size :-( Hopefully soon!
  • Devil Witch

    Stoppin in to say hi while i make my rounds of reading the discussions. Also your little ones are cuties.hope your having a good day. Stay safe
  • Joe Stoltz

    Mike, that's BBQ sauce that I'm rolling on the chicken. It's a secret version of the Cornell sauce recipe that we make up 5 galloons at a time.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    That is great. LMAO
  • Joe Stoltz

    Mike, a paint roller is the only way to do large quantities of chicken. We have a custom built cooker with 6 racks; each rack holds 25 halves and you flip them with one hand. Mmm-mmm good!
  • Deputy Chief Kevin D. Quinn

    MiKe: What is the bill # on the Kerry/Brown Legislation? Chief Quinn
  • Deputy Chief Kevin D. Quinn

    I found the bill, it is to require Homeland Security to develop and implement a survey of all departments to check on compliance with Standards. The bill has no clout, but it is a start.
    Thanks, C-5 Delete Comment
  • FireCat


    Please feel free to give me any advice you feel that is needed. I read all of the forums, discussions, and comments that are educational and inspirational to learn as much as I can. I have found a group of individuals who use this site as an educational tool for others. I would like to add you to that group. Thanks!

    Please be SAFE!
    Cat :-)
  • FireCat

    Thanks for the advice!

    Cat :-)
  • LadyChaplain

    Highly amusing... yet it would be hard to stick all those pieces of paper to my sunglasses.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Well, I have Ted proof everything that I write, he is the grammer guru in this house. It will be tough now because we don't want to duplicate writings. It actually was alot of fun and I have some other ideas.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Yeah, he just was telling me about some of my spelling errors in my message to you.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey Mike, I don't know if you are into country or not but I just put a song on my playlist you might like. It is the Rodney Adkins song. Ted got a kick out of it when we heard it at his concert. He doesn't hunt and doesn't like guns but having two girls, he is thinking of barrowing one from a friend when the girls are at that dating age. It is cute and would just work so nicelt I think.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Yeah, but it is a great song and he isn't bad either (hee, hee).

  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Yeah, Yeah, it's a girl thing. Just like you guys with I don't know , let's say Bay Watch...
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Wow, I guy that says yuck to baywatch. I am impressed.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Ok, I have LMAO enough tonight. It is time for bed, three birthday parties. One yesterday and one of them today were for my 5 year old and the third was a party for my 7 year olds friend. It just sucked the energy right out of me. Cherish those beauties that you have and stay safe. Have a good night..:o)
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Thanks for your comment on my TNT blog Mike, seriously and sincerely.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    That is great and hopefully people will step up to the plate. Mel is a great inspiration. Her heart is so big and she is my hero for sure.

    Ted and I did our part now lets see if others do the same.
  • Engine 32 Capt.

    Wasn't clear if you wanted my training post or the blackened helmet post. Here is the training post. Saty safe Brother.

  • LadyChaplain


    Yes, I'm still alive. Busy with finals and whatnot in full swing.... but I'm still here and still snarking :-)
  • LadyChaplain

    Thanks :-) I'm trying to keep my responses up this year as well. Right now I sit at #2, but #3 is nipping at my heels. I'm sure the summer will change that line up a few times, but any way I look at it. I'd have to fall off the face of the earth for me to fall out of the Top 5.

    Just got home from Rescue Tech basic... my fingers hurt SO much. OMGGGGGGGG.
  • Engine 32 Capt.

    Thanks for the comments on the training. I'll re-post it in the main forum.

    Take care.
  • daniel smith

    Thanks for the info! That video shocked the hell out of me! It is incredible how fast that fire developed! I am saddened that simple measures could have prevented that tragedy. I remember seeing the nfpa or u/l video that showed the fire and how sprinklers would have stopped it.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    ROFLMAO, you are one sick puppy. It is still funny. Ted left a reply on Mel's page.
  • LadyChaplain

    Oh yeah, she's gonna have it in for all of us tonight. There's a group of snarkie people going out to dinner later... she'll probably try to tie me down and stick red meat in my face for all the abuse.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    OK Mike, Ted has been busy on Mel's page. You gotta check it out.

    He is one sick puppy sometimes...:o)
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Yeah, we will see if she turns it on. She is with Tiger and Sean isn't she?
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    it looks like Dan chickened out. Ted told him it was his turn since he had to go to work..