
42, Male

Grand Rapids, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Grand Rapids Township
Years With Department/Agency
5 years
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
No reason in particular. Just the same old cliches.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The hours and the feeling I get that I actually made a differance today.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Staffing, fitness and the wearing of seatbelts!!!

Comment Wall:

  • Joe Totero

    Hey, how's it going, Brother? Hope all is good. Stay safe & sane!
  • Bulldog16

    Thanks for excepting the invite..Hope all is well and be safe...Hope to hear from u soon...
  • Firefighter Nation WebChief

    Welcome to Firefighter Nation!

    Be sure to check out the groups page to find some that may relate to you, easily post/upload pictures and videos, start discussing topics in the forums, write your own blog and of course, invite all of your friends and fellow responders to Firefighter Nation. You can use the 'invite' tab at the top to send a note to you e-mail contacts, or post a bulletin on your MySpace or Facebook profile.

    Have a great weekend and thanks again for being part of our social network!

    Web Chief
  • Adam Seward

    hell yes he is the man! ive never seen him in concert... probly cuz i dont think he's had a concert in my area in a looong time.
  • Joe Totero

    Doing good here. Had a funeral for the FD chaplin yesterday. He was 90 trs old & was a firefighter for over 57 years. He will be missed. i had the honor of being a pallbearer & honor guard during the church services. It was an emotional day, especially when they played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. But, today I'm doing better. Hope ya having a good day. Stay safe & have fun!
  • Joe Totero

    Thanks, appreciate that.
  • Andrew Moon

    It all depends it could be
  • Jason Black

    No, I guess I was not clear. Paramedics make $23,000 to start and nurses make $40,000 to $44,000 to start. That is a differance of around 20,000. If they have a 4 year degree and get put in critical care they make $50,000.
    Sorry for being unclear.
  • Terry Kimmel

    Hey Brother not sure why I left but it had to do with a shovel and freezinnnnnnnn
    How ever I do miss the seasons except for the white on Peace stay safe
  • Joe Totero

    Busy weekend here. Two fire at the university in the last 48 hours. Both around midnight, First one involved pallets in a building under construction.. The second one was the concession stand at the stadium, fully involved upon arrival. Slept about 8 hours in the last 48. Gonna hit the sack in a few. Talk to ya later!
  • Sam Zachow

    hey where do you live at in michigan? and what lake does your grandma have cottage on
  • Kathy

    I am assistant chief not chief.
  • Kathy

    Well you have to realize that this is a volunteer fire department also. There are only three of us that are senior fire fighters in our department. Me being one of them. So that is why only 5 years. Our past chief resigned because he was getting ready to get booted out. Alot of our firefighters quit or retired. We are in a very small community in the Texas hill country which is growing. Everyone knew the old chief and didnt want any part of him so they quit because of his temprement and personality. Now we have all new firefighters. Everyone is going to a firefighter 1 class in October and Novemer. We are in Medina county and most of our fire depts are volunteer. Its pretty quiet aroud here now since we have had alot of rainfall. Most of our fires are grass fires or controlled burnes out of control. Or we are called to accidents to help out there.
  • Shannon L. Sandridge

    We appreciate all of the response we had. the academy has a 30 man response team that went to that same area. We stayed in Gulfport but worked in the Waveland area. It was like nothing Ive ever seen. Nice to meet you and stay safe out there.

  • Greg Riffle

    ewww not blue unless your talkin the blue and gold of the fighting IRISH but anyways have a good day and remeber

  • Firefighter88

    Well about 20 first responder calls but I'm not qualified as EMT yet so 2 calls I was allowed to respond to was a car wreck and a car fire.When ever I get more training and course options I will be able to respond to any call I have.Right now I'm in the process of 1152 I'm in my 3rd week but Monday will start week 4.1152 is bsic fire class
  • Firefighter88

    I tried to put more on here but they was too big
  • Joe

    hey in didn't relize your from grand rapids. thats my old hometown
  • Chance

    we can have beards but if we do we just can't wear the scotch packs
  • Donnie Johnson

    Hey there, I am glad to met you. Well, I do like the photo of the Meijer truck, thats only because I worked for Meijer in Benton Harbor for 6yrs. so I think it funny. I hope that no one was hert. So you grew up around here or not?
  • chris

    thanks for the comment no i am not with sbfd i am a buff and know a bunch of the guys i am also a photographer
  • David Cobb

    Its possible, i have a kinda wide spead family. I cant think of anyone right off hand but ya never know.
  • Terry Kimmel

    Nopw do you see why i moved lots of snow up there
  • Captain Hays

    How is it going in Michigan? Hope all is great. I got a brother in Grand Rapids Michigan. Take care and be safe out there..
  • William

  • Mike W.

    Park Forest is about 20 miles south of Chicago. The guys in Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows and Elgin think that you will fall off the edge of the earth once you get south of I-80. Park DForest if just south of I-80 and east of I-57. If you travel here from Michigan you would pass close by getting to Chcago.

    Park Forest is known for being the first planned community designed specifically for returning WW II veterans.
  • Mike W.

    Thanks for the ADD

  • lutan1

    Hey Hambone- the best man from my wedding is a MICA Paramedic in Colac. Small world!!!!
  • T.Jae'

    Hey HamBone22. Thanks for the hit. Make that trip and ride with the Steadman Station Crew. Those guys will show you a good time and you'll get some good action there. Be Safe and Blessed.
  • Stelzer III

    Good to see more MI firefighters on here, You get alot of action in G.R. - get quite a few MI fire updates from that area, heard about the fallen building two weeks ago..