Marc Hansen

52, Male

Potter Township PA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
19 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Monaca Number 4, Monaca PA
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Darlington Twp VFD(station18), Rochester Boro VFD(station 20), Chippewa Twp(station 22), Medic Rescue(EMS), Noga Ambulance
My Training:
EMT, Basic Vehicle Rescue, Farm Rescue, Water Rescue(I and II), Trench Rescue(I and II), Structural Collapse(I and II), Health and Safety Officer(NFA), RIT, RICE, Advanced SCBA, Hazmat Ops(proboard), rigging for rescue(basic/advanced)...etc
Day Job:
Truck Driver
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My dad ran with the fire department and you signed up when you were old enough.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
knowing right away whether I made a difference or not
Top Issues Facing Responders:
money, training and finding/keeping good people to help people who are having a really bad day

Comment Wall:

  • dan172

    I didn't think they actually would let you on this site since your in Chippewa:) How's it going Marc?
  • Firefighter Nation WebChief

    Welcome to Firefighter Nation!

    Thanks for joining the web's new social network JUST for firefighters, EMS and first responders.

    In just three months, we're approaching 7,000 members, 20,000 user-submitted photos, almost 1,000 videos, countless new groups forming, over 1,000 forum discussions, new blogs posted hourly, new job postings and connections to all of your fire service news, plus alot more. And this is just the beginning!

    Be sure to update your profile, stylize it, create your own unique identity on the Nation!

    You can help us grow. Invite your friends and co-workers in the emergency services to Just use the 'Invite More' link in the userbox at the top right of the site, e-mail every firefighter you know and tell them about the new site -- or add a bulletin to your Myspace or Facebook profile!

    Check out the Groups tab and join any that are appropriate -- such as your state's group -- or start your own.
    Want to find friends? Quickly find other members who you may know, simply go to the search box at the top right of every page on the site, type in a keyword such as your city name, and among the search results will be highlighted member profiles.

    And remember it is easy to upload Photos to the site in bulk (including mass uploads from Flickr), start your own photo albums, share videos by uploading or pasting embed code from YouTube, Google Video and more. Be sure you check out our Featured Photo Albums showcasing a sampling of apparatus and incident photography submitted by users these first few weeks.

    Plus get the latest fire service news, bloggers and news video from the 'News' tab or the latest firefighting and EMS employment opportunities from the 'Jobs' tab.

    Thanks again, and check the site daily for new pics, videos, members and more! Feel free to post any questions or comments on my profile page at or e-mail

    Web Chief

  • dan172

    Marc yeah you should be able to slip through the cracks, Your wife is always welcome at class, so I will be looking forward to seeing her firt night of module two is 11/18/07.
  • Joe Totero

    Hey, Brother! Thanks for the add. Stay safe!
  • Tony Marchitelli

    wow so your from Rochester & you belong to Darlington now! I Belong to Rochester Twp. & i'm taking a class in Darlington!!

    My names Tony by the way I look forward to talking with you soon!