
Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
5 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
4 months
About Me:
it all started when i was thriteen and i got involed in a program called civil air patrol and all i did was ES i loved it! looking for peolpe and down plans was pretty fun!
Day Job:
constrution woker
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i just always like helping others!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping others

Comment Wall:

  • Amanda 11-33

    Thanks for the add! ;-)

    Stay safe, as always...
  • Ray Evans Jr

    Wacker and you thought I didn't know how to use a computer
  • Ray Evans Jr

    Not bad their a lot more losser than up at CCBC every one has a good time a lot of joking and goofing off as long as it's not a safty issue. All in all it's fun class with a lot of good info, but not so dry that you want to fall asleep
  • dan172

    Hey thanks for the add. If you want to finish off module II I will give you that chance, You will need to show up on either this Tuesday or next Sunday and Take the Module II test. Have you missed any of the module II practicles? If so we can Talk. Get a hold of me. Good Luck.
  • dan172

    You are a module ahead of the conway class. We are just finishing up module II, they have just started module II as of this Weekend. I will check to see when they will start Module III and get back to you. Read message below for information on Module II I would rather help you finish up @ and then let you sit on the sidelines for a few months, until they catch up to you, than loose you out of the class for this module. This would also give you a chance to consentrat on you ems course for those few months.
  • Ray Evans Jr

    Going to the station to run adult day care, O forgive me conduct training
  • Ray Evans Jr

    I like my hydrants and besides I was around that big boro long before they found you
  • Ray Evans Jr

    Yea I'd reather sleep in but, I'll be there
  • Ray Evans Jr

    No funding so no partying tonight
  • dan172

    Ridge what happened to you yesterday?
  • Ray Evans Jr

    I'll be there on sun
  • Ray Evans Jr

    School, I was makin fire
  • J.C.Hogue-RIT23

    Hey whatsup ridge? Hows it going man, i havent seen ya in awhile.
  • J.C.Hogue-RIT23

    Nothing much man, just trying to stay outta trobule haha. but yeah im still going to class as you can see from sunday, it was just a little wet i might say haha alright man well ill talk to ya later be safe...... Delete Comment