Erin Davis

60, Female

Bunbury Western Australia


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Department Environment & Conservation 6 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Department Environment & Conservation Wellington District
Years With Department/Agency
6 years
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
STATE Energy Commission - Broome W.A.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Studying Land & Conservation, love the bush.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
preserving the forest and saving all living creatures from harm.

Comment Wall:

  • Firefighter Nation WebChief


    Happy New Year!

    Welcome to, the Web's social network for firefighters, rescue & EMS -- we just surpassed 10,000 member profiles and thousands of visitors stopping by daily!

    Enjoy customizing your profile, adding photos and videos, joining groups, participating in hot discussion topics and so much more!

    If you need help, just follow the links in the 'Post Your Stuff' and 'FFN Help Desk' boxes on the right hand side of all pages!

    And be sure to invite your friends & firehouse buddies! Just use the Invite tab at the top of the page.

  • Jim aka Bick

  • Dennis

    welcome to the family be safe
  • S.C., Captain, iceman

  • Terry Lambert

    Welcome to ffn Erin. Be safe out there.
  • Joel Swanson

    Welcome to FFN, Erin!
    Have A Super New Year...
    Greeting from Kelley, Iowa, USA!
  • scott kauhn

    welcome to ffn stay safe
  • Kevin King

    Welcome to the FFN,I've got a good friend in Austrailia.
  • Dennis

    come by for a chat some time have a nice chat room in here now cheak it out
  • Joel Swanson

    Thanks for the ADD, Erin!
    Take Care Out There...
  • Randy Macey

    Good Day Eh!

    Just drop by to say hi! Sister is down in Australia, happy as ever. I have set up a couple areas on the website. To brag a little as well as help a little and of course learn a little. Hope you join in!

    Roll Call
    Introduction to your Fire House and what you have and how many calls you see in a year. Good way for others to understand how busy or how not busy you are.

    Close Calls
    Close Calls is an area where we can share the things that went wrong and how we learned by them. Things to share that someone else will not do the same mistake twice.

    Trainers Corner
    Topics, power point, videos, areas that need to be covered. Area where trainers can help trainers from different Fire Depts.

  • Randy Macey

    Well we are in the mist of our winter as I know you are in the summer time right now. My sister lives there and will not come back to Canada to live till we get rid of the snow. Does not like the cold! For me I can't handle your heat, so enjoy our side of the map. Bush fires I'm not a fan of, as our gear is limited from what you will have. Although last year we had our fair share of some nasty bush fires.
    Not a good summer for us that's for sure. Been busy for house fires here for the last little bit. Take care and stay safe....
  • Randy Macey

    Geloruprookie is looking or a promotion, when you get the truck stuck that means you can't drive. So now he wants to sit in the Capt. Seat. Don't put him in the back as that would cause him to be a back seat driver.

    Yes last year in North America we had some bad fires. We had one bad one up north from me. I was there a couple days after it started. It was started by our Gov't Firefighters for a test. As they had people from all over the world. They felt that it was not safe as the bush was to dry. But some manager who is in an office said light it. Well it took off and it took a couple of weeks to put it out.

    Not sure what is worse the waiting around or the part after you have been there for the first 24 hours and running on empty. Even when it's out, there is still a lot of work to be done.

    We have just lost most of our snow, right now as we have had a warm front come in. 2 feet of snow has melted and now we are concerned with the rivers and water run off. Lots of flooding, as well we just get those people that think the ice on the lakes are still safe to go out on. Have had 3 people killed on ice in the past week.

    Had a nasty house fire on Tuesday, everything going against that home with cedar shake room and wood siding and high winds. It was already through the roof when we where paged. No one was hurt that was the main thing.

    The end of last year and this part of this year, out biggest program we are pushing is "Everyone Goes Home".

    Stay safe.....Keep that stick on the ice....

  • susan

    Hey Erin,
    Good to hear from you, Australia is one place i dream about visiting! Might one day,the company my husband works for has a division down there. Your job sounds very rewarding. Hope to here from you soon. Stay safe and alert! Susan
  • Kevin King

    Just stopped by to say Hello, I hope you are well.
  • Tony P

    G'day Erin - thanks for saying hello to the new boy. My single visit to the West doesn't really count - one day only and I wasn't even eight...
  • SufianHassan

    hello erin...step here to say nice to be friend with you
  • Andrew Collins

    Thanks, i tried to join 2 other departments before this and got no where with them, the first one i couldnt do anything cause the girl i was dating at the time wanted someone else and she kicked me out, and the other i had no choice, i tried living with a friend of mine but he was to much of an ass, but hes a vol.fighter. So i moved here got into this one and i'm lovin it!!!
    Thanks for being my friend, stay safe and god bless!!!
  • Erin Davis

    yes no worries
  • lloyd

    This site is giving me troubles tonite, I'll get back to you tomorrow.
  • Mark Montgomery

    HI Erin

    Hope you are staying safe. Not sure how things have been for you guys there in WA but they have been very quite here in New Zealand.

  • reece

    hey erin, sorry been real busy have not had much time to check things out here, and it was nice talking to you, stay safe out there
  • susan

  • susan